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Yoongi got back to his dorm to find it empty again. His roommate wasn't back yet, or perhaps, as he often was, wouldn't be returning for the night at all. Yoongi didn't mind. Especially now, when he could use the extra space and quietness to think.

He didn't even bother changing into sleepwear. The moment he walked through the door, he made his way over to his bed and just lay down, eyes turning to stare at the ceiling. In silence. Seconds passed. Maybe minutes.

"...what am I doing, I have to call Joon."

Yoongi quickly propped himself up and threw out his hand to grab the phone which he had placed on the dresser beside his bed. And he didn't hesitate to dial Namjoon's number.

It rang but once. Then his friend answered.

"So soon?"

"Joon, I did it."

There was a long stretch of silence. Yoongi swore he heard crickets on the other end of the line.

"You finally dyed your hair pink-"

"No, you idiot. I kissed Jimin."

More silence. But it wasn't awkward, because in reality Namjoon had the biggest, softest smile on his face and Yoongi could so clearly hear that in the next words the boy spoke.

"I had a sneaking suspicion." He stifled a laugh. "When you were talking to me on the phone earlier. I could tell you were a bit shaken. Over something."

"Yeah," Yoongi sighed deeply, "a part of me knew I couldn't fool you. You're too quick to catch on to things when it comes to me."

"Well, of course I am," Namjoon stated matter-of-factly, and Yoongi could almost see his friend proudly puffing up his chest as he continued, "there's nothing about you I don't know. Nothing can get by me, Yoongs. You know that."

"Yeah. Yeah, I know."

The words drifted out of his mouth slowly, gently, finding their way to Namjoon's open ears and giving the impression that Yoongi was smiling right now. And he was. Only slightly at first, but soon he couldn't fight back the forceful tugging at the corners of his mouth, and he didn't try, either, because what was the point in that? There was no one around to hide a smile from. Only Namjoon. And even if he were in the room with him, Yoongi probably wouldn't have tried to hide it anyway. Not now. Not with how genuinely happy he was feeling. And how he wanted Namjoon to know that.

"Man, I wish I were there right now to see the beam on your face, Yoongs."

"I told him I loved him."

"I would hope so." Namjoon chuckled again. "With how long you've been selfishly keeping those words to yourself it's about time you let the boy hear 'em."

"Yeah..." Yoongi breathed a soft laugh of his own. "You're right. Thank you for enduring me."

That small 'thank you' which was uttered so naturally, yet so sincerely, gripped Namjoon's attention more than anything Yoongi had said in their conversation thus far. Because Yoongi didn't throw those words around carelessly. And it wasn't because he was rude or unappreciative or anything like that. He simply knew how to save them. For when they really mattered. And despite being the boy's best friend, the same person who spent more time with him than anyone else, Namjoon was perhaps the one who heard those words the least. He knew why. For the most part, Yoongi expressed his gratitude in subtle ways only the two of them could pick up, and these subtle ways sort of became the norm after a while and took the place of verbal appreciation. Except every now and then. On occasion, on special days and moments when Yoongi felt they were necessary to be spoken, when his heart took over his stubborn nature and decided to do things the old fashioned way.

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