The Worst One: Key We've lost Pt3

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Damnit! What does Nu, even mean! Her voice keeps striking my ears with disappointment! I keep looking at Aoi once over again and again even looking over my hollow shells. I grip three shells tight until I can feel a warm light coming off the shell, it radiance with my aura now. I flick out the cylinder loading the shells twisting the handle. Aoi shines white.
I have the general basis down, the real conflict is, as Nu said, "launch your aura out from the sword." As if I know what the hell she mean. Aoi only absorbs the element into it and cause damage base on that element. Aura can't be used as a offensive use on a weapon. Twisting my body to side, tight grip eyes sharp feet spread apart i swung...nothing. I glanced over at Aoi, with the light fading away to just the grey steel.
"Why....WHAT THE HELL!!!"
"Having trouble?"
"R-Raven? How long have you been there?"
"Since you did whatever you just did with those rounds? Did you just infuse aura into those? Hows that even possible."
I couldn't help but humor Raven's curiosity. Since I didn't wanna keep secrets myself. And so I explained it, the best I could, "Nu...I can't put it into words very well. She did that hard explanation on me. I kinda just raised a brow 'what the hell is she saying'" wait why is she's almost...kinda...cute? Wait what the hell am I saying?
"I asked her about it earlier Nu said it was something only your weapon can do." She said taking a seat on a open rock, "but if you use your aura on rounds won't you lose your aura faster?"

I looked away from Raven Nu's hip pocket class refreshed in my head.

-play back 3 days earlier-

I breathed intently looking up at Nu, who all just had her hands behind her old back. With whatever strength I had left I stood up.
"I see, you can't seem to control you blood resonance. By the way are you still calling it resonance. During my time we just called it a grim infection." My head tilted as Nu continued, "a lot of things you don't know huh? That's right our so called Resonance, oh my Oum, that's just a joke. I'll be front child, Kamwui's played with some dark forces cursing us with Grim in our blood. It's almost like a persona of who we really are as individuals. Remember Grim are still a being. From what your friends told me about Ryoma, his persona was fear on to others. Not much of a good leader in the lime light. Not that your grim is any better, it's not some kind of legendary creature, it's still a grim you can ether control it or it controls and consumes you. Strengthen your heart and mind hopefully one day this will die with you."
"Wouldn't I have to?" I paused looking at Aoi.
"Kill. Yes cold but true. I would like to say im a bit impress you dont seem like the usual run of the mil snobby up tight royals." Nu said grining i all could do is just sit down on the ground.
" mom and i we're exiled from the Kamwui family. So i became a town slash Village hopping merchant. after a while i left and became a unlicesnce hunter. you know the rest."
"Y/N, allow me to award you for your efforts and explain a bit more what i said earlier." i sigh nodding my head, lifting my head back up i could feel something pass through me moving under me. I looked back up to Nu, a black figure loomed over her it almost looked excatly like a beowolf.
the next feeling was a pulse of anger killer instinct. gripping my chest my normal rounte to a resnoance, flat on the ground it started to get hard to breath. Nu just waited for me to black out she even started to pet her grim.
"come on then Y/N, you must be a bit stronger in will than ryoma." Nu looked to the side of her grim, smiling "lets show this wimper snapper how its done Grandioso Traino."
i pulled Aoi out of the ground taking my stances, while her grim infused in her body

-play forward present-
"Whoa," was all Raven could say. When I described the way the grims black aura mimicked Nu, veins a quick shiver ran down her spine. I felt the same, having something like a grim just envelop you like that. Becoming one, one body one soul one mine. Something out of a bad anime or something. Nah just over thinking it. Maybe just maybe...! I'm questioning myself great didn't think this would happen. It would make sense since my color fades to black and white maybe that's just how my grim sees the world or maybe not.
"Over thinking something?" Raven said hopping off her rock.
"A little yeah, the more i learn about my history the more surreal it is."
"Oh that's right I was suppose to tell you something, but I can't remember was?"
A vein of rock rose from the ground knocking both Raven and I off balance. Nu turned her head toward me smiling. To me it was another session with her. No time for questions time for action, i twirled backwards once getting into a stance having Aoi at the ready.
"Thinking light on your feet can only take you so far," Nu...was she sending me a message or making fun of me?
Having Aoi flat base across my body to brace for Nu's incoming attack wasn't enough for her force that sent us flying across this training field. Rocks flew high scattering around the area. Raven looked in awe clapping her hands before finally taking her leave.

