The Worst One: Key We've lost Pt:2

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Raven POV

I wanted to say when we made it to Laplace it was a smooth adventure there and back nothing to worry about. But it had already been five days since we met L/N, Y/N great grandmother, she doesn't move like any old lady. In fact the way she moves is almost like Y/N, fast. The difference is Y/N is only fast when he's planted on the ground. Lady L/N is jumping all over the walls, fast as a speeding bullet, but quite as the summer breeze.

"Morning Raven," Tai said walking down stairs with his roughed up bed head, "where's Y/N and Nu?"
"Same place down in the basement, Y/N still getting his ass handed by an old lady." I scoffed. Not that I was living a better life we as a team had been doing nothing but team exercises from sun up to sun down in the forest of Laplace, by the time we come back dinner is ready for us and Y/N would be knocked out on the bed. The third night we saw him sleeping outside of the house leaning on his weapon as leverage.
"Nu, has been raising the bar recently. Maybe Y/N is hitting his limitations. You think he's made any improvements?"
"Its only been five days. Since we came here," feels like a month honestly.
"R-right? Anyway me and summer have plans to go out later together, you and Qrow are staying back." Tai had his back to me starting up his own breakfast. Important meal of any day.
"Wait why just you to?"
"Summer says we're doing well as a team, when someone's proactive in formation the rest of us are reactive, like a domino effect. So she wants us to pair up to strengthen our duos'. Funny as our leader she is doing the best she can so we can be ready for anything and not freeze in place know."
Tai had a good point, everyone had their reasons to join beacon me and my brother had ours. In the long run, the training we under gone thru was nothing to that man's fight. I had to grow stronger by any means even if I had to making choices no one else would.
"My, My who is making that art in my kitchen," lady Nu said exiting out of the basement door.
"Oh good morning Mrs. Nu I was just making breakfast, would you care fore some."
"Oh Tai that's sweet I would love some," Nu replied taking a seat next to me.
I turned around waiting for Y/N to walk out of that door way covered in bruises. After a while I finally asked Nu, "where's Y/N did you knock him out cold again."
"Hmm?" She rose one off her grey brows towards me, "I told him to practice a new offense technique with his aura. It's something that only that weapon of his could do. Well it can do, he's not trying which is frustrating. His perception of hard work and talent is a joke. Saying that I'm just natural about the skills I've acquired over my years.
"like a stubborn child, huh." I couldn't help but laugh, "I'll go check up on him see how he's doing."
"Here you go Nu,"
"Oh thank you tai, by the way where's Summer and Qrow?"
The voices of Tai and Nu drifted out as soon as I walked deeper into the basement. I was a bit curious about what Nu was trying to teach Y/N. something only his weapon Aoi can do? It's only a gun sword was there more Y/N wasn't telling us or was he in the dark about it to.
Kamwui's the root of my tribes problems seem to be having a falling out inside their household.

-play back 5 days earlier-

We sat together on the hellacarrier, the atmosphere was very transparent. Everyone was just to quite, sure there's nothing wrong with a little silence this was uncomfortable. Tai was on his scroll playing games. Summer started a new book, Qrow passed out on her shoulder.
Y/N...Y/N looked out the window. The sun still hadn't broken dawn. He was doing "that" again off into space. Wonder what planet he's on this time, "summer what you reading?"
"Titles call two souls, it's exactly as it sounds. One people has another soul living inside him. It's very interesting really, almost like it's not just a story but a true event." Summer explained bias opinions.
If things kept up like this it was going to be a long plane ride.
"Here raven, if you want you can read it for a while, I'm probably gonna follow Qrow's lead get some shut eye."
Is there any real need to read two souls? I presented the book to Y/N who drifted more to my side. His head collapsed on my shoulder, "Y/N?" He did respond only his torso rose and fell. He already knocked out?
"Y/N, must be burned out." Summer laugh parting my brothers hair way from his face, " supposably Y/N hasn't had a good nights rest since he got out of the infirmary."
"Is that's so," I followed Summer leaded move Y/N bangs away from his face, he grunted quietly digging himself deep in my shoulder.
Y/N, is cling to desperate. Why won't he lean on us?

