The Worst One: When It Falls... Pt:1

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Raven POV

It's been a few days since Y/N and I had made it to his grandmother lands. After all this time we had we haven't had an audience with Lady Makoto, Y/N's grandmother. The man, Credo, who helped us on the train, said he was close to the family. It was a very vague description of being close. It was our only lead Y/N had at the time. Y/N had forgot to bring up that his grandmother moved different areas never staying in the same spot twice. The people Y/N have meet so far have always seemed a bit shady, then again that's a good reason why both parties trust one another.

For the time being Y/N and I had slept in different rooms. Yet I would always be the one up early in the morning waking Y/N.
The morning had fast approached us, making my presences know I was there I smashed the door open. Seeing a large bulge underneath the blankets, Y/N grunted throwing up the blanket over his head. Strolling over to the window, I parted the curtain allowing the light of a new day shine inside his room. Reluctantly Y/N had barracked himself under the blankets.
"Y/N wake up, it's already morning." I lectured sitting down by his side next to the large floor mat he had slept on for several nights now. He shuffles through the blankets not even dignifying my presence with a response. I forget who is the mature one out of us two, "why is it that whenever we do have a moment together it involves a bed and you being stubborn?" he didnt say a word he waved his hand in the air blowing off any conversation with me, but when he rested his hand down Y/N's fingers looked crimped. After i ripped the ring off my chest and placed it on my finger, Y/N would cover his ring with is thumb. When we do go back i want to enjoy every moment with him, but this ring is special to him. He did give it to me that night after the Vytal festival, maybe i just wanted one rightfully given. A special kind of gift is the only kind of gift worth giving, thats what Credo once said. Being entrusted with his mothers ring must have meant a lot to him. i cant help but feel as thought something is holding him back, not with me but with moving foward in is life. I cant put a finger on it. Nor is it my place to stick my nose in.

"GOOD MORNING UNCLE!! Y/N!!!" a high spirit child slammed the door open sprinting full heartedly toward Y/N and myself. She moved a lot faster than a child ive seen in my tribe, her feet where lifted off the floor as if she had wings on her back. She greeted Y/N with a belly flop having Y/N shoot up from his bed eye rolling to the back of his head legs fifteen inches off the ground. Resting back down on the ground, the little bundle of engery sat on Y/N jumping up and down, "MORNING UNCLE! its bright and sunny outside today nothing like a good morning breakfast to start the day. oh also my mom told me to get you up by any means she said to be creative!"
Like i said before a bundle of energy. Moka Kamuwi, Suzuka's daughter. Y/N didnt know much about her when he came to visit two years ago. He only knew of her but didn't get a chance to meet her. Something about training with her father.
Y/N hasnt moved since her first initial attack, "Moka, sweety i think you should get off uncle Y/N..." i told her laughing, she looked back at me back to Y/N and back at me, with the most innocent smile of a child he agreed.

wait what...?!?! i never knew the word of a child could move me that much...i think my heart skipped a beat...Y/N wake up!

"Ill tell mommy everyones awake!" Moka shouted and on her way.
"How you feeling?" i asked while he just held his gut collecting air.
"being around that girl makes me realize..." i stopped sitting himself up holding the dramatic affect, "i dont like being called uncle. makes me feel old..."
That's it? hes grumpy because of a word? His face was slouching, i thought i could help him along. grabbing both his cheeks spreadding them apart i did this for several minutes until he finally realized i was messing with him. He wrapped his arms around my waste pulling me down with him.
"Why did you wake me up so early!" his voiced was muffled through my clothes.
i wrapped my arms around his head rolling over to his side, "cause i just wanted to enjoy breakfast with you on a beautiful morning, and not sleep in like you do every time."
He shook his head back and worth denying my statement, "I dont always sleep in!" hes acting like a child.
"if you say so. Now can you get dressed come down for breakfast and put your sword away..." i teased, he moved on instinct lifting his head up looking at me dead in the eye blushing rose red ear to ear. awkwardly grinning at me, i called him out on his morning wood, "Dont think i havent noticed."
"Well...shit," Y/N laughed it off like a joke.
"I'll see you when you come down," i said, kissing his forehead, having his arms release me i made my way out of the room. not before looking back seeing him still in bed, "If you dont hurry up i'll tell Suzuka all about us and-"
"HEY WHOA WHOA WHOA!!! i'm up im up!"

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now