The Worst One: The Promise I Made To You Part 1

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As we rode the elevator up Qrow and I would glance at each other then look away. Any form of communication flew out the window. I need to take deep breath and have faith.
"I...i didn't know you talked to Oz for me. I was going to do it after the Vytal Festival if and when I had the chance."
There was a long silence, I figured I really did push STRQ away, "Were you ever?" Qrow smirked, "you were so busy fighting it didn't seem like you were going to have a chance to." I noted shrugging my shoulders jokingly.
"Did you do this for my sake?"
"No, We've seen how strong they are. How much psychical and mental damage they can do. I don't wanna see that happen again." Qrow said. With his stern tone I was so sure of myself or maybe I just wanted to be hopeful that Qrow wasn't trying to be pushed me away, "by the way when we ran into each other where were you going?"
"It's complicated, I'm just in a rough situation..." I sighed leaning against the elevator's walls.
"Well what is it? I mean you have been truthful to us."
My eyes moved all over the place, averting my eyes away from Qrow, but he was just waiting for me to talk. This is just really weird, "Me and Raven...are well y' How do I put this..."
"Oh wow, that makes sense..." I looked at Qrow a bit confused, "she didn't tell you. That day Tai called you out as a murderer. When we left not even a second later she called him out. It was a pretty heated conversation. So Tai and I just left, leaving Summer with Raven. I just assumed Summer took her out a different door. I didn't think Raven would go back to you."
"Right, I cant believe Raven and I spent the afternoon together..." I sighed in relief.
"What do you mean spent the afternoon together?"
The elevator ding as the doors slid open. I didn't think Raven and Tai would fight over something like this. Then again I don't really know Raven's pass for that matter.
"Y/N, I'm glad to see you. When Qrow had informed me that you abandoned the mission I was worried you might have-"
"You can cut the small welcome back. That mission my mother wanted me to go on was odd. The odd part was having STRQ tag along. Yet you knew full well what Kamwui was capable of. During the two years, my Grandmother told me about our family history. Then I figured why you sent STRQ along. If Hinoka and Takumi managed to convince me to go with them." I looked over at Qrow knowing full well why I was looking at him, "you were gonna kill me behind my back. But yet here I am more questions than answers. And wondering if I can Trust you Ozpin."
"Do tell what you mean." Ozpin smiles.
"I wanna help you, but I don't want a sword behind my back any time I'm made with a choice. Nether will I be used by you cause of this power. I wanna end this bloodline one way or another."
"Does this mean you're leave Atlas, and coming back to Beacon?" Ozpin folded his hands across his face.
"I enrolled in Atlas with the name Kamwui, birth name or not I will never use that name ever again. My name is Y/N L/N." I stated having Qrow and Ozpin slip out a chuckle.
"Very well Mr. L/N I am glad to have you along. I will do what I can to help you with your situation."
"Thank you Professor." I said before Qrow and I took our leave. I looked back once more as the elevator door began to close. Ozpin have a large smile painted across his face from ear to ear. I trust Raven and Qrow, Summer too. Tai...well a little bit even if he runs his mouth. That doesn't mean I fully trust Ozpin. today me and him are just allies.

Milla POV

I need to get my feeling together. I figure Y/N wouldn't need me to be on his list of worries. Yet that image keeps playing in my head. The look in his eyes when Raven kissed him it was like he was happy even though he was a bit shocked. I stopped running hiding underneath a well seated tree. Digging my head into my arms.
What did I think I could say to Him? Funny how much of a joke it was.
The sound of rustling grass startled me I shot my head up wondering if he came. If he did why would he come all the way here?
"Is everything okay?" It was the guy Vass I think his name was? I wiped away my tears holding my composure.
"Everything Okay?" he asked.
"Fine...Whats up."
"I'm was just wondering is all. I saw you and Y/N arguing in the middle of the crowd thought there was a problem. Looks like there was." Vass sounded carrying. i didnt want someone from a different Kingdom to be involved in anyway shape or form, of our team personal business.
"Its fine. It whatever now."
"Sorry by a storm off and wetting your arms in tears isn't whatever."
God dude serious get a hit!
"Sometimes...It takes an event to realize when someone is in the wrong."
"Yeah okay whatever freak..." i brushed off his comment taking my leave. i turned back around only to see-

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now