-play forward 8 hrs later-

"What does the map say Y/N?" Qrow said looking around the surrounds of the forest.
Y/N took watch while the rest of us had something to eat before we would start walking in whichever direction. Taking a quick glance to Qrow and Y/N, Y/N stored his weapon on his back looking at his compass once more before Qrow started walking our way.
"He's got our azimuth, however the village of Laplace isn't anywhere on the map." Qrow said pulling a chocolate bar out from his bag.
"You think it will be like Valhalla?" Tai said looking up at the sky.
"Tai!" Summer shouted, Y/N was behind him.
"It's okay summer, there has to be a reason why it's not on the map or someone is keeping it hidden." Y/N reassured himself he sounded a little bit over confident considering everything had been thrown at us left and right, "let's eat before we head out."

-play forward Village Laplace-

We've been walking all day everyone's mentality was at a low point, yet Y/N still had a flat Face, it almost made me sick. Every time we would take a break he spend more time looking at his neckless than socialize not that I was any better.

"We're here." Y/N announced.
"R-Really?" Tai raises a brow.
This village was baron. We could tell there was activity in the streets just recently, but I just wanted rest so did everyone else.
"Guess this is what they call a warm unwelcome," Qrow cracked a tasteless joke as always.
As of now we headed towards the nearest inn in this village.
"Hi we'd like two rooms please." Tai requested.
"No." The innkeeper bluntly said.
"Mister we've been walking almost all day the sun is almost down." Qrow had a cracking in his tone almost ready to snap.
"I'll give a room to all four of you, but not him. I've seen a pendant like that before, you're one of them aren't you."
all of us looked back at Y/N in shock, yet he all yet argued back. He shrugged his shoulders leaving without a second thought.
"Y/N!" I shouted following behind, by the time we got outside the sun was already at a sunset, "we don't have to rest here, Y/N. We can find another place."
"What and have the same thing happen again. I've dragged you guys into this long enough having you guys hike all day just take the bed an-"
Before he had any more goddamn lip to give me I slapped him across his face. Leaving a red mark the right side of his face, "Shut up! You think you dragged us into this! Look at Mr. Big shot here. Don't you remember what you told me in the kitchen lying doesn't make it better. I know you're having a difficult time that doesn't mean you can put on a mask in front of your friends."
"Raven I-" Y/N senses twitched as did mine, something was watching us from the shadows. He rested his hand on the handle of Aoi, I gripped the handle on my weapon as well having our back to each other we scanned the higher levels. An uncomfortable chill creeped out skins We spun around seeing a figure four eleven tall wearing a black poncho. Hopping in the air twisting in a spiral motion kicking both of us back.
We took the hit fair, sending us back a few feet away from each other. Y/N spun in counter clock wise ripping Aoi off his back charging forward simulatiously I unsheathed my weapon charging forward. I attacked from the bottom Y/N attack from the top. Whoever this person was reactive to our attacks. Most like she was floating in mid air passing through our slashes, they grabbed both both our wrist, spinning us around to throw our balance off. The fighting style of theirs was almost as if they were dancing with us. Pulling Y/N and I closer a series of kicks followed behind. One in gut, another in the arm one in the face. Over and over again until they threw like a spiral Griff Ball.
"Raven..." Y/N muttered gripping his chest.
"Oh I didn't know you were one of them, explains why I was resonating earlier." She said? Her voice sound a bit frail but considering this woman went up again two sword wielders and her agility that was a spike of questions.
"Leave him a lone!" I shouted with what little strength I had left using my sword to keep me standing. where the hell is everyone else at!
"Sweetheart I'm not going to do anything to you...I'm a sensible old lady. It looks to me you have been on a hell of a walk coming here."
"Raven!!" Tai shouted the rest of the team finally made it.
"Oh good good! Have you're boys there carry this one," she instructed walking to Y/N chopping the back of his neck knocking him out cold.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now