The Worst One: ...We Will Crawl the Earth and Stand Up Tall Pt: 3

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Hinoka POV

Salem had asked me why i took Vass and Valas under me. Those two were brother ans sister. She thought it was because i lost my brother so naturally i would want something similar to what i lost. Brother and sister fighting in arms for what they think is right, HA! No not really i took those two under me casue they reminded me of Y/N and Raven. It felt like decades, Y/N was only five when Ryoma, Takumi and I had gone to the Branwen Tribe to disgust future progression. His mother was extremely against it, but that little rat had his ways of sneaking around. Y/N snuck in with some weapon cargo we had brought with us on our "business trip". I was on baby sitting detail, while my brothers handled the negotiations. Y/N picked up a wooden sword that was left on the ground, beginning his own trainning lifting it above his head, stepping forward he swung the sword down, lifting the sword back up he took a step back. He repeated the same proecess several times. Ryoma had taught him this training for posture balance and control. At a young age he caught on quick.
"Y/N! more control!" i shouted taking a seat on a idel wooden barrel. He shouted yes towards me keeping is focus straight forward. Takumi thought him that, when trainning if he just so happens to glance in any direction Takumi would bop is little head. Being a warrior was in his blood. to take someone else's life eventually mixed in to all that traning.

"What do you thing you're doing with my sword?" I leaned forward looking at a small little girl, no taller than Y/N, wearing a black hakama with black feathers printed on her trousers. Her hair was only shoulder length but her jet black hair glinten in the sunlight. Her hair was pulled back but she let some of her bangs cover her forehead her crimson eyes were still visible. Her voice was pinchy it was to adorable i couldn't help but smile. Seems she had just finished some of her workouts. a towel around her neck and a metal canteen possibly filled with water.
"Hi, I'm Y/N Kamwui," Y/N greeted openly dropping her sword to his side holding out his hand. Back then Y/N was an innocnet soul he could have made friend with anyone.
The little girl all just looked at him, eyes slouched, not impressed at all. putting the canteen to her lips, which she held for several seconds. she must have had little to no water. She pulled the Canteen away, "Nice to meet you Y/N? was it. i'm Raven Branwen, and thats my weapon your holding..." she pointed.
"Sorry, i was just practicing is all..." Y/N explained handing back Raven's sword.
"Ah huh and what were you practicing how to bash a watermelon." Raven mocked, that girl didnt know how to socialize kids her age, she ripped her weapon away.
"No! my uncles and aunt teach me how to fight every day....when i ask them to...its just they're always busy and my mom and dad dont have the time of day."
sorry kid work comes first.
"Whatever..." raven rolled her eyes walking away taking another sip of her water. In that moment Y/N reached out his hand shouting out WAIT! grabbing her wrist. In a split moment i saw a glint in his eyes. The biggest smile i had ever seen on that kid.
"I-If you have time would you mine sparring with me!" He was happy-go-lucky about it.
Raven pulled her cateen away yet again, one brow fralled up while the other narrowed, "You cant be serious? i have to meet my brother so-"
"come on it will be real quick!" he cut raven of he sure was persisted.
"You dont even have a weapon?" Another attempt to reason with Y/N, but dont think Raven could win this.
Y/N manage to scavage a wooden sword from somewhere? how the hell?!
"Okay i found one!"
"Wait where did-"
"oh this other boy let me use his, i told him me and a girl were going to spare."
"That son of a..." Raven muttered, "fine we'll go at it. just dont cry when you lose.
they both drew their weapon they were going to try to be friends through their wooden swords? what a weird pair of kids

they must have an act of dialog with each other, Raven and Y/N moved in unison. it wasnt just their mind and heart honed with their weapons. Their soul were together as one. they've grown so much.
Y/N slashed downward i swung upward, my weapon got struck in the ground that alone wasnt going to stop me. I swung with more strength cutting through the floor parring his attack. Y/N had a lose grip on his weapon it flew out of his hand, but he looked at me with a smile? Raven leaped over his shoulders grabbing Y/N's weapon spring down in rappid strikes. Raven's move would pin me down all i could do was only leaping out of the way i connect both long swords together swing at Raven. I'm a spur of the moment Y/N, glided on the floor. I know his was only moving fast, but damn he almost looked like he was floating on the floor. He stood between Raven and I holding Aoi infront of him taking my attack head on.

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now