The Worst One: Lets Rock this Train Ride!

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"Raven you wouldn't happen to have you're weapon with you?"
"No, I don't.. honestly I wasn't expecting you to leave like this."
I grabbed my luggage from the top cargo storage slot. tossing Raven Siegfried, returning the favor since I took her weapon once. She tied the ribbon, that was attached to the shef, around her belt. We looked at each other acknowledging we were good to go. Resting Aoi on my back Raven and I dash to the front of the cart. I hope Raven and I weren't the only huntsman here. The thing is why are these BullFrog like Grimm attacking?
"Mama, what's going on..." an innocent child muttered to his mother, but she couldn't fine the words to tell him the truth.
No, I'm not going to let another person die.
"Hey little guy, my name's Y/N, L/N. I'm a huntsman. You look a little worried," I lied through my teeth keeping up a male provato . Just smile, smile and hope this can help the situation, "Its okay me and my partner with take care of the Grimm, so don't worry."
I can't believe I'd lie to a little kid like that. I'm the worst one to be look up to.
Raven and I continued through the carts, but I need a moment to myself.
"Y/N, for what it's worth, you gave hope to some people." Raven said placing her hand on my face.
"Yeah but who in the world would believe a stranger like me saying they're gonna be okay."
"Hey I Believed you kid," Raven and I both turned to the voice, their voice sounded cocky their looked compliment their voice. Wearing ragged cloths boots that when up their shin, long black coat. Hair that looked like he didn't shower for days, "now come on I'm only here to assist you two."
"Who are you?" I asked narrowing my eyes. I was on edge this guy didn't give me a reason to trust him nor a reason to pull Aoi on him ether.
"My name is Credo Ar-"
"Can you fight?" I cut him off mid sentence, I just need his name for right now. Credo smiled before letting a laugh slip by. Hiding behind the corner he pull out a large sword...mace? A mace sword? Weapons now a days aren't very creative.
"Now hold up I know what you're thinking, and thank you it's my very own pride and joy."
Wow cocky voice and ego so high I dont think the grimm can fly that high, "I wasn't thinking that at all."
Okay enough, head in the game! having Credo could help i-i just needed a plan now. funny i was never good at planning things in the heat of the moment. Milla would cover my ass on that. Nero and Shiro would come up with alternative backup. As for me i would just fall in the empty spaces somewhere. What a team leader. Yet they still pointed me as leader of KMSN.
"Any ideas?" Raven asked.
"Not a damn thing, just stand and hold off. But these grimms are something i havent seen before. Body of a frog yet wings of a bat. Our weapons wont be able to hit them unless we're close enough. Even then thats still putting the passangers at risk." i was starting to doubt myself looking over at Aoi, maybe i was hitting the limit of my weapons.
"Hey Y/N," Credo spoke up, i lifted my head with him smiling at me a unwelcoming chill crawled behind my neck, "That weapon you got there, whats its gimick?"
Raven pulled me aside whispering in my ear, "do you really think we can trust him?"
"Can't say for sure, Rav. The more of us the better our odds."
i often looked back at Raven and Credo. more doubt just found its way in.
NO! be firm! these are peoples lives on the line. The Train shook once more a bit more violently. Screams and shouts came from the Cart we had just left. I was the first one to get in the cart. It was like going to Rush hour traffic. slamming and bumping into anyone and or everyone. Finally i was able to make it through, to see a grim chewing on something, it crunch and snapped like bones. It turned to look at me it's red eyes gazed into me. In it mouth was a small figure. Their cloths were fairly familiar. the face of the young boy with his eyes rolled to the back of his head, blood stained his clothes, A pool of blood and lims laid beneath him. I grit my teeth pulling Aoi off, stabbing the ceilling sparks fell on top of my head making a deep mark on the Grimm head. Pushing with brute force cutting the grim in half. It burned to ash as the body dropped to the floor.
"Y/N!" Raven had followed behind soon after, holding her emotions back, looking at the same boy i had lied to about everything going to be alright.
"Raven..." She snapped to attention, "We're gonna save all these people if its the last thing i do!"
"Now thats what i like to hear!" Credo wrapped his arm around my neck turning me around, placing his weapon on his shoulder, "Now i have a plan, but it wont work without you and her."
"Lets do it..."

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now