The Worst One: Our Memories Color...

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Laying in my bed alone I looked at my shattered mirror. I really done it now. Breaking Raven's heart again. I thought it was for the better good... guess not.

Walking into my room I took a seat while raven remained standing. That wasn't my intentions of being a host for my girlfriend, but shit happens.
I inverted my eyes as I explained to Raven everything.
"So your leaving again. Is that your gimmick now with this relationship?! If something isnt right or to your standards you run away!"
"No, Raven it's not like that. I'm not running away I'm facing my fears. We talked to each other a lot over the years, but I never told how I felt about you in more ways than one. That day, when you got shot but body had gone numb my insides twisted in every which way. I was mad sad confused, just a blank piece of paper. Every time I think of you getting hurt it would twist my insides every time."
"So you think I'm some damsel in distress that I need some man in knight and shining armor to come and protect me?" Her tone rose crossing her arms over her chest.
"No that's not it...Gah! Fuck it's hard to explain Raven!"
"You don't have to explain anything..."
My heart froze as Raven stormed off, slamming the door behind her.
Ah fuck...
Fuck, a simple word that conveys more emotion than it should. One word wasn't just going to release tension. Swing my arm out as pieces of my mirror shattered.
I'm really the worst one, I should be the last person to do this to Raven.

"How come every time I see you, you're fighting with you girlfriend?" A sudden voice spoke out from my window. Crap I must have left it open! A women with long black braided up, hanging on her left shoulder, squatted over my window ledge. She sounds so cocky-playful, happy-go-lucky. Wearing a long black coat that draped over her ankles. Black boots to fit the coat. Her eyes were red like Raven's, unlike Raven, who couldn't seem to show a smile, this girl had a smile plastered over her face. A large sword strapped to her waist. I've seen that weapon almost killed me months ago.
"What'd you doing her Milla," my eyes narrowed, I didn't want to catch up with old friends right now...wait is she her as a friend?
"Wow that's how you greet someone you haven't seen in-"
"Fuck off...I don't have time to deal with your-"
"And nether do I," Milla said all business, "so I'll cut to the chance. I'm sure you haven't forgotten the "Day Of the Fallen God"? Thats what most people call it now. By most i mean the soilders of the remaining Kamwui. Turns out some of them turned over a new leaf, or rather they changed a different follower."
"What you getting that? you said you were cutting to the chance this sounds like exposition."
"ah, you've changed?" Milla sighed her smile washed away, "some of the soliders had joined a tribe that was fairly close to Kamwui in the old days. And well as you can see i'm here cause of them. While you've been her playing highschool, i've been with the tribe for a while, but time catches up with people. The tribe's leader has fallen greatly ill, and they wanted me to step up as the new leader. I turned them down. Some of them knew a certain someone who would be the right one to be the new leader."
"Really...i hope you find that certain someone, cause the sooner the better." i all but rolled my eyes, Milla could taste the sarcasm in my words.
"Y/N, the Kamwui soldiers as well as the Branwen tribe want you as the Tribes new leader."
"No, do i look like the type of person to be a leader of a tribe, let alone a leader of a team. You above all others should know that answer." I said.
"True you are a rare kind individual. You're actions speak volumes. These are killers and thieves. the same people who raised Qrow and Raven." Milla said.
Wait...She could be pulling something out her ass, but Milla would never be the one to lie when the going get tough. My opinion still stands, i wasnt the one to be a leader of a tribe. I killed my own family for what i thought was the right action. Even innocent people were my victims, Shiro too. The hard pill to swollow was Raven and Qrow names being brought up in conversation. Killers and thieves, theres no way they came here as spys for whatever reasons i mean. Sure their combat style is incredible but that wouldnt make them killers or thieves. No what am i thinking i'm just asking more questions than answers.
"Think on it, Y/N i'll be in Vale for a while. Ask Qrow and Raven what they're actually doing here. You should know the whole truth. After all she's not just that one girl. Shes the girl you love right."
"WAIT! MI-" before i could shout her name Milla had already fallen backwards out my window. That kind of exit was her specialty.
how am i going to approach her with the way things are now? I should get some sleep... As if i could, laying down on my bed looking at the mirror i shattered, i was going through simulations in my head on how to approach Raven and Qrow about this.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now