The Worst One: The Party Is Getting Crazy...

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The sky itself burned red, as the the smoke of Grimm gathered around. An innocent child clawed to my clothes, coughing tears in her eyes.

Like the spread of a shotgun shell. My eyelids spread open, already adjusted to the dark I scavenged around looking for my scroll. Raven curled up more into me. Parting some of her hair behind her ear i kissed the side of her head. Turing the scroll away from my face to an angle where I could see the screen and adjust the brightness.

It had already been three months since the Vytal Festival. Since Hinoka had secretly targeted me and my team. Capturing Shiro, killing Nero, with such a strain on their mind, Milla was gone with not A word to trace back to her. She gave back my mothers pendant I had given to her in a time of weakness of hers. Honestly I didn't believe she would keep it in such good condition. The only kind of gift worth giving, something that's special to you and entrusting it to another.
Being back at Beacon had its ups and down. I got to see team STRQ again but on different sides of a spectrum. The moment I told them about hinoka, and Milla rare condition they almost turned on me, I would have been left alone all over again. One girl still put her faith in me after screws ups on my part, she threw all that aside to show to me she still trust me with that I trusted her. I saw a bit of myself in her, it would show even more while we fought together. Never would I imagine us being in the finals our blades at each other. Though it wasn't much of a fight my body had gone through physical and mental pain, but she keep me going having me put one foot in front of the other. Our last match was something filled with emotion and good faith.

Raven turned towards me wrapping her arm around me.
"What are doing up so late..." raven muttered, almost sleep talking. Recently I've been having a habit of waking up in the middle of the night. Walking around the school campus making sure no one would come on deck. The thought of losing more friends pained me, the thought of losing Raven, well I burn the thought whenever it decides to sneak around corner. Raven found out twice, lecturing me trying to help. I told her it wasn't anything to worry about. Since she knows me to well she started to sleep with me every night since then.
"Sorry Rav, just happen," i whispered to her kissing her forehead.
Hinoka isn't dead yet. She will keep coming after me until I'm out of her way. I'm the only thing keeping her from a kingdom for herself. My agreement with Ozpin will mostly be short lived, but I can trust him which is all that matters at this point.
I wrapped Raven closer trying to sleep but her hair kept tickling my nose. Whatever, still love her all the same.

The morning came just as fast as the night left. With my bags pack, Aoi and Siegfried in a case, I was on my way to head back home. Back to Lady Makoto, to my grandmother, and Suzuka. I waited as the towns folks walked pass it felt like the world around me was moving to fast. Yet here I am again leaving Raven once more. What a shit boyfriend already. I couldn't bring myself to tell her otherwise that could start a never ending argument.
Time seems to be going so slow to day. Wonder what everyone else is doing? Raven must be looking at the door waiting for me to come bursting through. She does act childish at time but that's a cute charm of hers.
I closed my eyes, maybe a quick nap the transpo will show up. One can hope. If I do dose off will I have another dream again.
I closed my eyes, until paralyze creep up.

A snap shot my head up a bit tense around my neck a few snap crackle and pops put it back in working order. I check the my scroll. A few miss calls from Raven and 10 minutes until the transpo arrived. Couldn't be timed any better. Standing around that felt like hours only seemed like a few minutes. Finally the damn transpo arrived, the wind blew pass the copied of people. Everyone had stood behind the yellow line waiting for the transpo to stop and door to slid open.
"Where you going," my ears popped when I heard a voice of a similar angel it was clear as crystal, "I said where are you going now."
No it couldn't be, I turned to the voice my collar had a hand full of a clench fist, there eyes burning red and pissed as all hell, "R-Raven hey... what you doing here."
"Trying to figure where you've been at Captain Dumbass!"
"Look! Raven, after all this time I realize I shouldn't be here putting, everyone's life's at risk."
"So your just gonna leave again..." Raven held back pain that was painted on her face, before I could even put in an extra word, she wrapped her hand around my face, "Y/ can't keep doing that to us. To me. I know you care about all of us equally. You take on the roll of the bad guy, bearing the hard choices that you don't wanna shoulder alone. And for that..." she tore her ring around her neck off, placing it on her ring finger, "we're in this together whether you like it or not."
"Well I'm not on board with you coming so get of the train before-"

Thank you for traveling with Vales Transmission Service. Please find you're seat so that the captain can punch your tickets....

"Look at that," Raven tapped my shoulder, "looks like we on this trip together."
Excited nervous I don't fucking know right now. I ran my hand through my hair trying to make light of the situation. I should have just called in sick.
"Y/N. You bought your ticket right where are you seated?"
Raven had stopped mid way up the stairs, my eyes wondered automatically up her skirt. Her thy...whoa whoa whoa easy their killer. Shake it off.
"You're going the right way Rav, 2-B."

I guess whether I like it or not I'm stuck with Raven on this trip. It can't be so bad some time with just me and her, away from school the rest of Team STRQ. We could use this for our relationship...or it can totally back fire and burn me in the ass. While Raven and I had taken our seat, the rest of the passenger where in chaos of their own finding the seats, stowing away their bags so on and so forth. I always found myself looking over at Raven's , who happen to take the window seat...I'm not mad about it just some I should bring up, finger still having the ring around her finger. I though she only did that for dramatic effect. It wouldn't be a problem if I took my ring off would it? Wait doesn't that mean Raven wants to be more than just a girlfriend...I don't think I ready for that! I can't even do grocery shopping without panicking!!! My mind is going 100 mph on a 25 school zone! Does that even relevant in this situation?!?
"You okay?" Raven spoke up shutting down my train of thought.
"I was just looking at the ring it's still on your figure, hahah," I said wiggling my figure which Raven had the ring on. She looked at me then the ring smiling. Raven's smile so innocent and pure in my eyes. I followed her foot steps, I removed the ring of my neck placing it on the same
finger as her, "honestly it's a beautiful place to have that ring at."
No no no no no!!! What the fuck?!? I so calm and collected but I'm shitting bricks right now.
"True, plus I don't mind it being there."
I'm starting to get nervous around Raven now, to a point where I might be obsess with her. Maybe I'm just putting her safety a bit over the red zone. A quick power nap might relax me, or as stif as a whistle, even if it was just closing my eyes. I wrapped my hand around Raven's hand, reclining back on my seat.
Even though I do feel natural around her as well as be nervous around her. Raven is like a fire you'd gather around on a cold winter night it's sheer presence alone kept me safe secure at peace. It jogged a memory for a time long ago. It was a cold winter a blizzard had rolled in like a leaf falling from a tree it happened without a sign. I curled up in a ball with my blanket. Nothing was keeping me warm. Next I was being embraced not by my father or mother but by my aunt Suzuka, she had carried me to where the rest of my family was. Grandma Makoto had made everyone a cup of hot coco. Even pooping me a mug of some. Funny to think of a moment where it was peace. The train started to shake...

"GRIM!!! GRIM ARE ATTACK THE TRAIN!!!" A passage shouted, Like the spread of a shotgun shell. My eyelids spread open, already adjusting to the light, I scavenged around looking for my weapons. Everyone became more panicked drawing in more grim, possibly. The train shook again this time throwing anybody who was standing back on the ground. Raven and I looked out window, a horde of grim flew against the train, they almost looked like bullfrogs with bat wings, but its fangs looked like they could rip through flesh of a human.
"Just my luck..." I muttered to myself.
"Maybe it's not just yours..." Raven whispered to me. Not just mine. Our?

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now