Raven's POV

I let Y/N have his full of his morning training. Poor guy he hasn't had breakfast yet. Yet he's still pushing himself to kill his family bloodline that's heavy on just one person. Are we any different? Qrow and I joined to kill Huntsman and huntresses. Everyone has their just cause for coming to beacon, wether thats right or wrong depend on the individual. Funny, the line between right and wrong is very thin almost like light and dark.

Making my way to the living room Summer and Tai were pack for a duo training day. I guess Summer was really into it her pack was twice as large than Tai's. Hard to tell whose the genius tai, for packing light to come back faster, or Summer for packing enough to get enough training in.
"Okay we're off you two!" Summer shouted with that same smile of her.
"Okay be safe you too, and summer, don't break Tai we still have our dance in a few months."
"No promise Qrow besides, WINNERS NEVER SLEEP!!!"
With that both Summer and Tai left, with fear painted on his face as he was dragged out of the building. That was my signal to take my leave as well it was still early, had breakfast. all that was left to do was morning hygiene. Unlike Qrow who took his post on the couch watching TV. Y/N is still fighting, I could make him something or shower....

I don't know I felt sorry for him, it wasn't much, just a simple breakfast at least it was something. I had to look at myself in the mirror, face red from ear to ear. I'm right I just felt sorry for him yeah that's it nothing more nothing less. I need a shower.Yeah! A shower to clear my head.

While the warm water splashed on my face I would always repeat that day we fought Ryoma. His sheer presence would haunt me, but Y/N also come to mind. Tai said his face was anger that would bring grim to their knees. Yet Y/N almost looked worried when he held me in his arms. I wonder how Y/N saw it from his perspective? Tai cradled me as I starred directly at Y/N as Ryoma, not to long ago he had his hand around my neck, then collapse to the ground. Qrow and Summer surround Tai and I. While Ryoma's subordinate started attacking Y/N. One by one they fell to Y/N blade. Before I knew it, I woke up with my team surrounding me back at beacon. Summer just crying on my lap, Tai pulling Qrow in for a team hug. Yet you still remained asleep for three days flat lining twice. Putting fear in all of us. Just the image of you sleeping peacefully the night prior stayed as soon as I turned off the water. There's no way I'm falling for you...I just...I can't.

Making my way down stairs Qrow was already fully dressed, unlike earlier just in his boxers. His old habits never seem to die. How summer even found my brother interesting was beyond me.
"Hey, our boy, Y/N enjoyed the food." Qrow said, only to point his thumb behind him. Y/N was passed out on the table counter. His plate was clean with some rice on the side of his lip.
"That boy has a lot endurance," Nu praised taking a sip of her coffee, I could smell it from where I was it was clearly dark yet it still smelled sweet, "I can see why you people keep him along with your team."
"It's not like that! it's just dumb luck!" I countered it not like anyone liked having him around right? Wait why am I countering someone's opinion?
"Sweety all my years living it was never luck that kept me alive during the war. It was One will to continue on living. However it was the phrase that cursed us with this life we live. AH! I'm just rambling now! Must just be me getting old!"

"SOMETHINGS WRONG!" Y/N shouted from his nap, I looked over at Nu who also had an unsettling feeling, "where's Tai and Summer!"
"Y/N calm down what's the matter?" Qrow said gathering around the group.
"I don't know it's like last time where...." his eyes widen looking over to Nu, "how can I feel another Kamwui from here."
"Just as grim can feel negative emotions from great distance depending on the population we can feel the presence of A Kamwui depending on their control of their grim." Nu explained.
"I'm sorry what!? What are you too talking about?!" Qrow said.
"Im impresses in such a short time I never assumed you figure things out and get a grasp of everything so fast," Nu grin walking up to Y/N, removing his gauntlet of his left arm revealing an odd marking? "So that old fool had put some training wheels on you."
"What do mean?" Y/N asked, a loud scream shot out of Y/N mouth, dropping to his knees as the mark burned away.
"I'm not one to be giving hand outs but it seems to me You and Team STRQ are fine warriors," Nu finally turned to me smiling, "Raven when your finish with your emergency I want all of you to come back here for one last night before you take your leave."
I nodded in response. As Y/N, Qrow and I pack our weapons I used my semblance to crate a portal to Tai and Summer.
"This won't be like last time," Y/N mutter under his breath before we charged straight through.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now