Part 14

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You get up from the table and walk away.  You take a look back at him and he looks sad.  You feel a knot forming in your stomach ignoring it you walk out into the rain.  
                       We Continue

You feel the warm rain pour down on you.  So much for being in a better mood.    But after what Zach said you are rethinking everything.  He was completely right.  It was a really selfish move.   You are now lost and you don't know what to do.  You wander around the village thinking.  You didn't want to leave your people but you didn't want to leave Laurence either.  

"What am I going to tell him?"  You mumble under your breath.  Laurence, I want to be with him.   But it's so selfish. 

You look up.  Somehow you wandered to your house.  You walk inside.  You feel the warmth on your cold wet skin.  You walk over to your fire not bothering to change.  You sit down by the fire you pull your knees to your chest.  And feel a tear go down your cheek.  You are so lost and don't know what to do.  You have responsibilities as a lord.  You're full-blown crying now, you didn't even realize.

You hear a knock on the door: "Y/N are you in there?"   You hear Laurence ask through the door.  

"Yeah, I'm in here."  You say wiping away the tears on your face and drying your eyes.    

"May I come in?"  He asks 

"Yeah of course,"   You see the front door open and Laurence walks inside.  You smile at him trying to hide the fact that you're upset. 

"Y/N are you okay?"  His eyes show worry

"No..." You say turning your head towards the fire.

"What's wrong?"  He asks quietly.

"I'm so confused...  I want to be a guard with you in Pheonix Drop,   but I have responsibilities as Lord.   I have my people I need to be there for.  I can't just leave them.  Especially with the Shadow Souls, and the Nether portal is open.  And-  I just don't know!"  

"Y/N..."   He says softly "You know that Ill support you no matter what you choose.  ANd if I'm going to be completely honest I want you to come with me to Pheonix Drop.  But I know you have a job."

"You're not helping,"  You laugh and you hear a chuckle come from him.

"What I'm saying is...  I have no choice in the matter whatever you think is right is the best decision,"  He gives you a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks, dork," 

"You know you love me,"  He says flamboyantly 

"Yeah I do,"  You say as you lean in and place your lips on his.  It was only meant to be a small kiss but it grew into something a bit fast.  His hands land on your waist and hold them. You ruffle your fingers through his hair.  

His tongue enters your mouth and it fights for dominance.  You almost win but you also soon fail to leave him in charge.  Realizing you are both in a horribly uncomfortable position he lifts you up slightly and places you on his lap.  His hands move up your torso and end up right below your chest.   

He pulls away leaving you both gasping for air.  Laurence looks at you with a kind smile but a hint of mischief.  You then gut pushed down to the ground.  Your legs are wrapped around Laurence as he is hovering over you.  He kisses your cheek and then makes his way to your neck.   He kisses it and ever so lightly sucks on it trying to find your sweet spot.  Laurence soon finds it,  he sucks and even tenderly bites your neck.  MAking you quietly moan.  Your fingers still in his hair you softly tug in it.  Making him chuckle, "Enjoying this M'lady?"  He asks pulling away from your neck and looking at you.

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