Part 3

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"We want you to join the Pheonix Alliance..."  She says 

"What? Why?"   you ask 

"Well we think you would be a good ally"

"That's very kind, but We are such a small village I don't know if we would be much help in a war,  why would you want us to be in your alliance.   I mean I would love to but what's in it for you?"  You ask 

"Nothing actually,  we just need more people in this alliance,  and if your village is small or needs any help we are there."  Aphmau says "We just want more people we can count on if we ever go into war with The Tu'la region..."  says Laurence 

"Okay,"  You say Hesitantly "I will be happy to join The Pheonix Alliance..."  You hold out your hand for Aphmau to shake.  She takes it signaling your agreement.  "I have no doubt that you and the rest of Pheonix drop are very much like you and your guard Laurence.  Willing to save anyone even if you don't even know them.  I am very happy to be a part of your alliance."  

You look over to Laurence and smile, he smirks back.  You feel your heart beat faster.  No! I'm a lord I don't have time for this!  I have to focus on my people!   You scold yourself.  While Cadenza and Aphmau are talking  Laurence looks over to aphmau.  His face lights up,  that look he's giving her!  

He loves her...

"I think I'm going up to bed,"  Cadenza says standing up and walking up the stairs "Feel free to stay and talk."  She says I then see Aphmau get up as well  "I think I'm going to bed as well,"  She says following Cadenza upstairs.

"Good night!"  Both You and Laurence say 

"Sorry to leave you alone but I need some fresh air..." Before he can say anything you get up and walk out the door.

You sit down in the soft grass and look up at the stars.  You have always loved nature but coming out at night and star gazing you could do every night.  When you were little you would beg your father to take you outside to play in the fields.  To climb trees, you never wanted to go inside. 

 You reposition yourself-leaning on your hands with your feet in front of you.      But now you can't even go outside without being followed.  You can't get any of the clothes you wear dirty what so ever.  You have more important responsibilities now.

You look over and see cadenza's front door open and Laurence steps outside.    

"Hey," He says sitting down next to you up against a tree.  You both sit in silence for Irene knows how long before you finally have the guts to say it.

"You love her, don't you?"  You ask calmly

"What?"  He says his face turning slightly red

"Aphmau,  you love her, right?" You say 

"Yeah, but how did you..."  He says 

"By the way you look at her,  whenever you hear or say her name your face lights up.  And don't even get me started with when she enters a room."  You smile at him  "Y'know I loved someone once too,"  You say 

"Really?"  He says getting into a more comfortable position.  As though he's ready to listen to a story.

"Yes, He and I grew up together and even went to trains as guards together. "  You tell the story he was ready for  "One day we got news that three Lords were captured and taken to the nether, one of them being my father.  The other two were the same ones that were captured fifteen years ago.  The Lord of Pikoro, and the Lord of Bright port.   It was a long, LONG journey to get them back.  When we finally got to the nether I got them.  Victor and I were chased away by shadow Knights.  He held as many of them off as he could.  He told me to run,  I protested but he forced me to.  Then I saw one of them kill him like he was nothing throwing him into the lava when they were finished.  It hurt me so much to leave but I had to get the lords out of there,  for him..."  You finish your story

"That's terrible," He says softly "Do you think he's-?"  He begins 

"A shadow Knight? Maybe,"  You say 

"Really though, that's awful."  

"It is,  he is- was my best friend when we were kids he told me that when I was lord he would be my first in command,"  I laugh "I didn't even want to be Lord, I wanted to be a guard.  To fight alongside him."

"About that,  why did you go through with all of that when you knew you had to be Lord someday anyway?"

"Because I guess a part of me, thought that the day when I would be Lord would never come, you know?"   You say "And I needed to learn to protect myself anyway.  I didn't want guards following me everywhere, I wanted to protect myself,  look how that turned out, eh?"  You say

"That reminds me of Aphmau,  she never really wants to be protected.  Shes always telling me she can protect herself."  His face lights up just talking about her.  

"Why aren't you with her again?  I mean why hasn't she given you a chance yet?  Your smart, sweet, attractive, strong." You ask 

"Becuase she doesn't love me, she loves someone else..."  He looks to the ground

"Shame..." You say  You sit there for a little while "If I'm going to be a part of your alliance,  I want to go to Pheonix Drop.  I have always wanted to go there,  my friend told me how wonderful it was in its glory days."  You laugh

"Then we will have to go there and you'll have to see it- Wait I thought you said you were there a few days ago?"  He says 

"I did but, we talked about trade,  strictly business.  And I didn't even get to see the place I didn't go any further than the docks."  You say 

"Okay, then we will have to head out tomorrow morning, it's very close to here.  We will get there in the days time."  He says 

"Wonderful!  I'll see you tomorrow then,  get some sleep, okay?"  You say 

"Okay, as long as you do too."  You stand up and walk inside,  you feel his eyes on you as you walk inside.  You lay down on your bed and sigh.  But immediately cover your mouth once you remember that Cadenza is also in the room.   

"Don't go falling for him..."  She mumbles half asleep.

You smile "Too late..."    


Word count: 1123

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