The Worst One: Key We've Lost Pt1

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Waking up the next morning I had no memory of my mother being at beacon as if that moment was dust in the wind. The fact remained the my "blood" reacted to raven being in danger. I couldn't believe Ozpin and mom were laughing at me cause of love.
It couldn't just have been raven alone everyone in team STRQ was in danger.
Worrying about it to much wouldn't answer anything just leave more questions in my mind. Doing the daily routine shower, shit, shave, I looked into the mirror intensely specifically my eyes wondering if they were going to change color. Eh I guess not. I threw on something casual since team STRQ and I had a week off no point in being a good students and going to class. Well, since there was no classes today anyway.
The kitchen was more barren that usual. Summer wasn't up cooking her team chocolate cookies for some reason Qrow had a sweet tooth for those things. My stomach was banging on my skin. I didn't know much on cooking but I knew my way ground the kitchen. I cracked three eggs on a sizzling pan. When the eggs white would pop an image of ryoma would flash in my head.
Images flashed in my head one after another. His grip around ravens neck, the devilish smile he had, the cut across his chest, my sword cover in his blood staining the steal. It kept repeating over and over again more frantic than the next.
"You're burning the eggs." Raven spoken up over my shoulder. I looked down at the pan, with my breakfast ruin.
"Oh son of a..."
"Sunny side up?" Raven said.
"Yeah, well I guess not anymore." I responded in disappointment, "you the only one who's up? Where's everyone else."
"Don't know, when I woke up this morning everyone else was gone."
I looked over at raven who was looking through the refrigerator looking for extra eggs, also she was rubbing the side of her neck, "still hurts doesn't."
Raven twitched throwing her hand to her side as she moved condiment, "I don't know what you're talking about."
Why laugh? As if it not to be taken lightly, "Lieing, won't help ether."
"Y/N, I'm fine, I just slept crooked."
Only one way to find out, I sneaked up behind raven reaching out my hand using the soft portion of my fingers. As soon as they made contacted Raven moved on instincts alone pulling out a kitchen knife to my neck, her eyes widen her face covered in fear. I was drenched is self loathe.
"Y-Y/N I'm so sorry." Raven muttered pulling the knife away from my neck setting it on the counter.
"There isn't a need to apologize, everyone was scared to...even me," looking at my trembling hands I tried to convince myself mentally everything was okay. Was it really though? I looked at raven whose head had turned away from my own.

"So love awoken you blood resonance?" My mom voiced echoed in my head, "I'm sorry Mrs. L/N it would seem young Y/N has finally discovered girls." Ozpins joke bounced its way into my head.

Why? How? I mean Raven does look really attractive her long jet black hair the snow white skin, crimson red eyes. Okay okay! Shit! I NEED TO STO-
*growling stomach*
"That's right you burned your breakfast. Sit down and I'll make us something to eat, hopefully I won't burn it like you." Raven teased throwing me out of the kitchen.
"Oh Ha HA! Very funny..."
"Quite you're grumbling."
"I'm not're grumbling..." I muttered.
I sat at the table being a bit embarrassed, nothing more but to twiddle my thumbs. I glance over Raven had just tired up her hair in a pony tail and put on a apron. I couldn't help but let a laugh slip from my lips, which caught Ravens attention.
"What's so funny?" Raven asked.
"N-nothing..." ah screw it we both need a laugh, "Well I just thought of Qrow in a pink apron with frills on the bottom and neck."
Raven and I were on he verge of tears anything that had to do with Qrow was funny even to raven. I wonder, did I always laugh like this in my old life having my father and mother as well as my aunts and uncles around the table as we ate together. or has this place altered my perception of...
"Ready," Raven said breaking my train of thought.
Simple bacon and eggs with the side of rice? "Hold on a second when did you have time to make rice?!"
"Well while you were doing that thing-"
"Hold up what thing? I have a thing? When have I had a thing?" I asked pulling away from the table.
"You stare into space, pretty convincing to sometimes the teachers don't even know if your day dreaming or actually taking notes." Raven explained.
My eyes squint, "very well..."
Since it was only Raven and I the atmosphere was a bit awkward for the most part, mostly since we would catch one another look at each other. Something anything to break the tension.
"Ah good morning you two," Professor Ozpin entered the stage, Thank Oum.
"Professor what are you doing here?" I said standing from my seat.
"I only came here to fine you, Y/N. I see enjoying a meal with..." he pauses looking at me with his head tilted at an angle raising a brow, "jokes a side you're mother had asked me to give a few items before her leave."
"Wow what a twist," I rolled my eye, being handed a envelop from Ozpin, "I get it I leave first. This time she leaves first. She could have at least said goodbye," my eyes slouched something giggled inside most like metal clacking. Holding out my hand I had the envelop upside down shaking it up and down trying to getting whatever was in there out.
"What is it?" Raven asked.
"A...pendant?" I baffled myself the pendant was covered in a azure blue aura around it, easy on the eyes. Little did I notice the two pair of rings on different ends of the pendant itself. With it...a note.
My eye scrolled left to right line after line.
"What does it say?" Raven said looking over my neckless.
"Looks like I need to head to the south ends of Vale, and meet my great grandmother." I said folding the note into fours.
"Why You're great grandmother?"
"From What the note says she knows more about Kamwui's history being a-"
"RAVEN!!! Pack some bags we're heading on trip!" Summer shouted as the rest of Team STRQ stormed, "what....OH! good morning professor what are you doing here?"
I glanced over at Professor Ozpin, "you didn't?"
Adjusting his glasses with a smirk on his face, "I figured this would be a good chance for them to build more of a team connection. Considering Madam L/N she could teach even my students a trick or two."
"Okay then, looks like we're all heading to The small village of Laplace."
"Ah What?" Summer tilted her head confused.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now