The Worst One: When It Falls... Pt: 3

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When it falls...part 3

If I could symbolize that moment it would be the shattered moon. Everything around me fell apart one after another after another.
Her eyes were like dagger stabbing me straight through my soul. Her eyes were the same. The same as mine. I could tell we were the same. Eyes of someone who has struggled her whole life living in the thin line of life and death. Her hair was different this time instead of golden blonde it was jet Black, long hair that flowed having little tangles in her hair. Health tan skin a slim figure. Her torn and rip coat flipped through the wind her left arm was covered in bandages. Her weapon was the same as someone I knew. Her weapon so familiar my natural respiratory began off beat.
"Why are you here?"

I woke up a bit tight around my neck. The feeling of crust still in my eyes automatically shut my eye lids.
I don't recall being this tight? I hung up Mikazuki Karasu, near the entrance dropping on my knees collapsing on the futon. Now I feeling a bit hot? The chill breeze that was coming through the outside should have kept me cool all night so why?
Not only am I warm, I'm restricted, I can't have my hand cross over my chest to rub my eyes. Pulling my head back I preyed my eyes open. I was being held by the arms of my dark angel.
if i only knew she was going to sleep with me i would hold her in my arms. Ah damn it all! i let an opportunity slip away like that. I'd shoot myself to do it over again!
"Hey, Rav-"
"GOOD MORNING!!" Suzuka slid open my door open the ray of sunlight radiant in the room. I looked at her dumb founded. As we just starred at each other, i was sweating bullets. The situation did look bad since im in bed with a woman, who is EXPOSING MOST OF HER CHEST!!!
"S-suzuka....its not what you think..." i pleaded for her to understand, but she kept looking at me not saying a word
come on damn it say something...please!
"I can see that your busy," Suzuka said before closing the door infront of her, "MOM! Y/N is busy doing Raven so they will be down in a minute."
honestly id rather die at this point now...
I mean im not embarrassed of being around Raven its just what i do with my girlfriend is my business and mine alone. it doesnt help when family gets involved and makes it weird.
What am i going to do with her anyway. i cant help but smile around Raven. first i grabbed her robe one over lapping the other hiding her chest. ive already completed everything i needed to do here. At first i wanted to end this bloodline, funny how i ended up depending on them to give me the tools needed to pick me back up. Credo and Kifuyu training me, Aunt Suzuka and Grandma Mikoto giving me reassurance that there is still a place i can call home. And her, Raven Branwen, being socially awkward around her putting myself in danger for her and telling her, not only with Aoi, but with my word as well. i wonder too if i'll be the man she's looking for in the future and be glad to wear a ring on her finger.
WHOA WHOA WHOA! getting a head of myself.
Still having been able to sleep next to an angel the future doesnt look so bad.

"WHAT IS THIS I HEAR DOING SOMETHING WITH RAVEN!!!" Mikoto had slammed my door open much like her daughter, not only was i sweating bullets i was a pale as a grimms white mask. My neck was wrapped around Mikoto's arm in moments. to this day she can still act like a mother. I tapped her arm in mercy but she wasnt letting up.

"why-Why is it so bright in here." Raven ranted, before covering herself in a blanket.
"suprise you were asleep from all the ruckus happen, how'd you sleep?"
"like a baby"
"hey is everything okay? When i woke up you seemed to be having a bad sleep." Ravens simple face transition to a frown look at the ground not even making eye contact with me. Whats up? did i say something wrong? "Raven, if somethings wrong you can tell me..."
"Y-Y/N..." she looked back up at me she was struggling at first, "Last night i overhear everyone last night...they said-"

Raven POV

"WHY!!!" Y/N had grabbed his weapon cutting down his desk in half. his unsteady breathing had trigger him to act out impulsive. in the back of my mind should i have told him the truth about what is to come?
"Y/N, i-"
"Raven...just, just leave"
"Whats going on here!?" Credo was the first to enter the room.
"Did you know about this! did you know that this family was in danger!" Y/N had attack Credo with question, following behind was the rest of the family, "Aunt Suzuka! Aunt Kifuyu, was everyone aware of this!?!"
no on had said a word, they all just looked at us with pity on their faces.
"You have to be fucking kidding me...What was the point of the last 12 days ive been here!"
"Y/N, listen we heard when your grimm took over your body." Suzuka spoke out, "None of us want you to believe that this ablility is in anyway a bad thing. We wanted to show you that you can use that power for good. to use it for the people who you truely love."
"CUT THE SHIT!" Y/N attack out in aggression, stabbing Mikazuki Karasu into the ground.
"Suzuka is right, When you showed up to my front door step. I could see it in your eyes how much of our family's curse tormented you. My husband,....Ryoma was the same way, he thought that this power would make him weak if he relied to dependably on it. i was only trying to help the best of ways i could. i wanted to prove to you your uncle wasnt a heartless monster but a man of honor."
I wanted to help him, i wanted to be by his side, but i know right now if he going to accept himself and his linage then this is something he must accept on his own. it pained me seeing his world fall apart once more. he turned to me with desperation, his eye blood shot red from held back tears. i couldnt be by him right now.
Please Y/N, accept the reality thats in front of you.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now