The Worst One: Bitter With a Touch of Sweet

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Raven POV

When I opened my eyes my eyes made the room perfectly since it was still dark in the room. My right hand felt heavy, but warm? Y/N had rested his head on the side of the bed clinging on to my hand. I let a laugh slip out. Summer was right if out rolls had been reversed he would be by my side like he is now. Sitting up I ran my hand through Y/N's hair. Wow?! I never knew how soft his hair was. Wait why am thinking about that?!
"SUMMER!!" Qrow shouting helped me snap out of my train of thought. He came bursting into the room. A few photos Nu had set up in this room flipped over, "Shes gone guys summer just straight up and left!"
"What do you mean..." Y/N muttered rubbing the restlessness out of his eyes. I looked down, he was still hold on to me.
"I mean..." Qrow stopped is nose jolted up a few times, "no fucking way..."
I knew that response from Qrow like it was second nature. I closed my eyes having a chance to inhale the smell of Summer's chocolate chip cookies.
"They must be coming out of the oven..." Qrow muttered before respectfully leaving the room.
"What was that about?" Y/N turned his attention towards me.
"Summer is a bit of a baker and Qrow flips his feather over her cookies."
"They can't be all that good...can they? What? Why are you smiling at me like that?"

Y/N walked down stairs as I followed. Qrow was sitting at the kitchen counter tipping away at his finger waiting.
"Even to this day Qrow acts like a child, even bending to the wills of Summer Rose's cookies." I said in a narrating tone.
"Keep it's down, Raven!" Qrow snapped with his responses.
"Qrow stop shouting!" Summer corrected my brother, setting down a tray of her fresh baked cookies. Even an event like yesterday couldn't keep her spirits down.
"Are you sure it's okay for ether of you to be walking around?" Y/N said.
"Look Y/N I don't think you quite grasp the situation you are in. Summer had just made fresh baked cookies. Key word being fresh." Qrow barked, a little touchy this early in the morning.
"Okay okay damn Qrow. Sorry summer I should be determining what is best for you and Raven." Y/N apologized.
"It's fine Y/N, I know you're just looking out for us."
I looked out from the corner of my eye seeing Y/N fidgeting.
"You okay?" I asked He spun around with his widen it was a sudden movement not even Qrow or Summer notice.
"Yeah of course I'm fine." He said with a grin from ear to ear.
"Fine is an understatement," Nu announced walking down stairs, "do you realized the cause and effects you had done."
His eyes lower like a sad puppy. Nu continued, "I told Summer late night, you let your emotions control you. Grimm are drawn towards negativity and within moments you let yours consume you."
"N-No I just....I-i don't know..." Y/N muttered, his fear halted as Nu rested her hand on his shoulder.
"But I'm glad you all come back alive."
"ALIVE! Where's Tai!"
"Shut up!" Nu shouted wracking Y/N with her cane, "I'm old not deaf! I used some old Kamwui house hold healing remedy's to take care of Tai. As a matter I used some on all of you while everyone was passed out."
"That explains why I felt fine last night." Summer rolled her shoulder.
"Exalty summer. As for you Y/N...*sniff* *sniff* are...are those cookies I smell. W-what's wrong with me? My mouth hasn't watered like this in years?!?"
"Go a head Nu, they just came out of the oven...actually I would say we should wait until they cool down but one shouldn't hurt."
We all gathered around the kitchen counter, Nu and Qrow starred intensely at the tray of out of oven cookies. The chocolate glinting, with one touch of one's finger would melt the chocolate making a string that would connect the chocolate to the finger. Still Y/N wasn't interested.
"Don't want one?" I asked.
"No it's's just that we're all gathered around eating cookies, when some of us almost died yesterday!"
"I get it Y/N," Qrow grown leaning back on his chair holding his head with his hand, "some of us would be doom and gloom makes things a bit more easier, but Summer Rose isn't that way. She rather keep spirits high the best way she knows how So stop-gaph!"
Summer shoved two cookies down Qrow throat guess they were still hot he wanted to cough them out probably burning his mouth.
"Right, I guess I'll try one after all." Y/N's movements were without thought. As soon as he had taken the first bite his eyes grew in awe he looked at his half eaten cookie, "What...summer who...who are you?!?!"
"Did you like them?" Summer asked handing Qrow a glass a milk, not my problem anymore.
"I might take a few more."
"Hey hey hey hey! Watch it jackass you're taking more than half!"
"Shut up Qrow you're clearly not seeing straight!"
"My Ass! Im not seeing straight!"

