The Worst One: ...Our Jounrey's End

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-seventeen years later-

It was a hell of a stormy night. i'm not sure if it was cause of my semblance or nature wasn't on our side. Hanging back in a local bar. i kept my eyes on Ruby and her team as they were checking in at the inn just next door from the bar. until they were out of sight a waitress set a drink right in front of me. Perfect timing...almost to perfect.
"I didnt order-"
"from the woman upstairs. Red eyes. said you wouldn't mind bottom shelf." She said looking directly at the second floor. i couldnt help but follow along. didn't think id run into her here of all places.
"Thanks." sound discourged.
"But i went ahead and gave you top," She winked sounding seductive , "lucky you."
As she walked away i couldn't help but admire a beautiful ass such as hers in a skirt that short. well i might as well see what she wants.Walking up to the second floor the sound of the wood creaking was more pleasent than what i was going to hear soon. Just around the corner, a lone woman red eyes a grin to flesh out her smug look on her face. Off to the side against the wall was her weapon she had made from Kamwui and her white grimm mask also given to her, "hello brother." sounds like she was really trying to properly greet me.
"raven." i returned the effort back. walking up to her table pulling the chair out. i wasn't going to sit until she moved her damn mask.  She scoffed moving it to the edge of the table, "Its been a hot minute what would you like from me."
"A girl can't catch up with her family," Raven laugh lifting her hands up to her head.
"She can, but you're not. So lets get on with it. I would like some sleep, or if you plan to keep the drinks coming." i smiled from the corner of my eye a glimpse of a ring struck a nerve with me.
"Does she have it."
there it is the million yen question, "How's Y/N, is he doing well. Still holding that grudge on himself."
"thats not.."
I rolled my eye, "a rhetorical question. You know i know he's a mess ever since that day.  Back then i would work along side him, but he would always slip out of my grasp kind like a certain some back in the days when their own daughter was trying to find her. Speaking of, did you know Yang lost her arm. Don't even answer i know you know, but its weird how you talk about family but act like your own daughter doesn't excites."
"I saved her..."
"Get off your high horse, That was once, cause it was your rule. even though Y/N saved you numerous of times and you  him. SO what makes Y/N so special that you deny Yang's excitants." reaching for my glass good'o sis here grabbed my wrist.
"Y/N, predicted opzin would fail and he has, beacon would fall and it did. That day, when Y/N had talked to Salem. something changed for better or worst."
"i thought you were done with silly tales like those." Grabbing my glass with my free hand taking a sip of whiskey on the rocks sliding down my throat looking at Raven with widen eyes.
"I want to know what we're up agasint."
gracefully setting my glass down, "which we are you referring to?" Raven seemed annoyed releasing her grip she took her seat, "Look i've been keeping in touch with Milla. Her and Y/N have just wondering around. so if that puts your mind at ease just a little lets just say it was payment for the drink. the both of you should come back. Finding redemption isnt going to be found on the battle field with humans, grimm, or the white fang."
"You were the one who left the tribe raised us. y/N became the leader but why wasn't that enough for you."
"It didnt chang the fact they were killers and thieves."
"They were our family."
"Calling the keddel black."
Raven stood from her seat looking down at me, "While Y/N had stepped down, i lead my people and as leader i will do everything in my power to ensure our survival."
"even if that mean, using the man you love or loved as a way to reach those mean. Honestly Raven i thought i could ask you for some information. But we already paid for each other's services." Raven garbbed her weapon as well as her mask turning her back towards me i was only able to mutter a few words, "Visit her every now and then, Y/N does even if it wasn't his fault or ours."
As Raven Left i pulled out OUR team photo. I didn't care what had happen. I didn't blame you for that day. You're still a friend to me who accept me as a whole. That damn fool needs to get his collective shit together. I'm sure summer would tell you the same thing.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now