Part 16

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Loud cheers and claps came from the village.  Some looked sad some looked happy for you.  

"Let's have a farewell party in the village!  Everyone is invited!"  You look behind you and glare at him.  You have never been a big fan of Parties whether they are for you or for someone else. 

You all walk to the plaza where it already looks like there is food.  And music.   Zach definitely had this planned.   The party lasts about two hours and you actually enjoyed yourself.  You got to spend more time with the villagers. And with Zach.  You didn't think of him as a little brother until he pointed it out.  You did think of him as a part of your family.  

You look around the plaza for a moment.  Its the time where a lot of people aren't her and most of them have gone home.  You see something off into the distance,  almost like a gold bird flying in the sky.  It slows its wings and lands on one the stands in the plaza.   It's not a bird, it's a...  WYVERN!

You make your way to it, slowly.  As far as you knew none of them are even in this world.   You stop when you are in front of it a little nervous.  But you soon relax when you see a note in its hands.

"This is a note from a few people in Pheonix Drop. "  It says quietly.  You are little surprised by the fact that it can talk.  But you dont acknowledge it instead you say, "Thank you,"  You give it a small smile.  

"Y-You can hear me?"  He says in shock 

"Yeah?  I thought you knew that since you know you talked to me first?"  You say confused 

"Yes, but I wasn't expecting you to hear me,  you must be a descendant of Lady Irene!"  He says 

"Hahaha very funny,"  You say 

"No, only she had the gift to talk with Wyverns, to speak their language..."  He says "And her descendants," 

"That's not possible,  do you think its something new?  Like a magical ability?"  You say (A/N:  This is actually something I made up.  It is actually a magic power that you discover you have.  You can talk to animals.  Sort of like Kiki.  But she doesn't have the ability to talk with Wyverns.  You are not a descendant of Irene.)

"It might be, "  He says "I'm afraid I have gotten off topic, would you like to read your letter?"  He asks kindly 

"Please," You take the letter from him and it read:  

Dear Y/N, 

I have heard that you want to be a guard for me.  Laurence told me.  I know you are still in Blue Diamond and I can't do this in person.  I would truly love to accept you as one of my guards.   See you in Pheonix Drop tomorrow morning...


"Thank you, What is your name?"  You ask the Wyvern.

"Raven, my name is Raven...  It was nice to meet you Y/N,"  Before you know it he flies off into the woods.  You feel a tap on the shoulder and you turn around to see Zach.    He holds out a sword. 

"This is for you... A present..." He says handing it to you.  


"This is--"  You begin but can't make out the words

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"This is--"  You begin but can't make out the words.  

"An exact replica of Michael's sword."  He finishes your sentence.  

You feel tears swell up in your eyes.  "I love it thank you!"  You hug him.  "I have to get going if you ever need anything let me know.  I'll come and help anytime..." You say pulling away from your hug.  "Bye Zach,"   He waves at you as you walk away and towards the gates. 




After some time you make it to Pheonix Drop.  It was a long long journey.  But you couldn't be happier to be here.  You reach the gates. 

"Hello Y/N,"  You see Alexis over the edge.  

"Hello Alexis,"  You smile at her as she opens the gates. You get off your horse and walk it through the gates.  

"Y/N!"  You look down the path and see Laurence running down the path.  When he reaches you he picks you up and spins you around. Its a scene straight from a movie.  He kisses you passionately.  

"heh,  I was without you for barely a day."  You say 

"That's not it, I'm just really happy you're here."  He leans his head on yours, grinning. 

"Me too,"  He pulls you in closer, his hands on your waist. Laurence gives you one more peck on the lips. 

"C'mon!"  He says taking your hand 

"Wait where are going?"  You ask a little confused.

"I have a surprise for you,"  He says a huge grin on his face.  He looks like a little kid wanting to show his mother a picture.  He looks adorable. We stop at an old house,  a small one but the perfect size.

"What is this?" You ask

"This is your house,  I fixed it up this morning,"  He says,

"Thank you, this means so much to me!"  You jump into his arms and hug him. "What about you?  Where do you stay?"  You ask him his forehead resting on yours.

" I stay at the guard station.  Buut~ I could stay here if you'd like,"  He sings, wrapping his arms around you from behind. 

"Hmm, that's hard to decline,"  You laugh,  

He turns you around and looks you in the eyes.  "I'm being serious though Y/N,  I want to be with you every morning..."  He says his cheeks turning slightly red.

"Laurence we have been together for no more than a week..." You say putting your arms around his neck. His hands move down to your waist.  

"That doesn't matter, I love you more than I have ever loved in my life. I want to be with you,  I want to wake up with you.  Go to bed with you every night." He says smiling at you 

"Laurence..."   You grin,  he is so cute when he's nervous. "Of course I want you there with me,"

"Really?"  His face lights up

"Yes,"  You gently place your lips on his. It starts off slow but grows into something rough.  You smile into the kiss. Without pulling away, you open the door and take him inside. 

You close the door behind you and Laurence pushes you up against it.  He has one hand on your cheek, and one on your thigh.  You pull away gasping for breath.  Laurence places his thumb on your lips and drags it down to your chin.  Kissing you once again, he smiles.  With one hand you let go of Laurence and reach for the doorknob, you hear a click, signaling its locked.

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