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Seokjin had made a habit of going to that one cafe. There was nothing not to love about it, he told himself. The food was amazing, the atmosphere was incredibly calming, and to top it off a certain English major happened to have shifts here often. It became the place he went most often to study. He'd bring his laptop and books, order a small meal or a coffee and get some work done in a place that was for some reason quite easy to focus in. What sounds were present felt like nothing more than soft background noise. Nothing that could adequately distract him. At times he would, however, stop what he was doing to see if Namjoon were around, but only briefly, and when he caught himself staring he would shake it off and get back to work.

A few days ago his professor had assigned quite a large workload. It had stolen hours of his sleep, plagued his mind with writer's block, and drained more energy from him than he would have liked. Fortunately, Seokjin had managed to get the majority of it done at this point, and perhaps, he thought, the sweet atmosphere of his new favorite cafe would help him to finish it.

"You just can't stay away from me, can you, Jin?"

"Very funny," he laughed at the blond who greeted him once again at the door.

"Your usual spot is empty." Namjoon shifted his gaze over to the empty table located by a window on one side of the cafe. He smiled, then looked at Jin again. "I see you've come here to work again."

"Is it obvious?" Seokjin joked, making a glance at the laptop bag slung over his shoulder and the three textbooks he held against his chest. "Don't worry, I'll order something. I'm not gonna take advantage of your kindness."

A narrow-eyed smile. "If you say so," Namjoon said softly. "It's late so I'm guessing you're not having dinner?"

"No, not today. Just coffee."

"Got it. You can seat yourself if you want. I'll bring over your coffee in just a minute, then."


With that brief exchange, Seokjin took his things over to his usual table and sat down, placing the books on the polished surface in front of him and setting his laptop bag down beside his chair - after, of course, taking out the computer itself. He opened it, cracked his knuckles, stretched his fingers and hovered them over the keys. Moments later and Seokjin was already hard at work, tapping furiously away at his laptop with his eyes trained unwaveringly on the screen. In fact, he was so focused that he didn't when Namjoon had arrived with his coffee.


His first attempt didn't go through. Sighing, Namjoon pulled out a chair and sat down.

"...must be some pretty interesting homework if it makes you ignore your waiter who's treating you to coffee ."

Jin froze. Namjoon was mere inches away from his face, though only for a short time, because the second Seokjin registered it he threw himself back and would have fallen out of his chair had Namjoon not caught him by the wrist in time.

"Forgive me, Jumpy McStartled Pants."

He tried not to laugh, he really did, but Seokjin's genuine shock was too funny, even if for only a few seconds. The reason his laughter was so short-lived was because upon taking a second look, Namjoon noticed the dark circles located beneath Jin's eyes, and the visible lack of energy he couldn't believe he overlooked the second Jin entered the cafe.

"You...don't look the greatest."

"I'm fine, all...all good," Jin insisted, rubbing his eyes as though that would erase the dark spots. Namjoon pursed his lips and released a quiet, sympathetic breath. And for a reason Seokjin couldn't explain this small action of the waiter's made him feel guilty enough to confess. "Lack of sleep. Well, I mean I'm sure that's obvious." He forced a laugh and pointed to his laptop screen. "Been, uh, busy with an assignment. And work. And classes, of course. No time to sleep. Well, I'm, uh, almost done this, though, so that's a plus."

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