Part 25 (Last Chapter)

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Your heart shatters, instead of a woman, there is a young girl standing at the door. She looks just above six years old.

"Hello," She says, her voice small.

"Hi," You say your voice breaking. You feel a hand grasp your own. Laurence speaks for you, still holding your hand tightly

"Is there an Esmera living here?" He says quietly, just above a whisper. Almost as if he spoke any louder the petite girl would crack, like a glass doll. The young girl nods, and you feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. She closes the and then a woman returns, her hair brown hair, becoming gray at the roots. She was old but still looked young in a way.

"Hello? How may I help you?" She says, the young girl appearing behind her.

"Do you by chance know an Esmera Y/L/N?" Her eyes widen and a panicked look covers her face.

"Depends on who's asking," She says keeping the door only opened an inch. You speak up this time, not wanting Laurence to have to speak for you.

"Y/F/N, Y/L/N," You say sheepishly, your heart racing. She looks you up and down.

"So he told you?" She said, "Your father," She said opening the door welcomely. But none of you moved.

"No," You say "Sasha did, I would love to explain this all to you please, can I come in?" You ask not wanting to intrude but you really wanted to talk to her.

"Of course Y/N," She said and you walked inside. Aphmau and Laurence stayed outside, knowing that you wanted to speak to her alone.

She told you everything, from her having to move for being accused of being a witch. And that she had to change her name, she moved in with a woman and her daughter. And had been there ever since. And you told her everything, ever since you met Laurence. Everything you could remember after her leaving. Everything from the journals about your power. It was a confusing story, something you could write a novel about. She didn't get it at first. You also told her about Sasha, about being a shadow, Knight.

She fills you in on your power, "So you're telling me that the fact that I can talk to Wyverns is because I had powers. And I can make anything to my will appear as an illusion. And premonitions of my future and those I love?" She nods.

"That's a lot." You breathe out.

"I know, but you'll get used to it. It was a lot when I was younger too," She takes your hand, something your a little taken back by, but you don't pull away. "If that power gets into the wrong hands, it can be bad. Don't let the Shadow Knights or their king take you away, you are lucky that you got away that time." You nod, all of this seemed so surreal. She seemed like she was before, well she wasn't as carefree. She seemed more closed off.

"Listen, Hun, I can't go back, not ever. Those people cast me out, and I won't be able to be there, so come and visit me. Okay?" She said once more.

"I love you mom,"

"I love you too kiddo," She looks around "Now tell me about that hunk out there, is he yours?" She said this was the her you remembered.

You tell her more about Laurence, the two of you gushing like teens. Honestly, it was nice, sudden but nice. You didn't know what was happening next, everything that you were searching for you found. And now you felt complete you had Laurence, you had your mom. You found out your story. And so maybe there were things you had to worry about, but you had two villages on your side, not just Pheonix Drop. But Blue Diamond as well. So maybe we were reaching the end of your story. Maybe this was all that was meant to be said, this was your time to finally relax.

You say your goodbyes to your mom, promising to visit her in a few weeks. Walking outside the sun is setting, Laurence and Aphmau were on the ground and the moment you saw Laurence he sat up and he hugged you.

"You finally made it. You made it through your adventure." He said and your eyes watered. "Now it's time for our story," He smiled and you nodded and kissed him, you were unbelievably happy.

*Time Skip*

It's been about eight months since you found your mom, and you had dealt with Sasha. Unfortunately. And you were now a full-time guard, with Laurence. You visited your mom every month or at least tried to.

"Try me, kid," You smile at Dimitri, he holds his training katanas in his hand. You and Dimitri do this every week. Since you never got around to it before you had to make up for it.

"I can't exactly beat a pregnant woman!" He smiles and looks at your belly. Your about three months pregnant, and let's just say you didn't like people treating you like you were.

"Don't hold back kid," You say a small grin on your face. You both train for about twenty minutes more until the end of your lesson. No matter how many times you objected, Levin always made you stand back on guarding. So you were on Gate duty, even if you hated it.

You sit down on a bench outside the cool air feels good on your sweaty skin. "Hey, Y/N," Laurence walks up to you and gives you a kiss. Sitting down next to you, taking your hand. "So I've been meaning to talk to you," He said, and a slight panic filled your body. "Wanna go up to the guard tower?" He said, "If you're feeling up to it?" He smiles, you nod and follow him down the path. You both make your way up the tower, you go a bit easy on the ladder.

You breathe out in relief as you get to the top. "Y/N?" You say and you turn around, and your heart stops. There he is down on one knee a ring out in his hand. "So we have a bit of a story, our own private stories out own backgrounds. And yet here we are, already starting our own. This is our adventure, this is what we want to do, we get to make out own choices. Our own plot, our own ending. Our own words, and right now, all I want is to make you mine. Forever. And that's why I'm asking you right now to marry me." He gives you expectant eyes, tears spill from your own.

"This is not fair to do to a pregnant woman!" You say

"Y/N, will you marry me?" He asks a grin on his face.

"Yes! I will!" He places the ring on your finger, and you smash your lips onto his.

Your story was just beginning...

________________________________________________________________________________Word Count: 1167

OMG!OMG! I FINISHED THE BOOK I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!! I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I had fun writing it. Thank you for all of the reads and votes. I love you all and this story means so much to me. This web series means so much to me. No matter what I was always able to write this book, even if I had no motivation to write my others. Twenty Five long chapters and its come to an end. This was truly an amazing experience, I love you all!! Make sure to Vote, Comment, and Follow!



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