one hundred

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Three days passed. Just three days, but they felt like such long, excruciating weeks to Jimin, who wanted every second of those days to see Yoongi, to talk to Yoongi, to know how he was doing and if he had recovered yet. He missed him. So. Badly.

Namjoon was attending class and working shifts like usual. And Jimin learned his friend hadn't been lying, in that the accident hadn't been that serious at all. There weren't any noticeable scratches on him, not that he could see, and Namjoon seemed--for the most part, that is--completely normal. Although, Jimin could detect the slightest hint of...something in Namjoon's expression, an underlying presence of an emotion he couldn't quite decipher. But he knew it had to do with Yoongi. To Jimin's understanding, when Namjoon wasn't at work or in class, he was at Yoongi's dorm, keeping the boy company every moment that he could. Namjoon wouldn't say much else, though, so this piece of information was all Jimin had to hold to, to find comfort in. It was enough. Knowing that Namjoon was there with him.  It would have to be enough.

It was painfully difficult. To refrain from texting Yoongi, calling him, seeing his face...and knowing he was locking himself away and probably suffering... It was so much worse than when the boy had burned his arm. That time, at least Jimin had been able to see him, and at least then he had been able to rest assured with the knowledge that the injury would eventually heal. Because it was only physical. But this, for whatever reason Yoongi refused to leave his dorm room, wasn't something Jimin could put to sleep in the back of his mind, not till he saw him again, not till he knew...just what was going on. Of course, he had an idea, but Jimin was aware of his own ignorance as to the extent of the situation.

He wanted to be patient. He just didn't know how much longer he could take it.

It was the night of the fifth day that Jimin received a call. He was at his dorm, lying awake on his bed with his phone lying in the palm of his open hand. He felt it vibrate and nearly jumped out of his own skin. Perhaps staring at the ceiling for five minutes straight had caused him to forget he was even holding his phone. Springing into an upright position, Jimin glanced at the caller ID, subconsciously already expecting it to be Taehyung calling to see how he was doing. But it wasn't Taehyung. It was Yoongi. And for a split second Jimin doubted his eyesight and cursed his heart for skipping such a long, uncomfortable beat and for getting caught in his throat the moment he raised the phone to his ear.


The sound of Yoongi's voice alone just nearly brought tears to Jimin's eyes. He swallowed a tough lump in his throat, biting down on his upper lip, struggling to keep his voice calm and his composure in check. "Yoongi, I-...I'm so happy to hear you again..."

"Mm." He sounded so tired. "I'm sorry for not...calling sooner-"

"Don't you dare apologize to me now, Min Yoongi, I swear..." Jimin rubbed his eyes to fight away the mist still threatening to form in them. He could hear the way his own words trembled, whereas Yoongi's were so low and lazily uttered, like sleepy whispers from a child who had stayed up way past their bedtime. He wished he could hug him through the phone. "Yoongi, how..." He held his tongue. " are you?"

"Better some," came Yoongi's quiet reply. Jimin breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good...that's good, I'm glad to hear that. Is Namjoon with you?"

"No. I told Joon he could go back to his own dorm."

Jimin hadn't expected that response at all. He thought his question to be a rhetorical one--of course Namjoon was with Yoongi. But now that he learned he was mistaken, Jimin's worrisome heart caused his chest to tighten, face to become pale. His mouth fell open, but too soon, as he didn't prepare in advance what he would say, or what he should say. So Yoongi spoke first.

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