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In the blink of an eye he was there. Standing in front of the door to Yoongi's dorm, carefully holding with both hands the food he had spent the past hour preparing, checking behind himself to make sure the plastic-wrapped basket of assorted items hadn't moved from its spot on the ground. He tried to calm his restlessly beating heart but to no avail. Despite Taehyung's encouraging words, Jimin still found himself worrying about all the same things, if Yoongi wouldn't like the food he made, if Yoongi was still suffering and wasn't in the mood to see him right now, if Yoongi wouldn't want to see him at all.

"No, c'mon, Jimin," he whispered to himself, slipping one hand out from under the containers he carried so that he could slap himself. "Give him more credit than that. Don't be a coward. Just knock on the door."

So he did. Drawing in a deep breath to hold, Jimin used his now freed hand to knock three times, firmly, but not too loudly, on the door, then pulled that same hand back to anxiously clutch his sleeve. And he waited. He waited, tapping his foot and biting his lip, hoping with every inch of his being that Yoongi's condition and mood wouldn't be nearly as bad as he was anticipating.

He heard movement from inside the room. Slow, perhaps labored walking that accompanied a heaving sigh.

"Joon, I told you you didn't need to b-"

An instantaneous break was made in this sentence as a door was opened abruptly. And the man who had opened it dragged slow, lazy eyes from the ground all the way up to the eyes of the one who knocked. Neither spoke. For what felt to both like a solid hour, there was nothing but wide-eyed, open-mouthed staring.


Dressed in a plain white t-shirt and black jeans, unkempt black hair sticking up in random places, Yoongi was leaning partially against the door, one shoulder bent back as though to conceal his messily bandaged right arm. Jimin knew about the boy's injury already, of course, and he could tell that Yoongi was trying to hide it from him, which confirmed he had not yet viewed Namjoon's messages in the group chat - well, that along with Yoongi's obvious shock at the sight of Jimin standing in front of him.

"What are you...uh,"

He fumbled over his words just a tad, and though Jimin honestly did try, he failed to conceal the smile which tugged forcefully at his lips. Oh, he's even cuter in person. Of course he is. Why am I not surprised?

"I brought..." The younger glanced at the containers of food in his hands. "...stuff. If you're hungry."


"Oh! Right, sorry. Your question. Namjoon told us about what happened."

Without but the slightest of delays, Yoongi allowed a deep, prolonged sigh of defeat to escape his mouth. "Of course he did," he mumbled, then took a long, sympathetic look at the food Jimin had brought him. "Don't tell me he made you do this."

Jimin hesitated. "He didn't make me, but he did give the idea. Well, I mean I already said I'd cook for you before, but you...told me not to. But Namjoon said he wanted you to eat something good today, and so I figured I'd take the chance and make something anyway. You're not mad, are you? And sorry, I didn't know what you liked to eat so I just made pork and rice, and I didn't give the heads up that I was stopping by so I hope I'm not interrupting anything? Oh! I also brought a gift basket. It's right there, behind me. Can't pick it up right now, don't wanna risk dropping what I'm already holding. Ah, it's not just from me, by the way. Tae helped pick it out and pay for it. He would probably be here, too, but unfortunately he had a class to get to. Sorry, I just realized I'm rambling a lot. Is it alright if I come inside?"

Once again, speechless. Jimin rendered him utterly speechless. So instead of admitting his polite request with words, Yoongi simply leaned his back against the door and gestured for Jimin to enter the dorm. It took a moment for him to get his thoughts back in order. He shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, then opened them again to find the large gift basket Jimin had brought up in his rambling - it had to have been almost two feet tall. It was too much. This was all too much.

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