Part 4

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You wake up with Cadenza hovering over you and Crumb, her dog, licking your face to wake you.

"Good morning," You say tiredly

"C'mon get ready we are going to have breakfast before you all leave. I'll be outside with my guards." She says walking downstairs.

"Okay," You say getting up from the bed and walking over to her dresser and picking up your clothes. As you are in the middle of putting on your shirt Laurence walks upstairs.

"Ready-?" He stops and turns away from you "Ugh sorry!" He says

"Its okay," You say, finishing putting on your shirt "Really its okay," You smile he turns around.

"Once again, sorry," He says "Breakfast is ready." He smiles

"Perfect," You say following him downstairs. You walk into the kitchen and can mell eggs and waffles. Your favorite! You expect to see Cadenza at the kitchen table, but instead, you see your head guard.

"Michael!" You say running up to him and hug him

"How are Mark and Chad?" He asks pulling away

"fine, they're fine, they are resting right now..." You say

"Good, Cadenza already told me you are going to Pheonix Drop, but for the time being, I'm going to take Mark and Chad back to Blue Diamond. They went through a lot for being new guards."

"Okay," You look back behind you and see Laurence. you completely forgot he was there. He looks almost annoyed "Oh, sorry! Laurence this is my younger brother Michael, Michael this is Laurence the man who saved me. He is Aphmau's Guard."

"Nice to meet you Laurence thank you for saving my sister," He shakes his hand

"No problem, it's nice to meet you too." You walk outside and get ready to leave when Michael pulls you over

"What, what's wrong?" You say

"(Y/N), Laurence is a Shadow Knight..." He says

"What?" You say

"You know how Shadow Knights can sense one another?"

"Oh right..."

"So please, make sure to be carefu-." He says

"Don't," You say infuriated "I know that not all Shadow Knights are bad, I mean you aren't!" You say "He saved me, and I am forever in his debt. You of all people should know what its like to be judged, to be thought of like a time bomb ready to go off! You know what its like to be thought of as a monster." You yell, you turn around the corner and see Laurence his eyes wide.

"I was coming to get you and..." He trails off

"You heard everything?" You ask

"Yes, I'm sorry Lady (Y/N) I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I just overheard," He says

"Its fine Laurence," That was the first time he had said your name so formally

"Okay," He says

"I want you to know I really do trust you," You say walking next to him to the gates

"Thanks," He says "But back to your brother, I could tell he was a Shadow Kight but he seems different," He says

"He hasn't gained his immortality yet if that's what you mean." You say

"Oh, so e didn't kill who most cared for?"

"No, I wouldn't let him kill me, although he was close." You make it to the gates, Laurence nods as you get settled onto your horses. You then see Michael come over to you.

"Um the guard who is going with you is here," Michael says

"Who is it?" He looks to the ground "Its Zach?" You ask. You have never liked him. Back when you were a guard, he had taken you and Victor captive. He was originally a bandit but he changed his ways and begged you to help him become a guard at Blue Diamond. But while the both of you were held captive he beat Victor nearly to death. He didn't wake up for three weeks after that. You never really forgave him for it, but he did grow on you. And you never treated him badly, even though you didn't find of him.

"Yes, I know you don't like him that much because of what he did but-"

You interrupt him " No its okay," You smile "He's my guard and I shouldn't treat him differently because of his past.." You then see Zach walk over.

"Good morning m'lady," He says

"Good morning Zach, are you ready to go?" You say

"I am, you?" He says, he really has changed since then, looks like he did keep his word. Zach is five years younger than you. He was only seventeen when he captured you and Victor. His parents left him for dead, and it hurt you not to take him as a guard. You have always had a soft spot for strays.

"Yes, " Zach gets on his horse and I look back to Michael "Tell Chad and Mark I said bye," He smiles.

"Will do," He smiles back. He gives you a look that clearly says "Be safe out there."

Michael isn't your blood brother but you grew up with him. Your families were good friends and one day you helped him after someone was being mean to him, you have thought of him as brother ever since.

You ride your horse along the thin path that Laurence told you to follow. You look back to Laurence and see he has no horse, and you see that Aphmau now does.

"Hey Laurence, do you want my horse? I want to walk anyways." You say

"Um sure why not," You hop off the horse accidentally falling on onto the ground. You get up laughing. You look over to Laurence he looks as if he's going to burst out laughing

"Pfft, you okay?" He asks

"Yeah, I'm fine," You laugh, walking next to him riding the horse. You look back to Aphmau who smiles, and you think of your guards. You really hope they're okay. As grateful as you are for them being safe, you still feel uneasy about it. The fact that she did it gave you chills.

You are so lost in thought that you don't even realize that someone said your name.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" You jerk up to see Laurence

"Huh? Oh sorry,"

"You okay?" He says

"Yeah, I was just lost in thought," You say

"Anyway, we're here," He says. You look around and see tall gates. You feel even more excited.

"Alexis! Its Aphmau were back!" You then see a girl with light brown hair lean over the edge. She smiles at the sight at Aphmau The gates rise and you walk inside. It looks nothing like your cousin explained it. It looked run down and old. Trees are everywhere and they are towering over you. You keep walking but not keeping your eyes in front of you. You take another step but you don't feel the ground. You then realize that you just fell into one of the wholes that were in the bridge.


Word count: 1155

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