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They didn't want to start the movie without Jungkook. He had seemed pretty excited about it, and besides, he had been the one to bring the suggestion up in the first place, so to watch it when he wasn't here would being nothing short of rude. So instead, to pass the time until the boy should arrive, Namjoon suggested they play Mario Kart, seeing as Taehyung had brought the game along, and in Namjoon's parents' house was a Nintendo Wii system they could use that was typically only ever pulled out of the cabinet when his little cousins visited.

"Any objections in regards to Mario Kart?"

Hoseok's hand shot up. "I have a strong objection to Rainbow Road."

"Objection overruled. We're doing it anyway. Rock Paper Scissors to see which four people get to play first!"

The outcome was Seokjin, Jimin, Hoseok, and Yugyeom as the four winners - Yoongi would have filled that last spot, but he gave it up as he insisted he would much rather sit back and watch. It was apparently "much more fun that way." And Namjoon would have argued, but he found himself enjoying being the backseat driver to four different people at once and laughed especially hard each time Seokjin would struggle trying to figure out how to stop going the wrong way on the track.

And then there was Taehyung. Anxious little Taehyung who couldn't stop firing glances at the front door and raising his ears in case a quiet knock should greet them. He'd texted Jungkook moments ago, but with no response. He checked the weather report every few seconds to see if the rain had started, since he couldn't hear it over the excitable yelling from inside the house. And tragically, at one point, it did start to rain. And there was a chance of thunder and lightning - not that Tae was afraid of Jungkook getting struck by lightning, of course, but for anyone to be outside in a thunderstorm was an unsettling thing. Especially if that person was a boy you happened to care very much about.

"Tae, you wanna go next?"

He almost didn't notice Jimin holding out a wii remote to him. But he shook his head in response, eyes returning to their sworn duty of watching the door. Jimin could sense the unease in his friend's expression. He sighed deeply.

"He's gonna be alright, Tae. And it hasn't been that long, ya know," he pointed out. "You're looking like it's been hours."

"But what if it ends up being hours??" Taehyung stuck out his bottom lip and crossed his arms. "Someone should have picked him up..."

Seokjin turned around abruptly to look at Tae, then turned again to squint at the nearest window. "Is it raining? Look, if it's raining I'll feel bad about not doing anything. Someone text him and ask him where he is."

Despite still not having received a response on his last message, Taehyung didn't hesitate to whip out his phone and type out another one.


Jungkook where r u??

almost at the door
if this is the right house anyway


Taehyung sprang up from the floor and darted over to the front door, which he then threw open with more force than he needed to. And surely enough, right there on the small staircase in front of him was Jungkook, standing soaking wet in the pouring rain, water dripping from the dark hair that hung over his brows. He wiped his hand across his face and let the droplets be flicked off onto the ground.

"It's a good thing my phone is waterproof. Can I come inside?"

Taehyung seized Jungkook's wrist and pulled him forcefully into the house, slamming the door behind them and proceeding to give the boy a brief yet extremely tight hug.

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