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[Yoongi and Jimin private chat]

a question?
and what might that be?

actually could we just meet in person
like for a date

youre making me nervous yoongi

wait no jimin it's not anything serious
i just meant that it'll be easier to just explain it that way
also i wanna see u so

would i ever say no to u?

id hope not that would be really depressing in the future
so is now convenient or are u busy?

☺️ yeah now is good

u hungry?
if so we could have lunch at your work
unless you'd rather go somewhere else

no Hyunseong's cafe is fine 😊

i'll see u soon sweetheart

see u sooner !! 💕





Yoongi felt nervous. Anxious. He tried to convince himself there was no reason to be, but it didn't help much. That is, until he spotted Jimin waving at him from inside the cafe, and his nerves subtly slipped away. He smiled and soon joined his boyfriend at the small booth where the younger had been waiting.

"I ordered you a coffee," Jimin said as soon as Yoongi sat down. "It's on its way."

"Aren't you thoughtful." He reached out and pinched Jimin's cheek, earning him the gift of hearing the boy laugh. "What kind of coffee?"


"Jimin, I hate macchiatos."

Just like that Jimin's face was wiped clean of its pleasant expression and replaced by a look of genuine shock and disappointment. "What?? Y-you don't?? I could've sworn—ah, Yoongi, I'm sorry-"

"I'm kidding."

"...that was mean."

"I'm sorry," Yoongi said, and he shook his head as a sigh left his lips. "How about to make up for it, I treat you to lunch?"

"You planned this, didn't you?"

"What can I say, I'm a clever boy."

"You're not treating me." Jimin pouted and crossed his arms stubbornly. "I came here with the intent of treating you for a change."

"Oh, well."

"Yoongi, I'm serious! You just bought a car recently!!"

"Aunt Sunggi helped me pay for that as a birthday gift."

"Wh-..." Jimin gave a disbelieving glance. "You let her? I thought you didn't like accepting her gifts."

"I allow it for special occasions," Yoongi said. "So now you could say I have a little extra cash I can afford to spend on other things. Such as, oh, I don't know, treating my boyfriend to lunch?"

Jimin expression went deadpan, which was a rare sight, but Yoongi loved it and found it simultaneously hilarious and adorable and couldn't resist smiling like an idiot. As a result Jimin always broke character.

"I'll get you next time," he said, sighing in defeat. Yoongi just smiled and nodded.

"Sure you will."

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