The Worst One: Moonless Sky Pt1

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Summer POV

"WHERE IS HE!!" This young man shouted at Tai and I as he stood high in the trees aiming a Bow at us, this was to similar to last time.
"We don't know who your talking about," play clueless, he had already got the jump on us landing a hit on Tai bleeding from his left shoulder. Covering Tai I took a moment to think about what had just happen, this man's arrow of light had just nullified Tai's aura to physically harm him.
"Ether you tell me where I can find my nephew or..." with the snap of his fingers his followers reviled themselves out in the open, "or we just gonna have to play princess in the castle!"
I won't lie I twitched a bit, "princess? Did you just call me a princess..." I pulled out my weapon, twirling it above my head slamming the duel edge battle axe on the ground that even had the ground shacking, "big talk coming from someone who's going to hind up in a tree while his nobody flunkeys do the fighting!" I looked back at Tai to see how he was doing heavy breathing, a bit pale but his wound had stopped bleeding.
So it began, a simple back flip with my weapon stuck in the ground, knocking some teeth out of one flunkeys mouth. Using that moment to rip my weapon out from the ground using that moment cut down another one.
I couldn't stop once I had started swing this large battle axe, that was the exact height of myself. The top of the axe itself had devastating crush power. It would leave a trial of carnage in its wake. At first I would be unsettled about fighting humans and Faunus. Yet I knew reality would hit me if I became a huntress, but I didn't think I would have to do something like this, this soon.
I danced around Tai creating cut up corpses on the floor, blood covered the green grass and brown tree bark. Once I brought the axe over my head down to the floor cutting a human in half veins of rock flew high in the air. Only for them to get a jump on me again. It didn't take long for Tai to ram his fist Into their face. twisting his first the all the while the skin followed the twist.
"You okay?" Tai asked.
"Winded, you?" I replied.
Back to back to each other slowly and surely we were getting surrounded. How many people did he bring with him?
"Try not to blink! Otherwise you'll miss the part where my arrows pierce through you!" This man chanted pulling his bow string back all the while it lit up in white aura. Once that Aura on the string became an arrow itself he closed his left eye aiming directly toward Tai and I. Letting go the arrow flung from the bow, spreading out making five individual arrows.
Yeah that's fair!
"SUMMER!!!" Tai shouted followed with a shadow figure looming over me. Each arrow had pierce a bit through Tai's legs and arms. I looked a bit more up, terrified that a arrow when through his torso, yet relieved that it was on his right side missing his heart.
"Pft, playing hero I see!"

"TAI!!!" I let go of my weapon catching tai as he dropped to his knees, "Tai! Tai! Please please stay with me!"
"Sorry sum, a bit of Y/N rubbed off on me moving without thinking..."

"Whoa How sad was that...let's do it again!!!" The man shouted doing the same process with his aura arrows again.
As that arrow became into five. I clung to Tai as he still smiled, even at a time like this. My eyes hurt my emotions were moving at a 180 mph. More of his lackeys had started to surround Tai and I. a portal appeared above us, "YOU MONSTER!!!" I shouted as a white light enveloped the area having everyone freeze in place.
"TAI!!!SUMMER!!!" Y/N shouted as he flew through the portal using his weapon to cut down every arrow in its tracks. Raven and Qrow followed behind him making space around Tai and I by killing the people around us.

I looked up at the tree in front of me, my uncle the second eldest son, older brother of my father, "Takumi...You son of bitch..." I muttered biting my lip. I looked back at summer and tai who were both unconscious or so I though. Qrow had sprinted towards summer, as she clung to Qrow.
"Please...Qrow get Tai out of here," she muttered.
"Summer? Hey what's wrong!? Raven help me out here!"
"I can't assist and provide security at the same time Qrow!" Raven shouted clashing blades with whoever was still able to fight. Raven turned her back Takumi shot one arrow. Only one the only one I would ever let slip by me. Raven felt a gust of wind blow through her, as she turned around. I had caught the arrow mid-flight. Snapping it in half.
"Y/N..." Raven muttered.
"Raven, help out Qrow please. this happened cause of me again. I won't let else get hurt not on my watch." I stated directly to Raven. She nodded. Qrow picked up Tai and Raven, summer.
"When We're done we're coming back for you!" Raven shouted. I knew where they would go. I asked myself if she was going to help us one last time?
"Sorry but you're not going anywhere!" Takumi said aiming at the others with a special aura infused arrow.
"You're not gonna touch them! You old man," I flicked out the cylinder from Aoi out loading four aura shells twisting the handle until the blade shined white in radiant glow. I threw my right arm across my body using the propulsion from Aoi to spin me around in place that aura was able to completely destroy Takumi's arrows in one swing.
"I don't get it?" Takumi asked popping a squat on the trees branch, "you killed Ryoma and you continue to live life without a care in the world. You know that right. Family killing family in cold blood."
"I can say the same to you. Why the hell are you attacking my friends!" I shouted.
"I mean it's fair right? you took someone precious of ours, we will take something precious of yours." Takumi clenched his fist tight giving me a devilish grin, "I have to thank you for earlier now we know exactly who to kill, so your favorite aunt will help you along, Y/N...."
Having my back turned I sprinted to the other only to be stopped my his royal lackeys. 
"Get out of my way!" I ordered loading new flame rounds into Aoi. Time wasn't something I should waste. My aunt Hinoka, with little time I trained with her I never had been happen to win a match with her. The score I remember was 27-1. I couldn't imagine how she is now over the years, then add the infection on top of that.
Cutting one of Takumi's man's arm off, on to the next lackey slicing across his waist.
"DAMNIT! GO DOWN!!" He shouted firing 5 arrows...from one arrow!?
Oh that's fair!
I was never a quick thinker when it came to using my surrounding to fight for me. Ryoma explicitly told me on numerous accounts. Yet when it came to STRQ I had to be better than I was moments before.

"So it was love that awoken you're resonance?" My mother voice still echoed in my head.

No. No it wasn't Raven, she's not sum damsel in distress. Yet all this time I've spent with her I know little to none. Yet I make an ass of myself when I'm around her, but when we're training I'm calm and relax. What's wrong with me?!
I grab the collar of another lackey pulling him in front of me, his body jolted five time. Each arrow and pierce his body four in the chest one in the head. I kick him off continuing my movement to STRQ. Parrying blades avoiding combat.

Takumi lowered his bow jumping off the branch looking at the carnage around him dead corpses around him, a small like jelly-fish grim floated out.
"I'm surprise Takumi," Takumi didn't glance at this Grimm when a woman spoken through the Grimm, she was stern speaking with confidence, "he's your brother's son. From what I just saw you tried to kill him."
"So what? He also killed Ryoma. Blood for blood. Also I never had a chance to tell you thank you for telling us the truth."
"Words of gratitude doesn't suit you boy."
"'re right."

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now