Part 8

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Hi, Donna nice to meet you! You rehearse in your head. "Hello, Donna nice to meet you," You say "You look as beautiful as your husband described you," You smile and her face shows a welcoming one.

"Why thank you, it's nice to meet you too." She says then she looks around you, "Oh hey Laurence!"

You turn around and see him... And Guilt takes over...


                                                                    We continue...

You dont look at him still feeling horrible for what you said yesterday, it was completely out of line.   

"Can I borrow (Y/N) for a moment?"  He says you look up to him

"Of course!  Take as long as you need,"  She winks,  you glare at her.

You follow Laurence around the corner and he stops you.

"I thought you wanted me gone,"  You say calmly

"I do,  but about what you said the other day-" You cut him off

"Was out of line, I know."  You say

"Yes,  it was out of line but you weren't wrong either."  He says 

"I hope you know,  that I just dont want to see you get hurt more than you already are.  Every time she is with him,  I can see it in your eyes that you're in pain."  You say

"I know, and thank you."  He says, you're shocked to hear it but you gladly accept it.

"Yeah,  but before I leave I need to do something,"  He looks confused,  you reach for his cheeks and kiss him.  His lips are soft and they feel good on yours. You pull away and look at him.  

"You deserve better,"  And you walk away.  Its been a long time since you have kissed someone, then again you never really had time for relationships.  You smile at the thought of kissing him, and while you are zoned out you run into someone.  You fall to the ground, "I'm so sorry,"  You say looking up at the person and once again see the man.

"Hello again,"  You say softly, putting everything that happened behind you for the moment.

"What?"  He says looking at you trying to think of who you are.

"You may not remember me but you helped my village when Shadow souls attacked."  He still looks confused then his face relaxes

"Lord (Y/N), long time no see."  He says smiling 

"There you go,"  You laugh  "I never got to thank you for doing that.  you helped me and my people and then you disappeared.   So thank you,"  

"It's no big deal,"  He says 

"I have a question though,  Dimitri said you told him that I was good in combat.  How did you know?  

"Well, you were on the list for the Jury of Nine before it disbanded.  You must have been good."  He says 

"Heh, that makes sense, "  You laugh and you wave walking away 

"Bye!"  You say with your back to him and you begin to look for Zach, and see Dimitri talking with him.  

"Hey Dimitri,"  You say bending down to be at his level  "I dont think we will have time to spar,  I need to get back to my village."  

"Awe man!"  He says 

"Hey, I promise that if you and your mom ever come to visit Blue Diamond, we can definitely spar.  Just make sure your ready to have your butt kicked."  You joke 

"You are so on!"  He laughs You look over to Zach

"So we're leaving?"  He asks,  You nod "Why?"  He asks 

"I just miss home that's all,"  You lie not wanting to bring up the fight you had with Laurence 

"Okay, " He nods walking to the gates and you see Alexis and Laurence waiting at them.  You stop yourself not wanting to go any further because of what you did earlier but you forget about it and walk up to them.

"Hey,"  You say to both Laurence and Alexis

"Hey,"  Laurence smiles,  Alexis suddenly says

"Hey, Zach have you met  Kyle yet?"  She says pulling him to the village before he could answer

"What was that about?"  You laugh 

"I asked her to do that so I could talk to you.  I had a feeling hed be with you."

"Yeah,  I mean I am leaving so my guard would be with me."  You say 

He then changes the subject "Why did you kiss me?"  He asks blankly

"I uh,"  You clear your throat "Becuase I love you,  well at least I think I do."

"You think?"  He asks

"Okay I DO love you,"  You say " And I know you love aphmau,  but I had to tell you somehow, and for some weird reason that felt like the right way."   You say it felt good to say it to him 

"We have known each other for what a week?"  He says 

"I know, I know..."  You say holding back tears 

"I'm sorry but I love Aph,"  He says 

"Yeah I got that,"  You say "But I hope you know that she doesn't deserve you,  and you should be with someone who loves you,"  You say 

"(Y/N)..."  He begins

"I'm not saying it has to be me,  but you have to move on,  you should be with someone who loves you as much as you love her."  You begin to walk away "I hope you understand that"  You get on your horse and yell for Zach.  He walks back with Alexis and you head back home.  


You have been out for at least three hours and it won't be long until you have to make a small boat ride. It hurt you to leave Pheonix Drop, to leave Laurence.  But he obviously didn't feel the same way.  You then hear footsteps behind you.

" Zach, ". You say turning around to him and then you realize he isn't there
"Zach?" you scream he was just there a moment ago when you were talking with him.  You get off your horse and walk around by the edge of the forest.  In the middle of the trees, you see it.  Zach's horse is between to large bushes.

Then everything goes black...


  A/N: Let me know what you think will happen!

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