Part 23

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After you are completely done reading the journals, the sky was completely dark.  The only light source for you was the moon.  You quickly got up and carried the journals to your house.   The whole home was dark, not one candle was lit. You had guessed that Laurence and Aphmau were still getting something to eat.  You gently set the journals on the coffee table and made your way to the town pub.  You walked inside, all of the tables filled with people.  You spotted Aphmau and Laurence at the bar with drinks in front of them.  

You walk up to the bar and join them, sitting in an empty seat next to Aphmau.  Their faces were a light pink from the beer.  

"Y/N you're done already?" Aphmau said you words slurred.  You look from Laurence to Aphmau 

"Dang when I said you should get a drink I didn't mean chug the entire pub..."  You look to all of the glasses in front of them.  

"Sorry she got a little carried away, I tried to stop her but it didn't work that well." Laurence said, "I guess she can't handle her liquor as well as me..."  He jokes 

"Yeah, we should get her home..."  You say as both you and Laurence stand up.  Each of you put one of her arms around your neck, carrying her at her waist to the house. She was fairly heavy, and when you both set her down on the bed you definitely felt relief on your body.  

You and Laurence walk downstairs and sit on the sofa. "So what did you find out in the Journals?"  Laurence asks as he puts his feet in your lap.  

You told him everything, tears streaming down your face in the process. You hadn't really thought about everything in the writing, you hadn't really processed any of it.  How all of it was so horrible. 

"So do you think that's why Sasha wanted you?  It sounds like you have a pretty immense power don't you think?"  He says looking at you kindly 

"I mean maybe..."  

"Are you going to find your mom?"  He asks eagerly 

"Of course! I mean that's why I came here, so I'm going to follow through on this so-called 'adventure'."  You say quietly 

"Okay, so Scaleswind tomorrow then?" He says getting up and walking toward the kitchen.

"Yep, Scaleswind tomorrow, " You confirm following him to the kitchen.  You arrange a few of the teacups in the sink.  "Wanna go to bed?"  You ask as you make your way to the steps. 

"Yeah," He smiles, and then winks, "Bed, huh?" 

"Yes, bed."  You say walking up the steps 

"What a drag,"  He says jokingly and follows you upstairs.  You and Laurence really haven't gotten any further than making out.  And yes, of course, that isn't a big deal.  But it made you worry, you continued walking up the stairs. You guys have only been together for a little while but... No, you wouldn't think about it anymore, it didn't mean anything. 

You flopped onto the bed and sighed.  Your eyes felt droopy and you could barely keep them open. Laurence walked through your bedroom door and lifted his shirt above his head as he jumped into the bed. He lay there next to you, both of you stared at the ceiling. 

"So bed, huh,"  He rolled over on his side and stared at you. "Are you sure, that sounds boring,"  

"Heh, it may just depend..." You said and smiled, and he gave you a toothy grin in return.  


The sun shone through the window the next morning. Not wanting to get up from the familiar bed, you looked around.  An arm draped over your waist, you looked over to see Laurence, his messy hair resting on the pillow. As quietly as you can you get up from the comfortable mattress and get dressed. Once again going over to your dresser, only to find all of your things were gone.  You had almost forgotten really, that you had moved. 

You walked to the Church, the morning air biting your skin. You once again had his journal and began reading.  Trying to find anything else about your mom.  You understood why your father loved this place so much, it was quiet and peaceful. 

You found nothing else about your mother, and all you knew about her was that her name was Esmera. "Y/N?" You turned and saw Aphamu in the doorway. "Scaleswind?"  She said

"Yeah, Scaleswind."  You got up piling the journals into your hand, then dropped them into your backpack. You all headed for Scaleswind, it was at least a day-long walk. And let's just say it was tiring.  Seeing as you had gotten barely any sleep last night, you could barely keep your eyes open.  The walk lasted for a little while, but it felt longer, and by the time you finally made it to the town, it was late into the night. The guards were hesitant to let you in but when Nicole came to the gates, they welcomed you with open arms.

"Nicole!"  You ran to her your arms stretched wide for a hug.  She gladly gave you one, even if she was tired. "We are so sorry to have come so late! But we have leads on my mom."  You said and her eyes widened

"Y/N That's amazing let me know how it goes, and never be sorry about coming, let's talk when you can okay?" She looked back at Aphmau and Laurence, she looked a little shocked about the fact they were there with you. You all stayed at Nicole's for the night.  You shared a room with Laurence while Aphmau was in the next room over.  You both lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling the light of the moon shining through the curtains. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't sleep, even if you were exhausted you couldn't.  Tomorrow was going to be it, you were going to find your mother. And it made you so happy 

Word Count: 1006

Make sure to vote and Comment love you all and thank you so much for almost 700 reads.  I'm not the best writer but it makes me so happy people are reading this.  BYYYEEEEEE

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