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"Now I can't read lips so I don't know exactly what was said, but something tells me it was golden and Yoongi is going to describe it to me later in full detail whether I ask him to or not."

Namjoon smiled to himself, a broad, satisfied smile as he watched with great satisfaction as a defeated Jaeseong turned away furiously from Yoongi's table and stormed away. It truly was a wonderful sight--even Seokjin thought so, and he didn't even know half the story. But he was curious.

"Not a nice fellow?"

"Not at all." Namjoon stifled a laugh as his eyes lingered on Jaeseong, who had so quickly met up with one of his friends most likely to vent his frustration. "Kim Jaeseong. Attends some prestigious university in Seoul, I'm not bothered to learn the name. He's probably mentioned it to me before, but I've discarded of the memory. I do know he's a music major, though, just like you and Yoongi. Thinks he's all that, I'll tell ya. But the dude's got the personality of doorknob. And he's got this profound dislike for Yoongi, Jin, and sometimes, it's the funniest and most ridiculous thing to witness up close, honestly. It's hard to take him seriously. He's two years younger than Yoongs. Ain't got the smallest hint of respect." He drew in a deep breath, then released it slowly as he shook his head. "Baseless hatred, I'll never understand it..."

"I'll bet he's jealous of Yoongi."

"Oh, without a doubt," Namjoon confirmed with a smile, which Seokjin matched. "Couple years ago, Miss Sunggi had begged him to play the piano at this same party, and he agreed, but under the condition it was a one time thing. And he was absolutely incredible, Jin, but what was even more enjoyable than listening to Yoongi play was seeing the look on Jaeseong's face when he realized Yoongi was better than him at yet another thing. And I swear I'm not a spiteful person, but that guy..." He gave a low whistle. "That guy's asking for it. So was your ex-boyfriend. Except I've never punched Jaeseong in the face, and I probably won't, because the only times I ever see him nowadays are at these parties, and I wouldn't want to cause a scene, ya know?"

"That thought didn't stop you from giving my ex a bruised jaw," Seokjin pointed out, and he had to bite his tongue to keep himself from bursting out with laughter.

"No, no, that was different," Namjoon insisted. "There was pretty much no one around. So no scene to be caused."

"Yoongi saw."

"Yeah, he did, didn't he. But then he ran. Man, I still can't believe he actually ran after that...what a friend..." He lowered his head for a moment to breathe a faint laugh. "Ah, but I love him to death, though."

"Yeah, I know you do. Sometimes I even wonder if you'll ever love me as much as you love Yoongi."

It was only a joke. Seokjin had only meant for it to be a joke, but next thing he knew he was staring directly into the genuinely concerned expression of the man sitting across from him, whose smile had so abruptly disappeared without a trace. And it made Seokjin's stomach churn. He had never seen such a look on Namjoon before, and especially so suddenly like this.

"Jin, do you..."

He saw Namjoon's lip twitch.

"Do you actually think that?"

That solemn tone of voice was enough to make Jin's heart stop, and he swore that it did, for much longer than what was even remotely comfortable.

"Please...please don't tell me you've been comparing yourself to Yoongi all this time. Please."

Seokjin was in a state of utter nonplus. His heart had started up again, but now it was beating too fast, and he just wanted it to slow down so that he could breathe and find the right words to say to put a smile back on Namjoon's face and wipe away the strong presence of worry on his face.

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