Part 18

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You know that it sounded crazy, you leaving Aphmau to go find your mother.  After being a part of the guard for half an hour.  You didn't know what to tell Aphmau,  you had no idea if she would be mad for you leaving.  She never seemed like the person to do that.

The village seemed a little more lively today than it usually seemed.    You smile as you see Dimitri run up to you. "Hello,"  He smiles 

"Hey Dimitri,  So about sparring..."  You say quietly, and his smile slowly fades. "We are so going to have to do that today, we'll do it in a little bit.  Come and get me when you're ready,"  You say kneeling down to meet his eyes.

"Okay!"  His eyes sparkle "Can my dad come?"  He asks 

"Of course, he going to have to be there when I kick your butt." You say 

"Oh please, we both know I'll be winning,"  He says before running off into the trees.  Who knows where that kid was going.   

"Didnt know you were so good with kids..." You stand up and meet Laurence's eyes. 

"Yeah, I guess I am.  A lot of the kids in the village wanted me to play with them all of the time.  Even if I was busy I would always go outside and chase them around the playground. "

"Sounds like you got a lot of work done? He jokes but a small part of him being serious. 

"Nope.  I mean- I did it just I didnt go to bed until the sun was up."

"Sounds like they really liked you.". He grins walking a little closer.  " would you ever want kids?" His thumb is placed gently on your chin.

"I'm not against it.   But I want to do things before I'm dedicated to taking care of a child." You grin as you feel his hand move to the side of your face.  Words could not explain how madly in love you were with this man. 

"What about you?  Do you want that life?" You take his hand and place it in yours.  Being with him made you feel at home. 

"Someday.  Yes.  I would love to have kids." Laurence says with no regret. 

"Then well have to plan on that." He grins "but for now, I need to find my mom.  I want to know who and where I came from.  Learn about that side of my family that I never met." You feel tears forming. 

"Then Im guessing you are going to Pikoro?" he says worry growing in his eyes. 

"Yes.  And it would mean everything to me if you came.  You don't have to but I would appreciate it."

"Y/N, I can't just leave Aph.  My duty is to protect her that's what I promised Gorroth.  And besides, she could easily be lying about all of that. "

"I know Laurence, but what if she's not.  What if my mom is still out there?  I have to take that chance.  And you either with me on this or not." You say calmly giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking to your house.  You weren't mad or anything and he knew that.   But he had to k ow that this came first before the guard. 

"Ah, Y/N is it?" You turn around to see a girl with Pink hair and a Tail, and cat ears.  You had a few meif'was in your village back home. 

"Yes, you are?" You ask kindly, you were pretty sure this is Dantes wife. They had a daughter, you couldn't place her name but you knew her.

"Kawaii~Chan," she smiles at you.  The kindest smile you have ever seen.

"Nice to meet you kawaii~Chan,"  You then realize the house behind her.  And the heavenly smell coming from it.  "Hmmm, what is that delicious smell?"  You say 

"Ah thats Kawaii~Chan's cake, it just came out of the oven.  Would you like to come in for some, as well as some tea?"  She asks looking back at her door.

"Please,"  You reply following her inside.  

She points you in the direction of the kitchen table.   She cuts the cake carefully and sets a plate in front of you.  The sweet pastry smelling even better than it did a moment ago.   But you dont want to be rude so you wait for her to sit down with your tea before eating. 

She stirs the tea at the counter.  She looks happy and very happy.  The whole village has actually.   From the moment you got here the village has been very lively. 

" So, I must ask, it's been on my mind for some time now,"  You say as she sets tea down in front of you. 

"Hm?"  Is all she gives as a reply while sitting down.

"The town.  Its been very... Well... How do I put this?"  You say trying to think of the perfect word.

"Happy, we have all been very happy. " She smiles to her self as she sips her tea. "And its all because of you..."  She looks you in the eyes.  And her face shows the most genuine smile anyone could make.

"Wha-?   How?"  You ask you had no clue as to why they would all be happy because you're being here.

"We haven't seen Laurence this happy in such a long time.  It was hard for him to smile.  With Gorroth getting left behind.  Aphmau constantly pushing him away.  Then you came along and we got the old Laurence back.  He just seems a lot happier now that you are with him.  And he deserves to smile, he does so much for all of us here. "  She looks at you, as your eyes fill with tears. "Thank you,"   You try and hold them back but fail at the attempt and you feel warm tears flow down your cheeks. 

"Dont cry hun, "  She says kindly, and you laugh a little seeing as you can't stop.  

You sniff "Im happy he's happy,"  She hands you a tissue and you wipe your eyes and nose.  You almost forget about your cake.  And with that, you dig in. 

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