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Taehyung had informed Jungkook beforehand that they wouldn't be heading over to his parent's house till the afternoon, and that he also had last minute shopping to do for both his parents and his sister, meaning Jungkook basically had to kill time for the entire morning, plus a possible hour or two. He didn't mind, of course. Honestly, he was looking forward to meeting his boyfriend's family. Especially Youjin, for some reason. He predicted fun stories about Tae could come from her.

Noon rolled around and Jungkook was still at his dorm, mindlessly playing some RPG game he had downloaded on his phone while waiting for Taehyung. And Tae, according to a message sent roughly fifteen minutes ago, was still at the mall in the process of hunting down the right gifts. He certainly was taking his time, Jungkook thought. He had told himself he'd be patient with Tae, but as 1:00 PM came and went, he started to wish he had asked to go with Tae. Heaving a sigh, he exited out of his game and decided to text Taehyung. Again.

where u at

still shopping, boo

jeez just how many things r u buying 4 ur family lmao

i've totally been spending this entire time shopping
yes i have
and definitely not getting distracted by the arcade
and playing a pac man tournament with some nine year old brat named Daehyung who keEPS. WINNING.
its ok i eventually beat him

oh i see
thats what was taking u so long

im sorryyy ;;-;;

its fine tae ive just been rly bored,,
when r we planning on leaving exactly

as soon as i get back
will u be ready to leave?
ah, dont forget ur overnight stuff,,

overnight stuff?

thats what i forgot to mention
do u wanna stay the night there or nooo,,,

lmao sure that's fine

:p yayyy
ok i'll be at ur door within the next fifteen minutes hopefully
unless daehyung comes back for a rematch


just kidding,,
i'm going

k see u soon

Shutting off his phone, Jungkook smiled to himself, lifting himself off his bed so that he could go get together the things he would need for an overnight stay - sleepwear, toothbrush, etc. It didn't take long to get ready, and before he knew it, there was a knock at the door. He tried to bite back his smile, but upon opening the door only to find Tae standing there, beaming brilliantly, he couldn't help himself. And in the spur of the moment he grabbed Taehyung's cheeks and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Merry Christmas, Tae."

"Was that my present?"

Jungkook stifled a laugh. "If I were going to make a kiss your present, I'd make it a lot better than that."

This comment earned a deep blush from Taehyung, who tried turning his head to the side in an attempt to hide it. Unfortunately for him, Jungkook was more observant than that. But he said nothing. Only smiled.

"So are we ready to go then?"

"Absolutely," Tae chimed. "Our train awaits."

In forty-five minutes time, Taehyung and Jungkook stood side by side in front of a tall, red-painted piece of wood that was the door to Taehyung's house. Over it hung a green wreath with a bow to match the color of the door. From inside the house, the two could hear the muffled sounds of Christmas music playing, and soon, the sound of rapid footsteps approaching them. In what seemed like seconds upon arriving, the door swung open.

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