The Worst One: Is this Enough? For Both You and I?

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I opened my eyes once again to a dark angel. She looked just as beautiful as she did in my dreams. Funny I had all but forgotten that day. It's was so peaceful to. Now I'm where I am now. Laying on a bed...wait? I'm laying on the bed!
"Raven, what happen?" I asked Raven laughed a loud click popped making the bed sit up.
"You've been out for 2 days." Two days? But what exactly happen?, "do you not remember what happen?"
"No, all I remember was swinging."
"When the dust settled, We where eye to eye but you lost consciousness. You just stood there like a statue. The medics took you back and you've been resting here ever since."
What a turn for the worst. I fight with Raven and I don't even remember that much, even whoever won. Well looking over at raven it should be clear. Wonder if the Festival is still happening. It would have been nice to take my team out. Maybe I should have stuck around during Luna's live performance. Maybe...just maybe...
"Hey, it's okay, Y/N." Raven whisper softly to me cuffing my cheek with hand. Cold by touch, but warm at heart. Swiping her thumb to the siding knowing full well of the pain I'm feeling, " it's not fair to others to bottle everything inside. You can share some of that pain with us."
No I should. This sin is mine to bare and mine alone. My eyes swelled up Raven holding my hand, a tight firm squeeze. Something solid connected between Raven's hand and mine. That same Azure stone that was easy on the eyes.

"...I'm sure this will protect you, it did for me." Milla voiced stabbed in my ears.
What good was it in the long run Milla?

"Why are you giving this to me?" I asked my tone shifted drastically. If I could throw it I would but since my body would freeze from the little inch of pain I postpone the action.
"Qrow...Qrow told me what happen. Yet you still made yourself participate in the singles match. Don't you think that's a little reckless." Raven lectured me as if she knew what I had just gone through. I don't need this right now I just need to heal up and...and what? What am I gonna do?
"Wait...where's Milla!" I sprang from bed sitting up in a perfect ninety degrees.
"She was here up until late last night. We don't know where she is." Raven explained. that was it. I lost my team with a matter of moments. I know this pain all to well. Yet this hurt more than usual. Without my team what am i? Who am I?

Qrow POV

We walked through the hallways, Summer and I. We managed to convince Tai to see Y/N to apologize for his action. After what I had to tell him. It was guilt that made Tai go, but this own point of view he knew he was wrong.
"You think Raven's still with him?" Summer being summer smiled walking a little bit further ahead.
I looked over at Tai pouting but he couldn't help but laugh about Summer trying to make light of the situation.
Maybe they're bragging to each other who took the first swing or who was more cool headed. I couldn't put my finger on it Raven and him had a weird way of communicating whether that was through words or their swords. We weren't very far from Y/N's room. Sound of shattering glass muffled from the room. The sound of him crying was clear. He transitioned into agony. Summer froze, body trembling, knowing well what the cause is. I've hadn't seen her like that since two years ago. I walked up behind her covering her ears. I looked over at Tai who hugged the wall. The door swung open Raven looked heart broken. She still held onto the pendant after all this time. Wonder if Milla would be mad about that.
"Raven..." Tai spook out moving forward, Y/N stopped yelling i uncovered Summers ears, "I-I'm sorry for my out burst. You know I can overreact sometimes only with good intent. Can you-"
"I'm not the one you should apologize to Tai. If we were to make it work somehow someway it wouldn't be a relationship anymore. We would be in a contract with each other promising this and that. I need to be honest with myself. Follow my own heart move on. And you..." Raven handed Tai, Millas pendent, "you need to make amends with him."
Tai didn't try to make a single attempt to avoid this. Tai accepted willingly. Walking into his room.
"Summer, did I do the right thing?" Raven trembled from unknown.
Summer placed her innocent hand on Ravens shoulder, "you followed your heart Raven. You can't be wrong for that."
"Even if, these played a part in it." Summer and I leaned into a Raven's hand in complete shock.
"You need more context Raven?" Summer asked. I wanted to have an input, but couldn't I say to a pair of rings?

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now