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Anxiety made a home in their bones the entire drive to Seongnam Hospital - not a long drive, but it felt like one to both Namjoon and Jimin.

Yoongi just had his ways when it came to making people worry about him, without even trying most of the time.

Fortunately it wasn't too late for visitors; had it been, neither of the boys would have known what to do. Namjoon, despite his anxious heart, had a bit more rationality in him at the moment, so he was the one to approach the reception desk and ask about Yoongi, the location of his room, if he were allowed visitors now, etc. And the woman at the desk tersely told Namjoon he'd have to wait while she checked.

Jimin didn't like that answer at all. But even he, deep down, knew that there was no helping it, and that he'd have to settle himself down before going into Yoongi's hospital room anyway. He grabbed Namjoon's sleeve.

"He's okay, Jimin, relax."

After a few endless minutes of mental pacing and aggressive foot-tapping, the receptionist finally spoke up.

"He's allowed visitors," she said, to their utmost relief. "However, I'll ask you, and I'm sure Mr. Min would appreciate it as well, that you keep your voices down. High volumes could trigger his migraine. His room number is 202, second floor. I'll let them know you're heading up."

"Thank you so much, I appreciate it," Namjoon blurted breathlessly. "Thank you, thank you. C'mon, Jimin."

"Migraine, migraine, migraine-"

"Jimin, calm down, migraines are common-"

"So are-"

"Stop. Let's just go."

Still holding tightly to Namjoon's sleeve, Jimin hurriedly followed behind his friend down the bustling, semi-noisy hallways till they reached a staircase, which they then climbed and promptly stopped the nearest nurse they could find.

"Excuse me," Namjoon forced a smile, "could you tell me where Room 202 is?"

"202?" The nurse looked over his shoulder for a moment. "Yeah, just continue walking down this hall, the room numbers descend from here so it should be towards the end."

Namjoon thanked the man profusely but quickly, before resuming his fast-paced yet careful walk towards the room. When he arrived at the correct door he stopped - and so, of course, did Jimin.

"Can we just go in?"

"I mean, the woman did say she'd let them know we'd be heading up here." He paused. "I think it's alright."

That being said, Namjoon placed his hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it, swallowing a lump in his throat before opening it even slower.

Jimin gripped his sleeve tighter.

Once they had both entered the room, they saw him - Yoongi, with his bandaged head resting on several soft-looking pillows, cheeks marked with a few visible bruises and scratches. His complexion held almost no color. And now, neither did Namjoon's nor Jimin's.

They both almost leapt forward at the sight of Yoongi gradually opening his eyes, then tilting his head oh so slightly so that he could see them. And he winced. Harshly. And swore under his breath.

At this point Namjoon and Jimin were both as close to the bed as they could be. With only one chair in the room, the older offered it to the younger, but Jimin was already kneeling in front of the bed, taking Yoongi's hand, and pouring out bitter, bitter tears.

Yoongi could hear the heartache, the pent-up worry being released in Jimin's unrestrained whimpering. He mustered up enough strength to gently squeeze the boy's hand. Jimin just squeezed his hand harder.

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