Part 2

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A/N:  Hello! I really hope you are enjoying this story so far!   This is a story that I wrote a long LONG time ago.  I just recently started watching this series again and I advise you to do the same!  It's called Minecraft Diaries!  Anyway, I fixed up the story and decided to publish it on wattpad.  Okay, enough about that Enjoy the chapter!

You make it to New Metelli and stand at the gates. Your glad to be back here even though You would love to back home. You look around at the tall gates you had seen just this morning. They gladly opened and you walked inside. Then you see Cadenza. We have always been really close and you always told her things that you didn't tell many people. You talked to her when he...

Without thinking You run up to her and put your arms around her and squeeze her crying into her sunset orange hair.

"Let's get you to my house, " she said looking at your dress and face that is splattered with blood. She smiles trying to hide the fact that she was upset about her dress.

You walk into her house and see a fire lit in the corner. You sit down on her purple sofa as she makes tea. She stands there stirring the sugar into the tea, placing the cup on a small plate and handing it to you. You pick up a towel and wipe your face.

"My goodness, I just realized that I haven't cleaned you up yet!" He says walking me upstairs. But you don't feel like getting cleaned up. You don't want to be dressed all pretty and have your hair done when both of your guards whom you thought of as brothers are gone! But you don't say anything to upset to talk.

Then you hear something fall upstairs. You look up and then behind you at the top of the stairs.

"Don't worry that's just Aphmau, " she says. You recognize the name from before. You can only nod unable to talk because your throat has closed up.

Cadenza takes your hand, "Cmon lets clean you up..." She walks you upstairs and into a large room with a dresser and four beds. You look over to a woman with black hair and dark eyes. That must be Aphmau.

"Oh my, what happened?" she says, looking at your dress. She talks much older than she looks

"Um well," You say finally able to say something. "My Guards and I were attacked by bandits, your guard Laurence saved me, but unfortunately my guards didn't make it..."

"Your guards?" She asks quietly. She looks down at her feet. She must have lost a guard as well...

"Yes..." You choke back the tears and you once again feel your throat close up.

"Where are they now?" She asks but before you can even answer she runs out of the house and towards a small building where you took them before you delivered their bodies later tonight. You run after her and follow her there. Laurence then spots you and runs after both of you as well. She reaches them and You stop when you see her in front of their bodies.

"What are you doing?!" You ask You want her nowhere near their bodies

She places a hand over each of Mark and Chad's bodies. You see a great light shown from her hands.

"What the-" When the light fades away you see them. They are both sitting up their cuts and bruises are gone. You run up to them and immediately pull them into a hug. Crying into there shoulders. You missed them both so much!

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" You yell

All of a sudden you see her fall, she falls backward onto the ground. Before she reaches the floor Laurence catches her.

"Is she okay?" You ask

"Yeah, she's fine, this is just what happens when she uses her power..."

"Power?" You ask

"She has Irene's relic, and we believe this is one of Irene's powers. She received the relic when we went into the Irene Dimension."

"I see..." you say as Laurence picks up Aphmau and walks her to Cadenza's while One of her guards walks you, Chad, and Mark, too a small inn.

"Thank you," You say

After Mark and Chad get settled in and you make the rest. Even though they both said they were fine. You walk back to Cadenza's when you walk inside you realize that you are still in a filthy dress.

"Sorry to barge in, but I was hoping I could get a clean set of clothes," You ask

"Of course!" She says sitting up from the couch leaving Aphmau behind.

"Just, please no dresses?" You ask. The front door of Cadenzas home opens followed by a short knock "I can't fight as well with them on." You say

"Yeah she's right," Laurence says "When she was in training she was top of her class and could have made it to the Jury of Nine if she wanted to, but today she couldn't even take out two bandits," he says

"I don't know if that's a compliment but I'm going to take it as one." You say he grins at you "But how did you know all of that?"

"Lord Nicole told me about you when I went to Scaleswind. I was also told that you trained there, and for three years you were her second in command." He says

"I see someones done their homework?" You laugh

"Yup!" He laughs as well. You walk up the stairs and in the corner of your eye, you see Cadenza smirk at Laurence.

"What?" He says

"Nothing... It's nothing..." she laughs quietly to her self.

Your dress gets cleaned of blood, and your hair is pulled back into a ponytail. But knowing Cadenza she probably put a bow in it as well.

"Here," She says handing you very fashionable armor.

"Thank you," you say. You put on the armor and look into a mirror and as expected you see a bow just above your ponytail. You walk downstairs and see Cadenza, Laurence, and Aphmau. I guess she woke up. Cadenza stands up and hands you warm ginger tea. You take a sip. It's sweet and warm.

"Lord (Y/N)?"

"Yes?" you ask

"Laurence and I were talking and we want you to join our alliance..."



Word count: 1076

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