Part 20

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You look at Laurence, he's still prepping the chicken.  "Here let me," You say softly.  But you feel yourself become quiet.  Once you see the determination in his eyes. 

"No I want to do this, Cadenza used to make it for me all the time.  And I asked her how to make it today.  For you," He sounded like a child, but it was adorable. 

Dinner was done faster than you thought it would be. You both sat outside, the warm air on your skin.  Dinner was actually pretty amazing.  It almost melted in your mouth.  It was regular chicken except with spicy seasoning.  You thought it sounded gross at first but without a thought, you ate it.

A small place in your mind hopes that you both get to talking. Like the first night, you talked with each other.  You set down your plate and fork in front of you, and you see Laurence do the same.  

"Laurence?"  You ask 

"Hm?"  Is all he gives in a reply 

"You didnt ever tell me why you love me.  I came back and all of a sudden you liked me.  And were over Aphmau.  As happy as I am that it happened, I feel like it came out of nowhere."  You feel a little better getting it off your chest. 

"When you went back to Blue Diamond,  I was fine with it..."  You feel your heart sink " At first...  I realized that you were right about aphmau.  About how I should move on, how she won't love me," 

You feel guilt throughout your entire body. "Laurence, I-"  

"It's okay,"  He says reassuringly, " I noticed that you made me laugh, and you were funny but serious when you needed to be.  You were cute,  scratch that.  Beautiful.  But I didnt feel the way I did when I was with aphmau.  But then soon when we started to hang out more.  I got to know you... Then all of a sudden you had to leave.  I really was fine with it, Honest.  But after about a week I went to see aphmau, and when I looked at her.  I didnt get the same happiness when i was with you.  The rush of excitement, the butterflies in my stomach."  He says 

You feel your face hot.  You knew you looked like a tomato but Laurence didnt say anything about it,  instead, he continued talking, " So I went to Blue Diamond to see you, and your head guard had no idea where you were.  He didnt even know that you were coming back.  I ordered them to form a search party.  We spent weeks looking for you.  And then you showed up with Sasha and you were a Shadow Knight.  And when I saw you,  I knew that I loved you.  Even though it was all sudden.  I knew that I did," He adds "Even though I was still mad about our fight." 

"That was a mouthful, and I dont think I was listening.  Think you could tell it again?"  You joke.  

"Oh shut up," He says jokingly and he pulls you in close to his face.  You think he's about to kiss you, seeing as the look in his eyes tell you so.  But instead, he plants a small one on your cheek.  "I love you..."  He whispers softly in your ear. 

"I love me too,"  You say dreamy-eyed.

"Y/N,"  Laurence pouts

"I love you too, dork,"  You say giving him what he wanted. You hug him tightly and look up at the stars.  You feel his arms around you, it's so comforting having him there.  You feel your eyes get droopy.

"Y/N?" Laurence calls your name softly.  But it was too late.  You were already asleep.

The room was warm and red.  It was a feeling you hated. You tried to lift your arms but it was no use.  Both your legs and arms were tied down.  Your head hurt, a lot.  It was pounding, and you your vision was blurry.

It felt familiar, all too familiar.  Then it clicked.  You were in the Nether.  Again. You feel yourself start to panic.  You were back in the place that scared you the most. "AAAAAAAAHH"

You hear a scream, and you feel even more panic growing your body. But then you notice. And you feel your body tense.  Laurence, that was Laurence screaming.  You slowly move your head to the side.  And see Laurence on the ground in a pool of blood.  You feel tears forming in your eyes and a lump in your throat forms.

You try to get up, but the bindings around your limbs tell you otherwise.  You can't hold it back anymore and you start screaming for help.  Tears flowing down your cheeks. "Help! someone help!"  You scream and scream. Until you look at him his body still.  You hear footsteps coming from behind you.

"Tch, tch, tch," Sasha says.  Coming in front of you and untiring your hands.  Immediately you run to him and hold him in your arms.  His body still and lifeless.  All you can do is hug him and scream...

You let out a  scream that could be heard throughout the house, you try and catch your breath but its no use.  In the corner of your eye, you see Laurence sit up.  His eyes filled with worry.  "I-I- and You w-were," You take in sharp breaths between your words.  Your heart is pounding against your rib cage.  

You feel Laurence wrap his arms around you, and he gently rocks you in his arms.  "Its fine Im here,  Im here."  You cry into his hair.  That dream had felt so real.  It scared you.  "Was it?"  You think to yourself.    

Both you and Laurence sit there for a while, a gentle patter on the roof from the rain outside.  After you feel calm, and your breath returns to normal.  Without pulling away Laurence asks, "What made you jump out of bed like that?"  You can tell by the sound in his voice that he really wanted to know.  But you also knew that if you decided not to tell him he would pry you with more questions.   

"I was back in the Nether..."  You say slowly not wanting to cry again, "And you were-were,"  You can't go on.  All Laurence does is nod.   He lays on the bed and you snuggle up next to him.  Not wanting to go back to sleep.  All you want to do is stay here with Laurence.

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