The Worst One: Above and Under the Sky So Blue

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i woke up with crust in my eyes. only natural to rub it out. Still in the same room as Raven, but she wasnt even in the room. The room was still filled with afternoon lighting so i couldnt have been past out for to long. My legs where dead asleep for having my body hunched over for a few hours.
"Raven! Guys!" i shouted hoping for someone to answer Qroe to tell me to keep it down. just something.
"How does it feel?" a voice slithered down my spin. shooting me up from my seat. looking up down left right. I couldnt help but remember that voice clear as day. i didnt want to give in to it, "Come on now dont want to remember me?"
"SHUT UP!" i shouted covering my ears closing my eyes. from th gap of my fingers i could hear someone screaming. i bolted out of the room slaming into the hallway walls grinding on the rails down until i made it outside. it was emtpy the trees were still alive no traces of foot prints ether. Then who was screaming?
"You see that what we commend about you," the voice spoke again behind me i refused to turn around, "stuborn to the core i see. i got a little insentive for you."
"Y-Y/N..." Ravens voice muttered i turned on command, She leaned against a wooden pillar bleeding from the wound that takumi gave her. a bit of blood seeped from the side of her mouth.
"RAVEN!" i shouted rushing towards her side before she had a moment to collapse. i was able to hold her in my arms, but when i would call out she wouldnt responde, "no no no no! RAVEN!" i wasnt getting anything from her i just cradeling her body in my arms.
"Hurts doesnt."
"fuck you, Ryoma..." i muttered his name refusing to look directly at him.
"Hurts to have something taken from you within seconds." Takumi said walking out from the trees. i kept my face burried in Raven body, "Look at us when we talk to you!"
lifting my head the rest of team STRQ layed on the floor lifeless. Raven had vanished from my arms. Hands weren't even stain with her blood.
"Our blood is on your hands, Y/N bastard child of our brother." Takumi said looming over me. i looked back down at my hand covered in black goo. my breathing was unsteady.

"Y/N whats wrong!" Raven said. my body was cold sweat rolling down my face. my heart had an unsteady beat, "Y/N?" raven called out once more. My eyes alone looked towards her. a worried look ran across her face. until Raven place a hand on the side of my face. i looked at the back of my hand red from having pressure on them, i slowly turned them around to look at my palms that were clammy, "Its alright Y/N, everything is gonna be alright." Raven reassured me, her free hand rubbing my back in a clock ward motion.
"NO RAVEN! nothing is gonna be alright their deaths still haunt me, mocking me, cursing me. how the hell am i gonna be alright!" i sprang from the chair tears swelled my eyes. Raven wyped them away before they had a chance to run.
"i dont have all the answers for someone like you, but taking a page out of summers book. sometimes you have to be that one to support someone in need. Cant always be doom and gloom." Raven said using one of summer quotes, but in her own Raven way.
i turned around sitting on Ravens bed. the bed crecked a bit raven shuffled in closer.
What Qrow had said to me earlier felt like it was laughing at me. Being doom and gloom is easier for me. Why am I so hesitant. Procrastinating? Qrow is a huge slacker yet he was reading me like a book. Great now why am I vexed about it now.
"Oh my my...WOMAN UP!" Raven shouted slapping me upside the head. I turned my head towards her, and she was smiling. Another weird way to cheering me up. This had to be the third time Raven had done something like this now. I didn't mind the physical pain she would do or mental and emotion help she would do. Her and the rest of STRQ helped me where i choice to be ignorant. While I was growing up I made friends like it was going out of style. When I left my mother years back I sectioned myself off from everyone. That just made it a lot easier for me.
I smiled back at her. Raven's head tilted, "you seem convinced about something? What is it?" She asked rolling her legs of the bed.
"I'm convinced that I love you,"
"W-What? You can't just be throwing that phrase around no problem..."
"Not just you Summer, Tai, and Qrow. As much of an asshole he is it seems like he cares. I love all you guys! R-Raven...what? What's the matter?"
"You have no tact do you, Y/N."
What did she mean? No tact?

The Worst one Raven Branwen X MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now