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Jimin tried calming himself down. He tried standing in front of a mirror, taking deep breaths, giving himself a little pep talk about how there was absolutely no reason to feel nervous about this, but to little avail.

Yoongi would love him. He didn't have to worry. Yoongi would love his voice. It would be good enough. He'd be good enough.

Just relax.

Pulling on his boots, Jimin grabbed his wallet and phone and slipped them into the pockets of his jeans, then headed out the door. And he just continued to whisper "deep breaths, no need to worry" to himself over and over as he maneuvered his way around the college students walking in the other direction. A couple of them greeted Jimin as he passed by but Jimin was too distracted to notice or respond.

Before long he arrived at the studio. And for a minute he just froze. Right there, at the door, staring through the clear glass at the computers and booths inside, where a small handful of students appeared to be hard at work.

Swallowing his breath, Jimin took hold of the door handle and entered the room.

And not a moment later he found himself caught in a tight, warm hug. Yoongi buried his face in the crook of Jimin's neck.

"Mm, you smell amazing." He lifted his head again, pressing a quick kiss against Jimin's cheek. "C'mon, sweetheart, there's an empty booth over here." Dropping his hand to his side, Yoongi gently took Jimin's hand and gave it a tight squeeze, smiling in a way that was almost calming to the younger.

He smiled back.

With that, Yoongi guided Jimin over to the recording booth, and the two sat down on chairs just outside it, right in front of a moderate computer setup where Yoongi already appeared to have been working. A small notebook had been on Yoongi's chair; now, it was in his hands, and he was looking at it intently.

"Your parts are underlined, and more towards the end," he said, handing the notebook to Jimin, "but you might as well just read the whole song. It goes on to the next page. And the next. I got carried away."

He sounded so casual and relaxed. Jimin tried to acquire that same disposition as he accepted the notebook from Yoongi and began to read the lyrics.

Serendipitous Seesaw:

It was a good start
In itself
Before I knew it, we were tired of each other
In all of these meaningless emotions

Repeated seesaw game
I'm tired of this
Repeated seesaw game
We're getting tired of each other

Were the petty arguments the start?
The moment I became heavier than you
Because there's never been parallels in the first place
Maybe I became more greedy and tried to fit in with you
Is there really a need to keep repeating ourselves
Saying this was love and this is love?
They're tired of each other, they seem to hold the same hand
Well, then

Alright, a repeating seesaw game
It's about time we put an end to it
All right, this boring seesaw game
Somebody has to get out of here
Though neither of us can

Don't let anyone know who'll get off first
Let's not drag things out, however our hearts lead us
Are we getting out of here or not
This repeated seesaw game
We have to stop it now

People can be so crafty
They know they'll get hurt if one person is missing
Because we don't want to be the villains
In the midst of a series of vague responsibilities
And we get so tired of if that we finally became parallel
But we didn't want this kind of parallel

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