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Because Namjoon had so generously set out eight shot glasses to represent the number of people present, and Yugyeom had taken one, Yoongi ended up having drunken seven shots, and by the time he was finished, Jimin had been latched onto securely by the man gradually falling away from sobriety.

They weren't anything super strong, Namjoon had claimed, but perhaps from drinking five consecutive shots, along with the two Yoongi had taken minutes before, they added up. He could still function enough, but from here on out the others knew things would be interesting.

"So what's next?" Taehyung asked eagerly, trying to hold back his laughter at the sight of Yoongi snuggling his head into Jimin's stomach.

"The hat shall choose," announced the party host with a grin. As he picked the hat up, though, Namjoon started to move it towards Yoongi purely for reaction's sake. And he got a reaction, alright. Yoongi wasn't in the mood to have his Jimin's-stomach-cuddling-time interrupted, so he promptly extended his foot to kick the hat, thus causing all the paper slips to fall out.

"Mine," the mint-haired man mumbled. "You go play yer games, this is mine."

Jimin bit back a smile, patting his boyfriend's head gently. "Yoongi, we still have seven more games-"

"Seven shmeven, I say we play the napping game seven times. Jimin, lie down. Imma use yer tummy as a pillow."

"No napping games."

"Yer a bully."

"Not a bully. Why don't you pick the next game?"

Pouting in great dissatisfaction, Yoongi peeled himself from Jimin's stomach, but still kept his arm around him as he strained himself to reach forward and pick up one of the papers Namjoon had put back in the hat.

After choosing one, he opened it lazily, then squinted at the writing for about a minute before poking Jimin's shoulder. "It's blurry," he muttered. "Whoever wrote this has terrible handwriting. Is this even Korean?"

It wasn't blurry, Namjoon had great handwriting, and it was definitely in Korean.

"It says twister."

"Aw, yeah!"

"Jin, you are way too excited for this."

If Yoongi were a bit more sober at the time he may have pressed a stronger opposition to the game, but seeing as he wasn't, he just stuck by Jimin's side and played along.

The mat wasn't going to be big enough for eight players, or even seven, as someone had to be the referee or spinner. So they decided to just play numerous games, the first players being Taehyung, Jungkook, and Yugyeom.

"Can we put paint on the spots?"

"No, Jin."

"Why not??"

"The paint will get all over the carpet."

"But it would be funny."

Sighing, Namjoon shook his head, smiling, too, as he went ahead and spun the spinner. "Whoever's first, right hand, yellow."

"I got this." Taehyung stepped forward and did as was told of him. "I can already feel the back pains."

"Jungkook, right foot, red."

"Easy enough."

"Yugyeom, right hand, yellow."


"Tae, right foot, green."

"Are there any prizes for winning?"

"Maybe. Kook, right hand, blue."

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