Part 7

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"M'lady, there are creatures at our gates!" Zach says running up to you.

"What?" You say running past him and towards the Village gates. You then see them their eyes yellow and cloaks for a skin. You feel as though they are staring into your soul. Finding every one of your dirty little secrets, every lie you've told. You quickly turn away and look behind you, to see Michael run up to the gates as well.

"They're-" He begins

"Shadow souls..."  


                                                           We continue...

You have only seen a shadow should once, but you would know them anywhere.  And now they're at our gates.  Cadenza told me they have been at New Metelli two times both of them not ending well.

All of a sudden you see him, a man with a red bandana and black hoodie,  he draws his sword.  A large purple sword, its like none you have ever seen, but you can tell it an older model.   He barely sings his sword making them all fall, disappearing before they hit the ground.   But more emerge from the trees.  You hear a scream and spin quickly to your left seeing your friend Andrea getting pulled into the forest.  You begin to run after her but you are swiftly pulled back by Michael.

You jump up gasping for air, it been a long time since you have had that dream.  You at the bed and see Laurence is no longer there.  He shouldn't be up right now, he should be resting.  You think.  You get up to go look for him and stop yourself when you see three sets of armor.  You recognize one of them, being a very VERY old O'khasis uniform.  You haven't seen one like that in years.  Your Uncle was a guard for O'khasis, and he had a very similar set.  You smile at the memory of him.

You walk down the steps and begin to look for Laurence.  What if he doesn't want me looking for him... You freeze, stopping in the middle of the path.

Then you see Dimitri (Dante's son who came to visit Laurence while he was out.  You also met him when you went to Talk with Lord Nicole) walking around with small katanas, you run up to him.

"Hey, Dimitri have you seen Laurence?" You ask 

"Um no sorry," He begins "Why?"  

"Oh um, no reason he just went on a walk and I'm looking for him."  You smile 

"Oh okay, "  He says "Oh, by the way, Mr.   Told me about how good you are in combat! My Mom never said you were a good fighter.   We should spar sometime, okay?"  He says grinning

"Mr.?"  You ask confused 

"You know the man with the bandana?"  He says back

How did he-?  You think

"So we should spar sometime okay?" He asks 

"Yeah we'll do that,"  You say.  His eyes sparkle and his grin growing bigger. 

"Bye!"  He yells running off 

"Bye!" You yell back

You walk through the village as the wind blows onto your wet clothes making you grow colder.  You somehow make it to the docks and look out at the ocean.  You walk closer to the edge the wood creaking every step you take.   You look out at the horizon stars appearing just above the water, as the sky turns a light purple. 

You sigh "He's not here,"  You say to yourself 

"Whos not here?"  You turn around when you hear Laurence's voice  "Were you looking for me ], M'lady?"  He smirks 

"Actually I was, you need to get back to bed,"  You say

"I'm fine,  Aphmau can heal me when she gets back."  He smiles. You grow more irritated when you heere him say that.   (A/N:  Lol yes that was a Be More Chill Reference,  lol sorry back to the story.)  

"Well, Laurence she isn't going to be back for another week!"  You say not meaning to shout

"I can manage,"  He says calmly 

"No, you cant Laurence,  you're badly injured you need to be resting!  Okay?"  

"I'm fine (Y/N)!" He shouts back 

"NO YOU ARENT, I SAW YOU IN A POOL OF BLOOD I SAW YOU BLEEDING OUT FROM YOUR SIDE!  I HEARD YOU SCREAM IN PAIN!" you say, his eyes widening.  you do your best to calm yourself.  "She left without telling you, she didn't think to tell you,  I'm sorry to break it to you but she doesn't love you and never will, you need to stop treating her as she will suddenly jump into your arms."  You say quickly you then notice what you said

"Laurence I-"  You feel horrible for what you said

"DONT YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?"  He says "I KNOW THAT WON'T HAPPEN!  I KNOW SHE DOESNT LOVE ME,"  He calms himself, " I think you should leave, Pheonix Drop,"  He says,  You nod even though you dont want to leave,  "I'll leave right in the morning,"  You walk to one of the old houses, that no one lives in.  And when you step inside you can't help but feel you have been here before.  You lay down on the floor with your arm under your head.  And you let out all the tears you were holding back before.

You open your eyes, that are still puffy from last night. You sit up and stretch, putting your arms above your head. You walk outside of the house where you expect the door was before it became so run down.  You look at the ground its wet,  It must have rained.   you think and you walk towards the gates and see a merchant that has visited your village more than once.  You didn't even know he lived here.

"Hey, Logan!"  You say he's by a woman from how much he talked about his wife that must be her. 

"Oh hey, lady (Y/N). "  He says turning away from the woman you expect to be Donna.  You walk up to them and smile at the woman.  "Oh right!  (Y/N)  this my wife who I told you about, Donna."  Knew it!

Hi, Donna nice to meet you!   You rehearse in your head.  "Hello, Donna nice to meet you,"  You say "You look as beautiful as your husband described you,"  You smile and her face shows a welcoming one.

"Why thank you, it's nice to meet you too."  She says then she looks around you,  "Oh hey Laurence!"

You turn around and see him...  And Guilt takes over...


Word Count: 1102

A/N:  Hi I really hope you enjoying this chapter!  Let me know what you think, will happen next chapter.  See you then!!!

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