The Worst One: ...We Will Crawl the Earth and Stand Up Tall Pt: 2

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Walking down through my hallways, Hinkoa would cross my mind every now and then. That girl when her and her brother came to me i thought nothing of them. Then as time progressed on they proved loyal to me and me a lone. A shame Takumi had died by the hands of his nephew. I had handed a man trumendious power that started this all. The Kamwui family had severed me well through the decades as well as the grimm. As time marched on some of the new generation of Kamwui had fell into enlightment. brancing out to new ideals and a new follower. i was not going to let someone else use this power for their own agenda.
"My grance." i turned to a scorpion faunace, named tyrian. To my surprise Hinoka had manage to recruit this lost soul into her ranks. not only him but a professor who seeked reformation.
"Yes Tyrrian."
"lady Hinoka's plan? why did you not allow me to accompany her? Letting her kill everyone that posses this power you had given to these humans?"
"She is a woman of many mericals. She came to me with conviction in her eyes and courage to tell me not to be soft on others. Though i feel it is Hinoka who became soft having those two syiblings with her. It must have reminded her of her time long ago. As she sided with Ozpin once before, she will manage to burn beacon to the ground one day though it may not be her. Someone will be her succesor. Heavens me I'm just chatting your ear off. I assume what happens tonight i might be a little sad losing someone important to me a second time."


It wasn't a easy three V one nothing of these odds are never easy. If i fought one or the other, the others would attack from my blind spot. Shiro was always a hell of a shot. she could shoot a soda can from three miles away. Vass and Valas were barges of attacks. i couldnt get a moment to breath. Vass manage to throw me into a building wall. Valas followed up by using her gaunlet claw to grab my head dragging me across bits and pieces of the wall scattered everywhere. My aura had kept me from receiving to much damage. Valas chucked me across the courtyard, Shiro had smacked me with her large shield flinging me in the opposite direction valas had tosted me. Everything on my body felt like pins an needles. i looked at my hand my grey aura warped around my body. i was it my limit now.
Funny after everything thats happen. I thought i could just believe a little and make it through this. All the anger i had washed away after being tossed around like some grimm foughter. I am scared. To believe is someone is so full of shit. Its just to damn funny.
"Get UP!" Valas called me out. I layed on the ground defeated, why should i care anymore.
"I GUESS THAT WAS JUST TALK HUH!" Vass's voice was drowned out. what more can i do huh. Everything here was pointless. wish i figured that out before hand. otherwise Raven wouldn't put herself in danger like she is now- well where ever she is. i flipped myself over spitting out some mouth blood, some of the rocks had cut my cheek. leaning on Mikazuki my vision was worst for the wear. One out of the three stepped forward.
"I'll take care of him myself," Shiro said.
i couldnt lift my weapon to defend myself. Shiro would punch me, kick, slamming with her shield. A repeated process that happen over and over. over exhausted i leaned on Shiro's shield, starring at her in the eyes. Her eyes spoke nothing like hope was rip out of her very existence. Not once did i ever look like that all my years.
"Dont stare to long Y/N you might start to feel pity."
Shiro grabbed me by the roots of my hair pieceing her shield into my abs. My stomach sucking in the shield. squeezing my organs until I vomit out stomach acid and blood. i clawed to her chest in mercy. Removing her shield Shiro just looked at a corpse cover in fresh blood. The smell of iron stained my nose. i dropped Karasu on the ground my body finally gone limp throwing me to the side once again. Bending down for Mikazuki Karasu not examining it for a second. her feet glided on the ground piercing my weapon into my chest. Everything had gone black.
I cant feel anything. I cant see anything. i guess what Mikoto said is just around the corner. I hope Raven can make it out alive. Even to the end she's still on my mind.
But i can hear something...a beat steady and calm. Images of Tai, Qrow, Summer, and Raven flushed my head. The sunset holding Raven in my arms it caused another steady beat. Raven...*bump-bump* thats it i can feel...feel our soul.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now