The Worst One: avalanche Pt2

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Once our transpo dropped us off we headed into amber forest. Keeping dispersion we kept on line with each other using the trees to keep us covered. We moved together the people next to me were tai to my left and raven to my right. I'd look back or glanced towards raven just having her watching my flank kept me reassured. I quite "ouch" bounce around raven and I readied ourselves. It was just summer tripping on a thick tree root.
Continuing our movement I started to remember little land mark. Such as the tree from ravens right. A few kids and I hunted pecklbores to trade in town even for tonight's dinner with my mom. The more I got closer the more I remember, like the tail to the left of tai I meet a random trader who handed me a silver rupee for protecting his cargo from bandits. It's been two years I wanted to see my mother see how she was doing. I cracked from excitement breaking from the formation we had formed. Someone shouted out to me I couldn't tell who it was from the dark forest I've seen a glimmer of light running faster the light grew larger until I was engulfed completely.

To me I saw was kids running in the yard the village enjoying a lazy afternoon. Two story high buildings the nearest restaurant that would be smoking its meat being cut up on flat bread being sold to the customers. I want to say nothing had changed that everything was fine. It was a bearin waste land destroyed buildings cracks floors craters around the area. This wasn't a Valhalla I remembered. It was just another destroyed area.
"Y/N! Why'd you take" Tai's voice froze seeing the area I've witness, placing a hand on my shoulder he tried his best to do what he could, "listen man it's been awhile since you've been here maybe everyone moved along before this happen."
"Yeah, you're probably right Tai."
Everyone was able to catch up just to see the catastrafy in front of them as well.

We decided to set up camp inside a building that wasn't completely destroyed. water ran down the wall, a light drap through the hallways. I hand taken the first watch for the night it was pitch black as far as the eye could see. Yet like a recorded player the voices of everyone in this area played in my head like they were still here. I was remorseful about everything, even feeling sorry that I couldn't be here soon enough to help them. Yet everyone I've meet so far seemed to leave an imprint in my head. A few rocks stumbled I gripped Aoi taking a battle stance.
"Sorry I couldn't sleep." Raven whispered with her weapon by her side a blanket hanging on one arm and something warm to drink held by her free hand.
"Thank you, Raven"
Setting Aoi down raven wrapped the blanket around me she even slithered her way into said blanket. I guess she could tell I was shivering. Even when I rolled my sleeves for my jack down I was still cold. The tin cup heated the palms of my hands slowly but surely.
"You should get some rest you're no good if you're restless."
"Alright, HOWEVER! I'm only resting my eyes. Just wake me up in a hour or two."
"Sure I will..."

-dawn of a new day-

Waking up from restless fatigue I wasn't outside in the cold wind I was next to several other packs and sleeping bags.
"Morrrr~ing," summer greeted opening up breakfast a, Meal Ready to Eat or MRE's for short.
"What happen last night?" I asked rubbing the crust out of my eyes. As summer ate her breakfast she explained the plot hole. I knocked out in ravens lap, she manage to get Qrow and Tai to take me into the building. I ended up sleeping in Qrows sleeping bag he had to share with Tai. Summer was a bit impress seeing how much of a trouble the two had with me. Slamming me into walls dropping me and to and fro. Well that explains the soreness I have.
"Damn I must have it rough...wait so where's raven?" I asked crawling out of the sleeping bag.
Summer spoke with white meat chicken chucks in her mouth, "she's on watch why don't you eat something and switch out with her."
She was right, but I'd rather kill to birds with one stone.
Once I walked outside the cold wind hit me a realization fall was around the corner. Raven sipping on her last ounces of water she had left. Thankfully I brought two MRE's and a canteen of water.
"Hungry? Or you gonna be stubborn and say you already ate, or third option... yeah I don't know what that Third one would be?"
"you're not good at morning conversations are you? youre acting a bit weird." Raven grinned, i could haven been blushing rubbing the back of my neck.
"Me no, im just not use to knocking out on someones lap more specifically a girls slap. sorry for all the trouble i cause last night."
"Not at all, so about that meal?"
oh crap that right
i threw raven a meatball and marinara sauce while i stuck with chilli and beans. i didnt mind it as much since it had corn bread. i popped a seat infront of raven opening our sealled bag looking through our meal. then it hit me. holding onto a piece of plastic i remember the meal my mother would make before i went to go train with my uncles.
"anything wrong?" raven snapped me out of my self pity.
"No nothing come on lets 'dig in' before we lose the opperunity." i said trying to laugh it off as a joke. i wanted all of this to be some sick joke. this whole village gone without a single trace of life something had to be wrong.
"Raven, Y/N." summer walked in on us eating, before i could fit a single snack down my throat, summer looked sepcificly at me, "Qrow and Tai found someone."

"OLD MAN!" i busted down the door Qrow and Tai laid down Lyold down on a made shift bed, he was a huntsman in the village. He settled down with a family two daughters one son. I trained under him while my mother and i stayed here at the time. his clothes were torn, the sight of blood stains were fairly new.
"Y/N is that you?"
"Yes its me!"
"Im sorry i cant see very well...are you around?"
"Old man im right here." my throat tighten dropping to my knees i placed my hand over his.
"Y/ have to stop them...i wasnt any help for this village...yet they took everyone. when i came to everything was destroyed..."
"Who? what? grim?"
"Y/N you have to relax..." qrow muttered, "just enjoy what time you have left."
"No we can save him!"
"Y/N i wish i could have taught you seemed a little lost...i want to rasie you like my were like fam...ily...'
"Im.... sorry Y/N" Tai said folding Lyold's arms across his chest inner locking his hands together.

alone i stood under a dead tree with rocks piled high, resting a flower on the rocks. i couldn't find the reason to shead a single tear.
"Thank you...Old man..."
Team STRQ waited up ahead for me. weapons ready.
"So just up a head is where you found him?" i asked bluntly.
"Yeah, but what are you gonna do when we find whoever did this." Tai said looking deep into the forest.
i walked pass the team taking Aoi off my back flicking out its clyinder, loading 6 flame dust shells. " it clear what im gonna do...kill them." flicking the clyinder back into the blade, "Are you gonna stop me if its a human or fanuce?"
No one answered, they all but looked away discouraged. Even summer who always looked for a up side to anything and everything didn't have words to spare.
"To all of you this is just a mission, but now only to me shit just got personal."

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now