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He was reluctant to do so, and even insisted upon not doing so, and yet nevertheless on the morning of April 5th Yoongi found himself waiting at the airport for his brother's flight to arrive. Fortunately for him, it didn't take too long. Just twenty minutes of idly sitting around, texting Namjoon who apologized sincerely for not being able to join him, as he had a class he couldn't afford to miss out on. The same went for Jimin. But Yoongi didn't mind, and he had already promised to Jimin he would introduce him to his brother, so that could still happen, it would just have to happen later. For now, it was just Yoongi.

He slid his phone into his pants pocket soon after Namjoon had texted that his class was starting. Jimin's had started about fifteen minutes ago, and there was nothing else he really wanted to do at the moment. The plan was scheduled to arrive soon, anyway. And Yoongi was glad it did. He didn't care much for airports.

At the sight of his baby-faced brother dragging behind him a navy blue suitcase half his size, Yoongi slowly rose to his feet his raised his chin in the air, hoping Jihoon would see him so he wouldn't have to push through any crowds or call out to get his brother's attention. To Yoongi's dismay, Jihoon appeared even from a distance to be horribly lost, craning his neck this way and that as he furiously scanned every face in search of his older brother. In defeat, Yoongi started to make his way towards Jihoon. And the closer he got, the faster his steps became, and with just seconds having passed, the two brothers were joined in a brief but tender hug. Well, Yoongi had meant for it to be brief but Jihoon wouldn't let go until the moment Yoongi purposely stepped on his foot.

"I knew it," the younger announced with pride. He beamed. "You did miss me, didn't you?"

"In no reality." Yoongi rolled his eyes, shoving his hands into his pocket. He made a quick glance at his brother and offered a subtle smile. "Your skin's paler than it was when you left. Been too busy to go outdoors?"

"Mm. A little. But it wasn't so bad." Jihoon perked. "I met some Korean exchange students over there. Made me feel less out of place, ya know?"

Yoongi wouldn't admit it to Jihoon, but hearing that was comforting. He gave a slight nod and allowed his gaze to fall on the suitcase at his brother's side, along with the carry-on bags slung over the boy's shoulders. Without a word Yoongi reached out to take the carry-on bags, which Jihoon had no choice but to surrender to him.

"C'mon," - Yoongi tugged at Jihoon's arm just to get him to start moving - "this place is noisy. My boyfriend's class ends in like half an hour, so we're gonna find some restaurant and wait for him there, capisce?"

Jihoon's jaw hit the floor and he stopped in the middle of his tracks just to dramatically exclaim, "Your what?!"

-to which in response, Yoongi promptly smacked his brother upside the head.

"Not a word. Sushi or something Korean?"


"I asked you a question."

"...you told me not to say anything."

Yoongi scarcely resisted the urge to smack Jihoon a second time. Drawing in a deep breath, he exhaled loudly just as the two exited the airport.

"You haven't even been back in South Korea for more than five minutes and I already want you to leave."

"Wh--that's so mean!" Jihoon gave an indignant scoff. "And another thing, what's with you getting a boyfriend?!"

"Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of me leaving your sorry butt behind to get home by yourself."

"No! You can't!" The younger tugged at the sleeve of his brother's plaid shirt, which again, tempted the older to whip his hand around to deliver a firm, admonishing smack. Deep down Yoongi knew it wouldn't work anyway. Jihoon was too persistent. "You've gotta tell me! You getting a boyfriend was the last thing I expected upon coming home-"

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