The Worst One: Hard Punches

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"Y/N, Y/N wake up..."
I heard Raven's voice calling out to me. Yet I was so void of feeling in my body.
She called out again. My body didn't want to move but my heart was telling to get my ass in gear! One leg in front of the other. Even if I couldn't feel anything I just need to move. Everything around me was dark, void of any life around. Raven's voice was the only thing I could hear. A radiant light shined in the far distance. I felt sluggish but I needed to move. Shuffling along, it felt like something was pulling me down and back simultaneously.
"RAVEN!!!" Crying out stretching out my hand to grab hold of that light. Something oozed off my hand. I didn't want to believe what it was having my palm face me, coated in blood. That same light eventually was covered by a dark mist. The ground below me was flooded in the blood.

"Y/N?" Milla said, I woke up in a cold sweat. She opened the window blinds open the sun hurt like hell.
I cover my face with my hand wiping away any sweat off my face, "close the blinds..."
"Get up, its already 8 in the morning. We have to go the the opening ceremony."
It's to early to deal with Milla. Sometimes I'd just love to sleep in however since Altas is so anal about Formal banquets and being punctual. Complete opposite of what I do. Time just changes people, that's a fact it doesn't happen over night it just takes time.
"Y/N! Get UP!!"

After a few minutes of being babied, Milla managed to get my body out in the hallway and dress, "you look like complete crap." She can be such an ass.
"Y/N is everything okay?" Nero along with Shiro walked back to our rooms. A bit of crust was still in my eyes but I could feel Nero's concern.
"Yeah man I'm good, just a bit under the weather is all." I replied lifting my head for Milla to button my top collar.
"The spicy food got to him last night. he couldn't go one hour with running out of the room to use the bathroom! If the other academy's look at us and see our leader the way he is now! they would take us as a joke!"
"Aside from over sleeping. Y/N, you dont look to well something wrong?" Shiro examined, knocking Milla off my neck i rubbed the crust out of my eyes walking pass Nero and Shiro, waving my hand back and worth.

So it begun Every team from all over the kingdom gather around in their respected Academy possessions. Altas students are completely fool of themsleves. The voices of other students sexualizing Milla for how she look was an eye roll, girls being blushy-crushy over Nero's stature, hell of I'd look like him I'd take pride in all that muscles, Shiro just be admired at for just being her, seriously like can everyone not have a thing for my team!
Although I couldnt have picked a better team even if i tried. No each one of them hold something sinful in their hearts. i had accepted them for them since students at Atlus always have the 'need to look better than the other' mentality.
"is that him? that one irregular to join the academy?" i student muttered.
"The rumor was he faked papers just to get in."
"Funny having to fake paper work just to live a life of luxery what an eye sore."
Corner of my eye i could tell Milla was fidgeting her hands in fists, "Why would anyone be under him let alone him even be a team leader." Milla jerked back ready to put hands on anyone. Grabbing her hand to tug her down she starred directly at me. This wasnt the time nor the place. i looked back up see some jackass giving a speech or something.

It wasnt too long after the opening ceremoy that Milla found me to give me an earful.
To early for this...
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" Milla shouted.
"Are you asking why i stopped you from making Atlas look bad or why i stopped you from throwing hands with some other student. To answer both questions is simple; one you said it yourself earlier today, two cause i didnt want problems before and after." i explained.
"You always do this accepting yourself to look like the outcast, cant you see how the rest of your team feels about them talking down on you!"
"No need to shout Milla," i said cocking a brow up.
"Why cant you act more responsiable!"
my sudden out burst hit a little to close for home for both of us. it was just a bandit stand off Milla and I just starring at each other, no words just eye contact.
"Is everything okay?" A girls voice called out, i backed off collecting myself.
"Yeah we're cool," i responded i closed my eyes breathed in deeply just like how she taught me. turning to the voice playing it off as if nothing happen. when i opened them once again, long jet black hair, her red outfit which was more red than newly bloom roses, her skin was beautiful white snow that glint in the sun, and her eyes were just as beatiful as the day i left them, "R-Raven?"
in that moment time just stopped. The wind picked up a soothing breeze that passed through Raven's hair, flowing elegently in the wind. She ran her hand throught her hair having a section rest behind her ear, to keep it from hitting her face.  It was like the first time i saw her and like last time i was breathless. i must have been blushing from ear to ear. when Raven lifted her head to look at me.
"Hey Raven..." i said smiling, her face lit in awe only to slap me across the face.
Fu- OWW!
even after a slap she still looked at me shocked, she place her hands on my cheeks squeezing pulling my cheeks apart, "Y/N...youre really here?"
I looked down at raven with a stupid look on my face, though she was the one that was making it for me, not even able to make a really sentence, "Yqeeck, Ein herre..." At least I tried to say something to her. Luckily I was able to pull her off my face. Damn when did she get a strong grip.
"I don't understand, why are you here! Why are you with Atlas! Where have you been all this time! Why didn't you come back with us! Why..." with one question after another Raven eyes watered, "why didn't you say goodbye..."
This couldn't be anymore cliché if the atmosphere was right. I mean I had to say something anything! "Raven...wanna get some tea?"
What the fu-! Okay just roll with it...
"S-sure that came out of left field?"
"I just thought we could have a drink while we still have time until the-" I rolled my eyes and groaned to what I had to say next, "beacon and Atlas banquet."
"Don't sound to excited. not a fan of dances?" Raven teased.
"No, I enjoy dances for the most part. What I don't enjoy are Atlas events. They always need to have events that are formal as hell and me needing to be in uniform. I had on our formal attire I just wanna shot myself on how tight it squeezes my body."
"You poor thing. Anyway about that tea."
Crap! Raven was right I need to diverge from this topic. I wonder if Milla would like to come. When I turned back around she was gone. Weird, and we were just mad at each other to. Damn I don't want this to bite me in the ass later. I turned to Raven, talking on her scroll, then it hit me. I just asked Raven on a date. Holy crap, was it me whose changed over the years or was it just moment of luck. Whatever the case may be I had to wipe my stupid grin off my face before she turns around. I couldn't help it giving Raven a once over I was just admiring her angelic body. Ah damn nothings working!
Okay okay only one thing logical to do!
I grit my fist tight pulling my arm back slingshotting it on the side of my face.
"Okay I just told everyone I'd be late coming back. What happen to your face?" Raven question looking over my right side which had bursted red.
"there was a...a bug..."