Qrow, Nu, and Y/N lifted their glass of milk to your lips and drank. Pulling away the glass their faces were nothing but bliss.
"Thank you Summer!" They said in unison.

"Okay, moving on to other details. It's best that you girls get some sleep to have the medication take effect." Nu explained.
"What? But we feel just fine." Summer counter, she wasn't far off from the truth I get just the same as summer.
"That is very much true, however, think about the aura you had lost. Once gone it can't be replenished. These remedy's are in one word magical, that take years to create."
"Magic?" I said in disbelief, "there's no such thing as magic."
"Child, if you have been alive long enough like I have you witness things, learned, accept. if you don't believe me that's fine. Just do as I tell, hate to admit it I haven't had much social interaction with other people in years. And I came to like all four of you, hell i even had someone I could teach about their abilities. I say it was worth all that trouble."
"Nu..." summer mutter holding her hand to her chest.
"Even though two of you are complete idiots," Nu said as we all looked at each other trying to figure out who she was talking to, one of them had to be Y/N.
"Nu's right," Y/N spoke up sounding a bit serious, "after yesterday's event one night of sleep..."
"Where is this coming from?" Qrow pulling out of his chair interrupted, "sounds like your procrastinating."
"Procrastinating? Yeah maybe... you're not wrong. Something just not sitting with me in the back of my mind is all."
"Fact you killed another family member."
"Qrow!" Summer's voice rose.
When I looked over at Y/N, Qrow had hit the nail on the head, biting his lower lip, hand in a fist, eyes darted towards the ground.
"Y/N, could you help me to my room I don't think I could get up the stairs without some help." I said.
"That's a laugh when do you need- Gah" Qrow was about to finish his statement until Summer elbowed him in the side.

What Qrow said was right another bites the dust from Aoi. Looking at my hands I just see clean hands, but underneath that blood stain them. Not even grimm's black substance could cover that. Closing the door to Raven's room, she slipped over her slippers and snuggled under the blankets. Her arms and legs stretch outward. A chuckle escaped my lips alerting Raven to fold her arms across her chest of embarrassment. Guess she gets embraced on a daily by her team didn't think she would get that from me.
"Don't mind me just hanging around," I said transition to a bland expression, which was hard since my cheeks would puff out when I needed to laugh.
"Just let it all out you saw me stretch big whoop."
No need to shout it's just that-
"-just that you looked really cute."
Wait....what? Why is she blushing? Oh shit. Did I just blurt out what I was thinking?!?! And one of those word describing the way Raven looked in that moment. It was in that moment Raven looked away red from ear to ear. Having her eyes glance over at me from time to time. Moving some of her hair behind her ear. See something like that wether it was in comics or tv that would always get me. Seeing Raven do that made my heart skip a beat or two.
"Pft, Hahahah!"
I stopped any expression I had, just letting Raven laugh was enjoyable, "I'm glad one of us can laugh."
"You're saying you can't right now?" Raven said wiping a tear from her eye. Was she right can I not laugh right now? Or am I just holding on to something with nothing to gain.
"I just...I don't know maybe I'm just making myself feel hurt to make up for something."
"Which would be?"
"Almost losing STRQ, almost losing you." I had said with conviction starring into her dark crimson red eyes.
"Y/N..." guess Raven was a little touched by that. I was only speaking what came natural to me. eyes are having trouble staying open.
"I'm..." why do I feel restless? "I'm just glad I can be like this more time."
"Idiot, the one who really need the rest was you." Ravens words sounded distance, i knocked out within seconds.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now