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The pictures took longer than he would have liked. Much longer. But Yoongi didn't have it in him to turn his aunt down this time, especially since she seemed so ecstatic he had approached her about the pictures in the first place. So he endured them. As agonizing a process as it was, Yoongi endured it for Sunggi's sake, he endured the flashing cameras, the plethora of repetitive comments the people nearby threw at both him and his aunt, he endured all the stories his aunt told about him, and the subtle ways she bragged about her nephew and how great and wonderful and talented he was...

Sometimes, he appreciated the kind remarks. But it was just too much. And he was too tired.

After what felt like hours later, Yoongi finally found just the right selection of words he could use to kindly excuse himself without his aunt drawing him back again. And as he made his way over to the food bar--it was surprisingly vacant at the moment--Yoongi took out his phone and glanced at the screen.

No new messages. And the time was 8:54 PM. It really has been hours...

Sighing for the hundredth time that evening, Yoongi took several steps over to where the desserts were and picked up a small piece of fudge. Then several more. Then he figured he might as well just make up a plate of desserts. He was starving, and despite not typically being a 'sweets person', they sounded awfully tempting right now. So he sluggishly scanned the dessert tables and began to pick a small variety of things to satisfy the hunger in his stomach. And it was a deep hunger. And he was exhausted. And so very thankful there wasn't a crowd of people at the food bar right now, because he was not in the mood to talk to anyone, not now, not for the rest of the night.

But just as he had started reaching for the chocolate covered something-or-other, Yoongi's ears picked up the faint sound of footsteps from behind him. And he just knew it, he knew that whoever this person was was here for him, to talk to him, to ruin his peace, to drain the last bit of energy he had left in him. So before that could happen, Yoongi spoke up. To save himself.

"Listen, I'm sorry, but I'm absolutely exhausted, so if you're not here for the food I'd appreciate if you would just leave me alone for now."

"Well, if you really want me to..."

It didn't sink in right away. That voice. But when it did, it sank deep, and the realization struck Yoongi like a blow to the head, and he spun around only to find none other than Jimin standing a mere few feet away. Park Jimin, dressed fully in his formal attire, suit, tie, glasses, the whole deal, was here. Jimin was here. And Yoongi didn't question it. No, he was so abruptly overwhelmed by relief and the sheer joy at the fact that Jimin had come to save him, that he didn't bother to question, at least not yet. He simply took those few steps that lay between them, and with his hand already outstretched Yoongi drew Jimin in for a kiss, crashing their lips in a way that made the use of words unnecessary. Jimin could so vividly feel everything Yoongi wanted to convey, and so he just let go of everything. He allowed Yoongi to hold him so tightly, pressing their bodies together, moving his lips against Jimin's own, and at one point, Jimin didn't even realize it at first, but Yoongi had slipped his tongue into his mouth, thus deepening the kiss and making Jimin's heart beat faster than it already was. It truly did catch him off guard. But he didn't mind. No, he just continued to melt into it, continued to melt into Yoongi, even as he felt his face catch fire.

They both needed to catch their breath at some point. So Yoongi finally pulled back, and with his own face quite red, he looked into Jimin's eyes. But the boy was still quite dazed. He didn't register Yoongi was now staring at him, and with quite a bit of concern, too.

"I-...I'm sorry, Jimin, was that too much?" He swallowed his breath nervously. "O-...oh, jeez, Jimin, your face is so flushed right now, I'm sorry..."

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