The Worst One: Haste intro Pt2

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I walked out to school grounds hoping that Team STRQ would be waiting for me outside, that wasn't the case, no was outside just a cold empty campus and a cold wind breeze. I sat on the closes bench pulling out my new scroll Ozpin had given to me. It wasn't much but this had me scratching my head, this was it my ultimate defeat a stupid piece of technology. i stored the scroll back in my pocket, closing my eyes only to feel the wind on my exposed face. i couldn't put my finger on it, but it had an unwelcome feeling being here. its not that Tai, Qrow, and Summer gave me a warm welcome. Raven just seemed a bit dstanced. Wait why the hell am i thinking about her? i know nothing about her! I mean i would like to get to know her more. What am i saying, i cant help but shake this feeling she knows more about the Kamwui family then i do. Or that could just be me. Why am i still thinking about Raven!
the sound of my scroll going off had me jump to my feet. pulling out my scroll, it automacticlly slid open. Shit speak of the devil. a frown all over my face i answered the call.
"Really you dont know me and you make that face," raven said, "good first impression."
"N-No its not that its just that...nevermind how do you even know what face i made?"
"Cause im looking right at you crazy."
i ended the call giving a stupid grin as raven started to walk towards me. Call me a moron, but without a doubt I felt my heart beating faster and faster. Raven's hair flowed throught the wind eligently, the wind wasnt to hard that it was blowing in her face, but just soft enough that if you seen a pretty girl whose hair blew in this wind your heart might just skip a beat or two. her uniform made her look slim, not saying she was fat or anything fuck damn what am i saying, what im trying to say is that, that uniform wasnt doing her any justice. beautiful for sure, but this was a school uniform anyone can look good in a suit or dress. oh god am I throwing her down. i guess im just running my gums without thinking. she walked with confidence, though i assumed she didnt want to be here with me i wouldnt blame her. Red more red than the blood in our body, as red as the red moon, Raven's eyes were undescribable. i had to stop soon otherwise shes gone give me im a freak look...3...2...1...
"OW!!" i shouted a bug flew in my eye terrible luck i held up my hand to cover my eye.
"You okay?" Raven asked.
I couldnt react all neveriously how could anyone. seriously! a bug flew in my eye and now im being really uncool.
"Yeah a bug flew in my eye thats all." i said
"Okay champ, i heard from the others you killed a completely Unidentified Grim and a little bug knocks you down," She laugh, "Let me see."
raven set me down on the bench, moving my hands away. Only for my eye to close automaticly. placing her fingers on my eye lid to pryed that eye open. up close and personal my left eye starred into hers. my heart skipped a beat, or maybe i lost a pulse for a second. She looked gerorgus, if i could quote a movie i once say, no words has even been invented yet, to describe her. we were under a tree with the sun still high in the sky being under the shade of the tree Raven was the most radaint.
"There got it out. that one really got in there. you okay?" raven asked. stepping back
"Yeah can you do me a solid dont tell anyone..."
"Sure, one condition you are treating me cause of you i missed lunch."

-timeskip 1 week later-

it had been a week since my enrollment i kept to myself since it was the easiest thing to do. Summer would do her thing running up on me having me socialize then Qrow ripping her off. it was nice whatever she tried to do, but i had to be true to myself i didn't belong here being a Kamwui bloodline that is.
"Yo Y/N over here!" i heard Tai shouting out. It was only him and Qrow today.
"Hey how you guys." i greeted taking a seat pulling out my own cocked meal.
"Hey now did you cook that?" Qrow asked looking over my deep fried chicken, rice and side salad, though i was born to noblity i often asked my grandmother to show me how to cook along with my uncles and aunts.
"Well yeah buying food is costly...and i dont have any money to be throwing around."
"Not bad Y/N...anyway a side from that, our next class in professor Dingo class. in the arena. any idea, who youre gonna fight."
"As if this guy can fight!"
lord and behold the jock of the school ground Norman and his Team. he threw my food across the field and slapped me upside the head. yet i couldnt fight back. as i recalled a few days ago i meet with professor Ozpin for another meeting discussing the requirements to attend and graduate beacon. Not to get into any fights or even discuss the family. for anyone was concern my name was Y/N L/N, not Y/N Kamwui.
"Real mature Norman, you seem to spike an ego ever since you were named team leader." Tai spoke out for me.
He was about to raise is fist, but i reached out gripping Tai's forearm, "It alright Tai the Chicken was still red on the inside it would have done me more harm than good," i all but grinned thinking to myself it was all for the better good of both Tai and Qrow. thus the rain of abseen event blew by. i didnt eat lunch and i was going to fight on an emtpy stomach. i mean it could be worst.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now