Part 17

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You close the door behind you and Laurence pushes you up against it. He has one hand on your cheek, and one on your thigh. You pull away gasping for breath. Laurence places his thumb on your lips and drags it down to your chin. Kissing you once again, he smiles. With one hand you let go of Laurence and reach for the doorknob, you hear a click, signaling its locked.

You feel his lips on your neck and it feels incredibly good.  You slip out a small moan as he leaves hickeys down your neck and ends at your collarbone.  He grins into the crook of your neck.

You jump at a knock on the door,  you look at Laurence. "We just had to be interrupted,"  You smile at him as you pull away.  Unwrapping your hands from around him.  He brushes a small strand of your hair away and steps back from the door.  A look of disappointment on his face.

"Shame..."  He grins as you open the door.  You see Malachi standing there a slight look of worry in his eyes.  

"Sasha just said something,  you should probably hear..."  You look back at Laurence, his sly grin has changed to a confused look.  He nods and you follow Malachi to the old guard station.

You walk through the doors and make your way to Sasha's cell,  a little worried on what she told them. You make a sudden stop.  Not moving any further.  Wanting to stall as long as you can.

"Malachi..."  You say and he looks up at you.  He's a few inches taller than you but since he was looking at the ground you couldn't see his eyes.  

"I dont think we've met, nice to meet you.  Levin speaks the world of you.  Same as your mother." You smile and walk towards Sasha's cell before he can give anything back as a reply.

You take a deep breath and look down at her.  Her eyes barely open.  She looks week on the ground her legs crossed. 

"Now would you tell me what you said thats so interesting that Malachi came running to my house?"  You ask a sudden wave of confidence washing over you. 

"Hehe..."  she gives a high pitched giggle before continuing.  "You see, you might not remember this since you were so young.  But we had a lot of fun growing up.  Especially going to the playground and playing tag and Hide and seek.  It makes me sad that you dont remember me...  Dear sister..."  Your eyes widen and you feel your heart beat faster.   She was lying she had to be lying.  You grew up an only child only you and dad.  That was it.  Nothing else.  

You brush away the feelings and take another deep breath.  Ignoring everyone around you besides you and Sasha.  "Now what would make you tell a lie like that one?"  You ask not thinking about the fact that she could be your long lost sister...

"Now, now.  Who said I was lying?"  She smirks,  "I'll start from the beginning if you'd like..."  


Sasha told you everything.  And yes everything.  From you being separated when you were young.  Your mom and she moved to Metelli after Dad found out you had different fathers.  Sasha was a few years older than you.  But you were skeptical,  how could you know if she was telling the truth?  She could easily be lying.

"How can I believe you, Sasha?"  You ask looking down at her.  Was she really your sister?

"Mom...  Shes still alive,  she lives in Pikoro village.  You can go with Laurence.  And ask her yourself if you like."  She says tiredly.

"I have no idea what she looks like.  How do I know she's not in on it?" You say

"Look,  Dad-  Well your Dad has a small book in the church in Blue Diamond village.  With Pictures and notes, letters with him and mom.  He showed it to me when I was young.  Youll have to look around since I dont know exactly where it is.  When you find it you'll know what she looks like.  Okay?"  She says and for the first time, you see the pain in her eyes.  Almost like she was remembering a bad memory.  And for the first time, you would never expect this to come out of your mouth, "Thank you, Sasha,"  You say softly walking away.   You didn't know why she told you all of that.  There had to be a catch, she had to want something.  Whatever it was.  You wouldn't let her get away with it.

"Y/N,"  You hear her voice once again " It will get to you sooner or later,"  A small grin on her face forms.

You knew exactly what she meant, all too well.  You exit the building and hear the door behind you open. 

"Y/N? What else did she say after that?  I didn't hear it?"  Laurence walks in front of you and looks into your eyes.

"She said it will get to me sooner or later..."  You say quietly 

"What the hell does that mean?"  he asks looking confused 

"My shadow Knight form.  Me killing the person I love most.  Everything,"  You feel tears come from your eyes and you begin to wipe them away.  You feel his arms wrap around you.  You bury your head in the crook of his neck.

"Y/N,  you're strong we both know that,"  He says 

"Do you? What if Im not strong enough.  What if I-" 

He cuts you off, "Y/N...  Trust me on this,  I believe in you."  He pulls back and gives a genuine smile.  You nod with nothing else to say, 

"Imma go on patrol,"  You say 

"It's not your shift,"  He says as you walk away.  Your back turned.

"I know,"   You turn and walk around checking on the village.  Introducing yourself to others.  You had a weird job,  If you were in Pheonix Drop you guarded and patroled there. But you were Aphmau's guard which meant she leaves you to go with her.  And of course, guard her. 

You were really excited it's been a long time.  You loved being a part of the guard.  

But you were going to have to hold that off for a while.

Because you're going to find out who your mother is.


A/N:  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.   I cant believe that I already have seventeen chapters,  I know it may not seem like a lot but this is thelongest story Ihave ever written so far.  Ill see you all in the next chapters. 

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