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The date was set for a night that wouldn't interfere with anyone's schedules. Surprisingly, it wasn't as difficult as they thought it would be, there being eight of them and all, and the night approached before most of them even realized it.

Hoseok was not at all yet prepared to be watching any sort of movie in the horror genre.

Seokjin was fully prepared to be the best looking one at the gathering.

Yoongi was not at all yet prepared to be spending more time with Jimin due to the memory of his scarcely avoided urge to kiss the boy.

Namjoon was fully prepared to be the best party host ever, if this could be considered a party - it could, right?

Taehyung was fully prepared to demolish everyone in an overly competitive game of Mario Kart and perhaps get closer to a certain someone.

Jimin was somewhere in the middle of the 'prepared' spectrum, thoughts of Yoongi attempting to overtake his excitement for the movie and games.

Yugyeom was fully prepared and extremely excited to be spending time with the person he would not even slightly deny he had fallen head over heels for already.

Jungkook just wanted snacks.

So with all these things in their heads the eight eventually showed up at Namjoon's house, which they would discover would be completely void of people other than themselves, as Namjoon's sister lived on her own, and his parents, who always left their son a key, were away on a trip. For that reason, he had priorly given them permission to crash at his place should they be too lazy to head home that night.

Yoongi had been the first to arrive. He didn't knock at the door. He never did with Namjoon. Not at the boy's dorm, not at his house. He was practically family anyway and what kind of family member knocks on the door at their own house?

"Can I go home now?"

Smirk on his lips, Namjoon reached out and seized his friend by the sleeve of his gray cardigan sweater, dragging him into the house as Yoongi released a long sigh. He really didn't want to be here. But perhaps, if he were to think positively, he could find some way to tolerate it.

"Don't look so thrilled, Yoongs," Namjoon joked. He watched as his friend lowered himself slowly to the couch in the living room, then proceeded to sprawl out across it like a cat selfishly claiming where it would take its nap. And unsurprisingly, the selfish cat was asleep in a matter of seconds.

"I'd wake you up but you probably need sleep anyway," the blond whispered under his breath. "So I'll be kind and let you sleep till everyone's here."

The next to arrive were Jimin and Taehyung. When the door was opened to them, the latter proudly held up his copy of the horror movie he promised to bring as well as an awfully battered Mario Kart case that looked like it could have potentially been chewed on by a couple of five-year-olds, but Namjoon didn't ask any questions. He simply smiled at both boys, wider at Jimin, who noticed and offered a quiet laugh as he quirked a curious brow.

"What's with you?"

"Yoongi's already here," the older replied. He failed to repress the chuckle triggered by the way Jimin's eyes immediately lit up at the mention of the name, and how he leaned to the side to peer into the house, but soon after returned to his initial position and coughed. Not very good at being subtle at all.

"Just...Yoongi?" He cleared his throat - once again, as an act of attempted subtlety that failed in the eyes of the all-too-observant Namjoon.

"Yeah, so far," he answered. "Just me and my sleeping cat. And you guys, now. So, you wanna come in or not?"

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