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So summer break came around after what seemed like forever to some, and to others no time at all. Many college students took this opportunity to visit home, or go on vacation, or use the extra time to study or make more money by being able to work more.

For a certain group of friends, however, there was one thing that had priority on the summer activity docket.

June 28th, Namjoon's house. It had been more than half a year since they all gathered here, and everyone, including Yoongi, though he denied it, was looking forward to it.

They wanted to have enough time to play all eight of the games they chose, so everyone agreed to meet up at around 5 p.m. And even earlier than that, Namjoon was at his house, making thorough preparations because he wanted this night to go well. Not that he had doubts, of course.

At 4:52 p.m. Seokjin appeared at the door. Upon said door being opened to him, he threw his arms around Namjoon and hugged him tightly, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth.

"It's not five yet," the blond joked. Jin rolled his eyes.

"I wanted to be the first here. Am I?"

"Yeah. Yoongi's gonna be driving himself and Jimin here after he's done work so they'll be here a little after five."

"I see." The older boy smiled, stepping inside the house only to find a large snack table set up in the living room, with everything from crackers to chips to candy and drinks and more set out for all to enjoy. He hummed happily and made his way over to snatch a handful of Doritos. "Amazing, Joonie."

"Thanks," the other stifled a laugh. "You're still gonna help me cook dinner, right?"

"Obviously, Joonie, I don't want this house burning down.What would your parents say?"

" 'Typical Namjoon' ."

"...sad." He ate another Dorito, chuckling as he reached out to kiss his boyfriend's cheek. "Don't worry, you'll learn."

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"Are we late?? Did Jin eat all the Doritos?!"

"I brought Lacroix!"

"...I didn't even notice that. Why did you bring Lacroix?"

"I dunno, I thought someone might appreciate it."

"You're so thoughtful, babe."

"The door's unlocked," Namjoon called out. And with that, Hoseok and Yugyeom came bursting into the house, smiles on their faces as they happily greeted their friends. And as Yugyeom was setting on the table the pack of Lacroix sparkling water he had so generously brought along with him, his boyfriend made no hesitation to reach for the Dorito bowl which Seokjin already had his hand in, thus igniting a hand-slapping war between the two with which Namjoon was too afraid to interfere.

Fortunately the door opened soon after.

Yoongi entered, found his way to the couch, and lay down.

Then Jimin walked in, dropped a duffel bag full of Taehyung's nerf guns on the floor, and was puzzled for a second because he thought Yoongi had disappeared. Namjoon pointed in the direction of the couch and the orange-haired boy stifled a laugh.

"Rough day at work?"

"He told me he felt a bit tired," Jimin replied, making his way over to sit in front of Yoongi on the floor, "but he didn't want to skip out on tonight. He's been looking forward to it, actually."

"Jimin, stop making things up."

"Not making it up." He giggled and patted Yoongi's back. "You can't wait to get down with yo' bad self in dance dance revolution~"

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