The Worst One: ...We Will Crawl the Earth and Stand Up Tall Pt 1

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"You look well Y/N." Milla slipped a laughter under her breath. Why is she here? why did she show up like this? Dont tell me she's with her!
"MILLA!! TELL ME ARE YOU WITH HINOKA!" i needed to know, i dare not point a weapon at a friend. Her eyes twitched. Pulling out her buster blade. just a large hunk of metal, but it would spererate into thirds. the center piece would be the tip of the blade while the sides were short blades with sharp edges. Its just a large piece of metal a normal person wouldnt be able to swing that damn thing. Since her semblance is compressed space, she can swing that weapon around like its paper wait.
"Its time to repent, Y/N!"
Milla brought her weapon across her body jumping off the roof of the building flinging herself towards me. I had little time to react. Lifting up Mikazuki up sparks sprung from our blades once they made contact with each other. it didnt hit me till a second later, Milla's momentum wouldnt catch up to her until a second later. I felt the force she pressed against me dragging my heels into the ground. I dug a few inches into the ground. Milla pushed off my sword grabbing a hold of my face throwing me into the nearest building behind me.
she cant be serious. Is what i would say if Milla's action wasnt already clear. once the wall broke my advancements i crawled myself off as the wall behind me turned into rubble. i looked around my area, seems the fire hadnt caught to this place yet. down both ends of the hallway were numerous numbers of doors. An inn?
Milla and I, before our time in Atlas would spend nights at inns. Trying to catch our breath from all the non-stop fighting. Some nights we would talk more about each other's past. The difficulties we've experienced from time to time hell even joyous ones. It was those times where we truely showed our nature to one another. Someone i could truely call a friend. Those times have ended. I have other things i have to worry about.
"Y/N!" milla's voiced shouted down the hall. thanks to no light in the building it was hard to judge how far she was. I looked at my reflection through Mikazuki Karasu. I starred deep in my crimsion eyes, they looked wavered no conviction to point a weapon at a friend.
Come on i cant do this...not now.
"MILLA!" i shouted back running down the ends of the hall. If i can't fight her with sight i'll fight her with sensation. Feeling her presences determining how far she is from me. I've done it before at the Vytal festival. When i felt Hinoka's presences, i was only acting oblivious but what if i zoned in on that same sensation. It would almost be like a compuer determining a virus location.
I shut out my sight, leaving only sound, smell, and feel for this battle. Milla will go all out so i'll do the same. I opened my eyes the dark colors in the inn washed way. Black and white was all i could see.
I held Mikazuki across my body. The back of my neck twitched, swing Karasu behind me, i parryed one attack. It pushed me a little forward, once i got back my footing i pivoted on my right heel turning me back around. the sensation vansihed. Milla was gone.
i get it using her semblance is fair and all but since it can zip her across the battle field. thats a bit unfair. Then it dawned on me. I dont have to beat her. Milla's semblance has limit she never managed to master. using compressed space her body begins to lock up being diffcult to move around. even if i'm able to keep her from moving or just make her realize shes at her limit might be my wild card.
Ah if only could tell me how far of a distance Milla was it could help me just a little. Wait someone telling me, ha. That remind me of a game Summer and I play on our scrolls. It was a similar siuation when the pilot was in total darkness in relyed on their battle AI to help them out in a fight. Sadly this sint a game, but my AI can be like the sensation.
Trying to reassure myself is a lot harder than they make it out in video games and movies.
A new senstation erupted starting from my left shoulder running down my arm. I move instantaneously. My movements played out in frames, Having Mikazuki across my body, the wall directly infront of me formed cracks the wood holding up the wall began to split. From the center the tip of a sword pierced through. Radiant eyes followed through. If i dont act fast Milla's weapon might damage a vital organ.
I turned Mikazuki Karasu, up side down. Once Milla's blade made at least a centimeter of contact on my blade i pushed outward in hope to change her direction of movement. sparks sprayed down on the floor, Karasu burned orange from the force being pressed up against and grinded on. I reached out my hand, Milla was just in arms reach. I grabbed her coat, being pulled in with the compress spaces momentum. Pivoting on my feet throwing her clear through the wall. Three loud bangs echoed some of the dust began to be troublesome to breath.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now