The Worst One: Ex Ch 2: The Gift Rightful Earned And Forged

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-6 days before Kamwui's assault-

Raven POV

Y/N has spend most of his days training with Credo in swordmanship, but it would most consist of Y/N being boncked on the head due to his "force of nature". Aoi, a long sword with a revolver cylinder located above the hilt. Loading a element round into the cylinder would cause the blade to discharge that element in a attack. Thanks to Credo, Y/N taught him Aoi could switch into a revolver cannon. He looks so dumb founded.
The idea of having a weapon with different elemental abilities did have me thinking a bit. Since the only weapon I've used so far is just a single edge katana maybe I can put a little twist to the idea.

I walked out to the open courtyard as Kifuyu, Ryoma's wife, was having Y/N doing push...up? His arms were like pillars back was straight three plate where placed on his back. I can see the sweet rolling down his body making pool underneath him. Kifuyu stood over him. A slight bend in his arms, Kifuyu wracked his hand with her wooden stick. Y/N's face clenched up arms changing back in pillars.
That has got to hurt.
"Kifuyu," I called out behind her, it was like a flip of a switch, her strong instructor face flip to a caring innocent woman. It almost reminded me of Summer "if you have a minute I'd like to have a talk with you."
"Sure, Raven. LISTEN UP!! You're on a break, we will continue our session we I return!" Kifuyu's stern voice stuck my neck hairs up. Maybe Summer could learn something from her to.
Y/N pressed off his weight, dropping to the floor. He flipped himself over tailoring his head up towards me. I smiled and waved as he tried to do the same. He shot himself up when sweet got in his eye.
"MOTHER-" he shouted rubbing his eye.

Kifuyu and I had gathered at the kitchen as she brewed green tea for us. Just the simple smell of fresh brew tea helps relax someone's mentality.
"So what was it you wanted to talk about, Raven?" Kifuyu set out two tea cups as the metal pot steamed from the nasal.
"I wanted to talk about making a new weapon. Nothing as crazy as Y/N wants it to be. The general idea of it would be like Aoi, where the blade would change depending on what dust I'd use."
"Hmm, interesting. I think I can understand a little bit of what you're saying. However you'd need a larger catalyst to hold in that much dust. The way Aoi was design was using the dust round, however, twisting the handle would add an extra ignition to the round. If not held properly it would fling someone across the area. I don't think you would want to be extra with your weapons would you Raven?"
Y/N was being extra with his weapon? So that time during the Vytal Festival when he flung himself toward team SHPR that was his weapon doing the work? As well as flying him up in the air and crashing down making spirals of ice. Aoi seemed like it was in a league of its of for a hunk of metal. I had to add in the factor of Y/N using his semblance, his grimm would probably help him maintain control of something along those lines.
"Nu said! Nu had said Y/N's weapon was base off schematics of her weapon... is there anyway thing that might bring up an idea."I had asked Kifuyu, looking curious as she pored a cup of tea.
Hot and fresh, lovely.
"Ryoma had talked about a person named Nu, but not in great detail before. After this cup of tea you should ask Lady Mikoto maybe she could be of some help."
Honestly that did sound like a plan. Teas better when it's warm anyway.

We could have just had a drink and been on our way, but Kifuyu wanted to have a talk with me. She had asked me about Y/N and what I thought about him. I answered as truthfully as I could. At first I didn't like him, he had just been leverage for the Rest of my team. Next thing I knew he enrolled in Beacon. He was never the type to cause problems but problems coming to him. He stood firm not letting the little things get to him even while we was humiliated but Norman Tai was going to stand up for him but he all just smiled little Norman's actions go.
When we had gone to Vallaha, Y/N looked like a child, energetic and jumpy. Little did I know he use to live there. When we finally made it the look of disbelieve ran across is face. Summer Qrow, Tai and I were in shock for him. Even if he didn't show it he tried to stay strong. That was when we ran into Ryoma. He killed Ryoma in order to save my life.
I stopped talking looking at Kifuyu. She smiled as if she had accepted it, "it's fine Raven I figured this was bound to happen one day. I did fall in love with a warrior after all. I'm more amazed how Y/N's love for you had snapped him to take such action."
"W-What? No...I don't think so?"

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now