While strolling our way through Vale, I would just glance at Raven's hand swaying back and forth. I shouldn't be going to crazy after all she agreed to just have tea not hook up. What an eye roll. I guess this is alright to.
I zoned in on Raven's stories. After they had left Nu's home Raven had tried to wait for me. But everyone broke the news to her so abruptly that it was a hard pill for her to swallow. Once Classes started back up Team STRQ was in a league of their own. No one realize what they had been through and how that made them stronger as a unit. Their was a time they went back to Nu, but she had passed away only a few months after they had left. They paid their respects visiting her grave whenever they get a chance. Raven said if Nu could see them now she asked herself what she would think now. I laughed at the thought since Raven was serious and was openly joking to. I wanted to think the same to if Nu, could see how much my blade had chance me over the years would she say anything. It hurt me to think an old teacher would leave an impact when I trained under for just under a week. Yet Nu didn't waste time to willingly teach me.
"So what have you been up to?" Raven asked grinning. I looked at her stopping in my tracks. Everything came rushing through my head a hurricane of events flooded my mind. My eyes watered up. I tried to hide it way covering my face with my hand. Taking a deep inhale and slow exhale until the water was just vaporated, "everything okay?"
"Y-Yeah it's just a long story, Raven." I said catching up to her.

The sun took its post high in the sky. Raven and I took a table outside on the second story padeo. Letting Raven order the tea while I had adjusted the umbrella to cover the top of our heads. She placed her elbows on table inner locking her fingers together having one legs over the other.
"You're dieing from anticipation." I said leaning back on my chair.
"Well the walk here I did most of the talking which is rare. So Y/N, tell me what have you been doing for the pass two years!"again events from my pass came flooding in my head. My hand shacking sporadicly, only to hide it under the table, "anything wrong?" Mentally I was troubled looking back her with sorry eyes.
"Raven, I meet my grandmother Mikoto, and my Aunt Sakura. And finding out more about Kamwui," I scoffed in disbelief, "my family is so fucked up. Their was conflict inside the family. picking a side between a woman name Salem and Ozpin. The people who sided with Salem just wanted power and control to have their own kingdom in Remmant. While those who sided with Ozpin, whose intent isn't clear, as well as those who wanted to be a neutral. Clearly those who sided with Ozpin were hunted down being slaughtered like animals. They were going against the person who granted them this curse. Meeting Mikoto once again I dropped to my knees in tears knowing full well what I had done to two of her sons....she...she forgave me. Holding me in her arms once more as her grandson. I was confused about everything. Telling me I was like my father. We both wavered in our life's before but we needed to be strong and move forward. Not just for us but for other that will soon follow." I fought back the tears when I talked about my family our tea pot had came i pored Raven and myself a cup as I continued, "I didn't stay long with my grandmother. I left three weeks later I needed resolve to move after leaving you, Raven, as well as everyone else. it felt like I lost a second family again."
"Y/N..." Raven was speechless from what? I was only saying the truth. Sometimes people can handle the truth.
"She had also give me my father's sword. It's almost similar to yours. But more traditional. A single edge katana really nothing special about it. I was always self taught when I fought with Aoi. So Mikoto gave me a lead on where Ryoma's wife was. Ryoma had sided on being with Ozpin, Takumi and Hinoka wanna a kingdom to rule. Ryoma didn't know who I sided with, he had known that then maybe...maybe I wouldn't have had to kill him."
"You didn't kill Him, Y/N. You were just angry you didn't know how to process what happen. When we fought Ryoma you just wanted to protect your friends." Raven said words of comfort word or forgiveness.
"It still remains he's dead...cause of me. It's funny, I never thought my uncle would be able to get hitch ever. He always seemed devoted to his work to the people. When I meet his wife I saw what Ryoma saw in her and why they fell in love."
"Looks like a lot happen to you over the years." Raven smiled me telling my stories seem to take some stress off her mind, "aside from that you joined Atlas do you have a team?"
I all but grinned, "I do Team KMSN. Holy once did I use my last name Kamwui. Funny when I think about it your eyes and mine dark red, crimson even."
We laughed at the idea continuing to drink. I pulled my lips away from my cup my eyes automatically look towards Raven who finished her tea seconds after I did.
What the hell is this tea...pretty good?
Just being here again seeing Raven, it was a long hard journey, but to see her again and both of us laughing and smiling I would enjoy it for what it is and willing to see what this vital festival has in store.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now