Part 22

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All three of you walk out the door,  the air cool.   It made you shiver slightly, as you walked through the town.  You saw so many faces you missed,  Carl from the bakery.  Sebastian from the book store.  The town greeted you, with waves, smiles, and even hugs.  You felt as if you could cry but you held back the tears.  Many people looked at your hands and questioned why they were linked with Laurence's.  Well not necessarily, it was more like their eyes did.  They just looked from you and Laurence and smiled, obviously knowing what was happening. 

It was a  short walk to the church, seeing as how small the village was.  You step inside and you are faced with a gush of even colder air.  

"Did Sasha even say where it was?"  Laurence asks 

"No, but I have an idea,"  You say as you head for the staircase.   "He would always go up to the bell tower and write,"  You say looking around for a moment.  The statue of lady Irene looking as though it's been polished.  You smile,  once again thinking of your mother and how she adored Irene.  

You feel Laurence take your hand again as he walks next to you,  it sent shivers down your spine.  You weren't really used to the feeling of being with him.  You look over at him and his eyes catch yours.  He grins and winks at you, which makes you turn away and walk over to the stairs.  You hear a chuckle from him as you do so.  

You walk up to the bell tower, your face being hit with fast winds,  your dad used to take you up here and sit with you as he wrote, or worked on papers.  But you could never think of Sasha being there.  Never not once in your life had you seen a little girl with white hair and purple eyes.  

You feel a sharp pain in your head,  it ran through your temples, your forehead.  Everywhere throughout your head.  

Tears filled your eyes as your father held you back.  Your Sister walked out the door with a bag on her back.  She looked back you, the pain growing in her eyes.  It made you want to burst out crying even more.  Seeing your older sister cry is not a good sight. 

That was the day she left that was the day you no longer had seen your sister but why hadn't you remembered it before? Why all of a sudden? You look around for a moment, then you see it.  It was a seat in the wall, like a cabinet of some sorts.  You push on it, with all the strength you had. And it bursts open, the wall giving in revealing four journals tied together.  Your eyes widen, you grab them quickly and rip off the ribbon around them. 

Laurence walks behind you along with Aphmau.  They stare at the journals in confusion.  "What are those?"  Aphmau asks leaning down next to you to get a closer look. 

"Diaries basically, everything that ever happened after I was born is in here.  I know that for a fact." You say flipping through the pages "You guys can go, I need to read these by myself."  You say and they both look at you concerned "Really go. Get a drink or some food. I need to find out about my past alone."  They both nod and walk back down the staircase. You open the page of the first book, it was dated about 15 years ago.  You would have been 6 at the time (A/N: Sorry if that is your age but it's necessary to the plot.)

Dear Journal,

Today Y/N has been acting differently.  She keeps saying that she knows what will happen. And that she can see the future, she sounds like her mother.  And as for Sasha, it hasn't been going well. She's been difficult.  She's been closed off.  

You flip a couple of pages forward not continuing the page.  I guess she was right. Sasha is your sister. 

Dear Journal,

Y/N has been worse, she keeps seeing different things. Not only that she has been making illusions. Making things appear out of thin air that isn't really there. Its been out of control I have to get rid of it. And as for Sasha, she has been the same still giving me the silent treatment.   

Once again you flip through more pages, 

Dear Journal, 

I found it! A way to get rid of Y/N's...  Abilities.  Its a pendant, as long as she's wearing it, it will get rid of her powers.

You look down at the pendant on your chest. You look back at the journal and see the rest of the page has been scribbled out. You once again look at your necklace and rip it off.  Throwing it on the ground and see it shatter before your eyes.  The strain grows in your head and you fall to your knees.  The pain growing unbearable.  All these visions were flowing through your head. Of your past, of memories.  Memories with Sasha, with mom. 

You read till your brain hurt, everything that Sasha said was true.  You father had found out you were like your mother and you could make illusions and have premonitions.  He had given you an amulet so you couldn't use it.  He had always told you it was for protection.  I guess he lied.  Soon after that, your parents split, you and your sister had different fathers.  Your own was enraged. Both your sister and mother would be banished from the village. After that, your father got into some things...  He had gotten into dark magic he had taken your amulet and not only did he keep you shielded from your powers but it made you forget about them, along with your sister. And everything that happened. So mom was alive or at least she was last time Sasha checked.  Your father wrote that she had lived in Scaleswind after Sasha died in the Nether.  Your father had died a few weeks after Sasha so-called 'Died'.  Thats when the Journals ended, he had been working on a project with his magic and it went... Wrong...  It was all so confusing, the life you knew was actually completely different.  

You knew what you were going to do next... You were going to find your mom.  For real this time...


I hope you enjoyed this chapter I love you all so much and thank you for 500 reads.  It means so much thank you!


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