The Worst One: The Promise I Made To You Part 2

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The promise I made to you pt 2

Qrow said he'd get a birds I view to help but I would be able to fine Milla anywhere. Since...since she held my mother pendent she left me. Something about it connected back to me. Qrow please tell me you found them... Raven, I wish you could be here
This feeling was killing me on the inside. This is so nostalgic not in a good way. The image of Raven falling on the ground made my legs feel lighter.
"Come on, Shiro please be okay..." I thought to myself.
I could feel a warm presents it was the pendent Milla? I was close.

"'s over soon!" A girls voice screamed out. I saw a good friend on his knees his head wrapped around by four claws. His head was gone as soon as the claws closed.
"NEROOOO!!" I screamed! I pulled out my scroll sending my locker to my location. A bit of his blood covered my left eye. I looked down at Milla as tears filled her eyes a friend gone in the blink of her eyes.
"Sucks to be you." The son of a bitch snarked, I've seen him before his slick up hair shoulder pads that's the mother fucker that Milla and I fought.
"YOU SON-OF-A-BITCH!" My locker crashes down on our location dust covered Milla and I. I ripped Aoi from the locker as Vass and I crossed swords sparks flew from the metal. We pushed each other back. Back and forth back and forth. The center of our weapons burned orange, being rubbed against each other. When his sister hop over his shoulders. I kicked Vass's knees in make him drop down. Valas gauntlet open wide. I grabbed her forearms holding Valas back as she was able to be on top of me as we fell on the ground.
"Lady hinoka was right about you. You have that fight in you! that makes me just wanna kill you!" Valas smiled even being aroused.
I slugged her across the face for a moment that stunned her. To capitalize on that I kicked her off rolling out of the ground back on my feet.
"How the hell so you know Hinoka!"
"Ass hat, that actually hurt," Valas muttered rubbing her abs.
"Answer my question!" I demanded I want answers as many as I could get. Valas mickied a cats voice, clawing the air in my general direction, "is this FUNNY!"
"Funny isn't, Y/N." I looked over towards Vass as he just stood right up like he wasn't even injured, "you just witness you're friend get killed, yet. You haven't let anger or hate consume you. You're not running wild like Lady Hinoka assumed you would."


"So did you have been able to control yourself with that curse of a power or did you not really care about your teammate."
I-I was speechless. Nero died right in front of me yet. When it happen to Raven I lost all control. Yet when it happen to my actual team I couldn't do anything. No! I know I've gotten stronger I don't need that thing with me right now!
"Whatever, be delusional. Our task he is done anyway." Vass notified his sister as they started to walk away, Valas picked up an unconscious Shiro, "we'll be taking her with us."
"Wait!" I cried desperately reaching out.
With that they were gone. I looked over at Milla having abnormal breathing. Leaning against Shiro's weapon. I rushed to her side wrapping my arm around her shoulder.
"What are you doing here..." she gasp for air, I can see the fear in her eyes almost like Raven's it was a bit heart tearing, "you should be at the arena for the singles."
"I couldn't just leave my friends!"
"Why would it've done it before..."
"Shut up! I had to be more cautious knowing Hinoka was here..." my voice got caught in my own emotions. Wrapping Milla's arm around my neck I lifted her up grabbing her by her belt loops, "so please let me be a leader at least to you."
I must have been walk for hours there was no end to his forest we were in. I could have left Milla behind to go get help, but not after what we had gone through already.
"Y/N!!!!" I looked back to Qrow screaming in my direction. Where the hell have you been? Milla lost her balance, stumbling to the floor. Milla clung to what ever life she had, she tried to hide it through the tears that rolled down her face. Qrow caught up with in moment, "what the hell happen?"
"Hinoka'a followers made the first move...and this was the price of me not doing anything..."
"Y/N," Milla muttered placing her hand on the side of my face resting on the remain of Nero's blood, "I want you to the singles match. And win for all of us. Please." Her had dropped to her chest as she dug under her shirt pulling out the pendant I had given her a year back, "if your in trouble I'm sure this will protect you. It did for me."
"Go, I'll stay with Milla make sure she gets the help she needs." Qrow said sliding his hand s under mine.
"Qrow I just can'-"
"Go Y/N...Raven's waiting." Qrow stated, i looked back at Milla who was still able to smile holding up my pendant. Covering her hand with both of my hands firmly grasping the pendant. I know i didnt shouldn't have time to prepare for the match, but this was the best im gonna get. i looked over Aoi to my shock it had a few cracks. Valas and Vass, they're people who i need to be a bit over prepared esspecially since they are under Hinoka, "Problem with you're weapon?"
"No, just some improvements." I laughed, while qrow looked completely confused, "Looks like i need to run back to my locker to get my other weapon."
"No need, i brought it with me while i chased after you, couldn't leave the locker wide open with contents still inside."
How did? not once did i once Qrow so how did he even get behind me?
"alright then Im off!" i shouted with high spirit motivation!
"Give Raven a run for her money man."
"Good...luck, Y/N."

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now